1 00:00:00,390 --> 00:00:01,590 Welcome back. 2 00:00:01,590 --> 00:00:06,400 Up until now we've talked about Sublime Text and Visual Studio code. 3 00:00:06,600 --> 00:00:13,590 Code editors that we had to install a bunch of plugins and extensions in order to customize it to what 4 00:00:13,590 --> 00:00:21,200 we want and they work really well with a ton of different programming languages the next one though 5 00:00:21,500 --> 00:00:30,050 is an I.D. e and it's called pie chart and it's probably the most popular tool for Python developers. 6 00:00:30,050 --> 00:00:38,600 So I really really like it but it's an IDC that is unlike a code editor it already comes pre-built with 7 00:00:38,630 --> 00:00:40,260 a lot of things. 8 00:00:40,340 --> 00:00:45,870 This company Jeff brains makes it and the focus purely on Python developers. 9 00:00:46,070 --> 00:00:52,640 So that is if you're a python developer they really focus and make sure that all the tools you need 10 00:00:52,640 --> 00:00:54,710 to succeed are in here. 11 00:00:55,580 --> 00:01:03,470 Now when you click on Download Now you have two versions the professional one which you have to pay 12 00:01:03,470 --> 00:01:05,720 for and the community one. 13 00:01:05,810 --> 00:01:11,750 So just download the community one the professional One just comes with a few extra features that we 14 00:01:11,750 --> 00:01:12,600 don't really need. 15 00:01:12,620 --> 00:01:15,000 So download the community one. 16 00:01:15,050 --> 00:01:16,160 Just a heads up. 17 00:01:16,190 --> 00:01:17,810 It's a lot bigger. 18 00:01:17,810 --> 00:01:19,940 It's three hundred and fifteen megabytes. 19 00:01:19,940 --> 00:01:23,370 So again it comes with a lot more tools for us to use. 20 00:01:23,390 --> 00:01:28,180 So it is a little bit heavier than Visual Studio code or Sublime Text. 21 00:01:28,790 --> 00:01:34,280 But if you are a python developer and you just want an environment where you can do everything in one 22 00:01:34,280 --> 00:01:37,810 place pi charm is the way to go. 23 00:01:37,820 --> 00:01:42,650 Now let's fast forward through this so that we're not waiting around for the download. 24 00:01:42,890 --> 00:01:43,640 All right. 25 00:01:43,640 --> 00:01:48,070 That was a long pause for me but for you with some editing this should have been quick. 26 00:01:48,190 --> 00:01:48,890 Right. 27 00:01:48,920 --> 00:01:56,450 If I open this up now again if you're on Windows or if you're on Mac installation process will be different 28 00:01:56,930 --> 00:01:59,440 in our case because we are on a Mac. 29 00:01:59,540 --> 00:02:06,900 I just drag this to application with Windows you'll probably go through an installer all right it's 30 00:02:06,930 --> 00:02:07,890 all installed. 31 00:02:07,980 --> 00:02:20,020 Now if I double click py charm is going to open up for me and we'll just make sure we allow it now in 32 00:02:20,020 --> 00:02:28,600 my case I had already a previous version of picture that I've been using and you might want to import 33 00:02:28,630 --> 00:02:29,590 your previous setting. 34 00:02:29,770 --> 00:02:32,680 But in our case we've never used pie chart before. 35 00:02:32,680 --> 00:02:39,160 And also most likely you want a fresh install so even if you get this type of pop up you can just click 36 00:02:39,160 --> 00:02:43,190 on do not import settings so you get a fresh slate. 37 00:02:43,260 --> 00:02:46,540 We're going to click okay and there we have it. 38 00:02:47,280 --> 00:02:50,040 And right away you can see that. 39 00:02:50,190 --> 00:02:51,960 Well it gives us a lot of options. 40 00:02:52,530 --> 00:02:54,570 Let's just say I've never used pie chart before. 41 00:02:54,570 --> 00:02:57,020 And next we get to choose our UI. 42 00:02:57,030 --> 00:02:59,490 Do we want Dracula which is dark. 43 00:02:59,490 --> 00:03:00,710 Or do we want light. 44 00:03:00,780 --> 00:03:02,070 Let's go with dark for now 45 00:03:05,120 --> 00:03:08,240 so I'm going to skip the remaining and set default 46 00:03:13,020 --> 00:03:18,300 so in PI charm now we can create a new project. 47 00:03:18,450 --> 00:03:22,110 Now in here it asks us where we want our create our project. 48 00:03:22,110 --> 00:03:24,430 In my case we can just leave it over here. 49 00:03:24,480 --> 00:03:33,120 We'll call it my project and before we click Create make sure that you click on this project. 