1 00:00:01,340 --> 00:00:06,860 The most successful people that I know and I'm not just talking about developers I'm talking about all 2 00:00:06,860 --> 00:00:11,200 the successful people that I know are masters of learning. 3 00:00:11,260 --> 00:00:14,510 We all have the same amount of time in the day. 4 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:23,930 Twenty three hours 56 minutes and twenty six seconds however some people are able to accomplish more 5 00:00:23,930 --> 00:00:25,670 than others. 6 00:00:25,680 --> 00:00:27,870 Why is that. 7 00:00:27,880 --> 00:00:30,640 I'm a big proponent of efficiency. 8 00:00:31,090 --> 00:00:38,200 If you're able to learn something in much less time than somebody else then you can compound the benefit 9 00:00:38,590 --> 00:00:40,210 over your lifetime. 10 00:00:40,210 --> 00:00:47,290 Now I know many people have different learning abilities but this isn't a contest with others. 11 00:00:47,320 --> 00:00:49,600 This is a contest within yourself. 12 00:00:49,600 --> 00:00:53,570 Figure out what makes you successful and learning. 13 00:00:53,710 --> 00:00:59,350 Don't compare yourself to others whether you're a visual learner or maybe you need to take breaks every 14 00:00:59,350 --> 00:01:00,910 30 minutes. 15 00:01:00,910 --> 00:01:04,300 Figure out what your best learning style is. 16 00:01:04,300 --> 00:01:06,430 Learn how to learn. 17 00:01:06,460 --> 00:01:12,510 Don't just watch videos blindly at two times the speed and expect to learn everything. 18 00:01:12,550 --> 00:01:20,740 Find the most efficient way that works for you and keep practicing by learning to learn. 19 00:01:20,810 --> 00:01:24,370 You become a better developer as developers. 20 00:01:24,380 --> 00:01:32,210 We have to constantly learn throughout our career our learning never stops because technology is constantly 21 00:01:32,210 --> 00:01:33,230 evolving. 22 00:01:33,230 --> 00:01:40,760 So if you want to be a successful developer you have to learn your best learning style. 23 00:01:42,770 --> 00:01:48,290 It is better to figure out what makes you tick what makes things clearer for you now than later on in 24 00:01:48,290 --> 00:01:49,400 your career. 25 00:01:49,430 --> 00:01:50,470 Start early. 26 00:01:50,480 --> 00:01:56,420 Figure out what is the best method for you because it's going to be a skill that you're going to use 27 00:01:56,570 --> 00:01:57,440 throughout your career.