1 00:00:00,640 --> 00:00:04,490 Let's say you've asked yourself once again when you're trying to communicate your work. 2 00:00:04,540 --> 00:00:06,130 Who's it for. 3 00:00:06,130 --> 00:00:09,600 And the answer is people outside your team. 4 00:00:10,090 --> 00:00:13,150 So clients customers fans. 5 00:00:13,390 --> 00:00:15,150 It's also really important. 6 00:00:15,280 --> 00:00:18,730 After you've asked Who's afford to follow up with that other question we talked about. 7 00:00:18,730 --> 00:00:20,850 What do they need to know. 8 00:00:20,920 --> 00:00:26,140 And now again remember always the line here between these two groups isn't set in stone. 9 00:00:26,140 --> 00:00:27,940 They have overlaps. 10 00:00:27,940 --> 00:00:34,000 These exercises were going through only to get you thinking from a perspective of the person you're 11 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:35,830 trying to communicate with. 12 00:00:35,950 --> 00:00:42,800 What do they need to know now I think this one is best explained with a little story that I have now. 13 00:00:42,830 --> 00:00:48,730 I made a presentation for a board meeting once we were there to present our results on a recent software 14 00:00:48,740 --> 00:00:53,340 proof of concept to some executives and now being an engineer. 15 00:00:53,450 --> 00:01:00,020 My presentation slides were clogged with detailed text barely large enough to read it contained every 16 00:01:00,020 --> 00:01:01,890 single detail of the project. 17 00:01:01,910 --> 00:01:08,000 The techniques used equations algorithms acronyms with no definition. 18 00:01:08,000 --> 00:01:15,290 The presentation looked great to other engineers but caused the executives to squint lean in and basically 19 00:01:15,800 --> 00:01:24,110 ignore everything I was saying to just try and read what was on the slides but once we made it to the 20 00:01:24,110 --> 00:01:31,640 end a slide with a visual appeared to which I palmed off as basically unnecessary Oh don't worry about 21 00:01:31,640 --> 00:01:32,240 that. 22 00:01:32,510 --> 00:01:37,310 But this immediately sparked the interest of the executives. 23 00:01:37,370 --> 00:01:39,540 One of them asked What's that. 24 00:01:39,710 --> 00:01:48,680 And we spent the next 45 minutes discussing that one slide in detail the slide which to me didn't matter 25 00:01:49,670 --> 00:01:56,450 now the lesson here is what you think is important may be the opposite to others. 26 00:01:56,720 --> 00:02:05,540 And what's obvious to you what was obvious to me on this slide may be amazing to someone else now knowing 27 00:02:05,540 --> 00:02:09,210 this obvious to you but amazing to others. 28 00:02:09,260 --> 00:02:16,310 You'll start to realize unless they directly tell you figuring out what your clients customers and fans 29 00:02:16,310 --> 00:02:21,720 want to know is a challenge and a solution to this is to ask. 30 00:02:21,920 --> 00:02:28,220 So most people have a lot to offer like in my original presentation no one was saying anything because 31 00:02:28,220 --> 00:02:29,380 they're just trying to read the slides. 32 00:02:29,390 --> 00:02:34,640 But once we got to something that sparked their interest they had a lot to say. 33 00:02:34,820 --> 00:02:40,100 So remember most people have a lot to offer but rarely volunteer it. 34 00:02:40,130 --> 00:02:42,610 Ask if what you're saying is clear. 35 00:02:42,620 --> 00:02:47,630 Ask if there is anything else they'd like to see which is what we were talking about here for 45 minutes. 36 00:02:47,630 --> 00:02:52,250 Once I realized oh wait there is a lot of other things they'd like to see. 37 00:02:52,250 --> 00:02:56,840 Now of course you may get something left of field things that you're unsure of. 38 00:02:56,840 --> 00:03:02,620 In these cases it's up to you to address them before they become larger issues. 39 00:03:02,630 --> 00:03:10,000 Don't forget sometimes the best answer is I don't know but I'll figure it out and get back to you. 40 00:03:10,040 --> 00:03:15,470 Or That's not what we're focused on for now and then bringing it back to what you are focused on. 41 00:03:16,310 --> 00:03:21,910 So these things are just some of the tricks of the trade that I've picked up over time. 42 00:03:21,980 --> 00:03:27,710 The next video we're going to wrap this all up put together what we've talked about in the last few 43 00:03:27,710 --> 00:03:28,280 videos.