50 00:03:33,140 --> 00:03:42,480 Interpreter and double check that our base interpreter is using Python 3. 51 00:03:42,530 --> 00:03:49,550 Remember if you're on a Mac or Linux you might have Python 2 already installed in our case we installed 52 00:03:49,610 --> 00:03:52,900 our python version three point seven right here. 53 00:03:52,910 --> 00:03:59,880 So we make sure that this latest version of Python is what's being used as the interpreter. 54 00:03:59,930 --> 00:04:05,110 Now we can just click Create and our project is going to start for us 55 00:04:08,730 --> 00:04:15,130 we enclose these tips every once in a while you get tip of the day because this is an idea you get a 56 00:04:15,130 --> 00:04:19,660 lot of features that you can read about online. 57 00:04:19,660 --> 00:04:27,800 So it might take you a while to get used to pie chart but it is a very powerful tool let's make this 58 00:04:27,800 --> 00:04:29,170 a little bit bigger. 59 00:04:29,330 --> 00:04:38,660 Now with my project here I can right click say new and then select file our file we'll just call it. 60 00:04:39,130 --> 00:04:39,370 Hi. 61 00:04:39,370 --> 00:04:43,000 Hi dot pie click Okay. 62 00:04:44,700 --> 00:04:45,580 And there we go. 63 00:04:45,580 --> 00:04:51,850 We have our first file opened up and we can just once again say print. 64 00:04:51,910 --> 00:04:57,480 Now this is definitely way too small so I'm going to go to pie chart preferences. 65 00:04:57,520 --> 00:05:02,540 And here it gives you a ton of options to customize pi charm to your liking. 66 00:05:02,560 --> 00:05:09,000 In my case I want to make sure that I use let's say a custom font but definitely increase the size too. 67 00:05:09,030 --> 00:05:10,250 Let's go with 18. 68 00:05:10,270 --> 00:05:10,990 How's that. 69 00:05:10,990 --> 00:05:13,510 Let's apply that's better. 70 00:05:13,510 --> 00:05:14,560 You know what I want to. 71 00:05:14,560 --> 00:05:15,700 Even bigger. 72 00:05:15,700 --> 00:05:17,530 Let's do 20. 73 00:05:17,530 --> 00:05:18,130 I'm going to head. 74 00:05:18,150 --> 00:05:20,710 OK. 75 00:05:20,790 --> 00:05:21,120 All right. 76 00:05:21,120 --> 00:05:23,220 This side is now bigger. 77 00:05:23,220 --> 00:05:23,760 That's great. 78 00:05:23,760 --> 00:05:27,510 We can see it but this is still tiny. 79 00:05:27,510 --> 00:05:30,410 I want this a little bit bigger so let's fix that as well. 80 00:05:30,540 --> 00:05:38,910 We can fix this easily by pressing command and then using the mouse wheel if you have a mouse or using 81 00:05:38,910 --> 00:05:47,310 two fingers and zooming in like so if you're on a Windows machine L.B. control instead of command and 82 00:05:47,310 --> 00:05:51,380 just zooming in and out as you like. 83 00:05:51,390 --> 00:05:53,960 Now the interesting thing here with pie chart. 84 00:05:54,210 --> 00:06:01,500 I know we have a ton of things that we might not be familiar with right now but the key thing is that 85 00:06:01,500 --> 00:06:10,830 Python three point seven is running our project and if we type something like print Hey hey we get a 86 00:06:10,830 --> 00:06:21,450 ton of interesting things first we get a typo saying hey this whole hey hey is not an English word. 87 00:06:21,450 --> 00:06:23,450 If I add spaces look at that. 88 00:06:23,490 --> 00:06:31,500 It even gives me typos of English words but then I also have this yellow curly bracket or squiggly line 89 00:06:32,690 --> 00:06:37,610 and it tells me Pep 8 no new line at the end of the file there's something that we're going to talk 90 00:06:37,610 --> 00:06:41,100 about shortly when we talk about formatting our code. 91 00:06:41,330 --> 00:06:43,880 But if I add a new line look at that. 92 00:06:44,030 --> 00:06:46,050 Everything is working smoothly. 93 00:06:46,100 --> 00:06:47,940 I get a nice little checkmark. 94 00:06:48,380 --> 00:06:57,600 Now I can run this code by going to run and then clicking run and you can see the shortcut command here 95 00:06:57,600 --> 00:06:58,440 as well. 96 00:06:58,440 --> 00:07:01,560 If I run this asked me Hey what do you want to run. 97 00:07:01,740 --> 00:07:05,050 Well I want to run the new high high python file. 98 00:07:05,250 --> 00:07:07,990 I click on this and look at that. 99 00:07:08,030 --> 00:07:10,920 Let's make this a little bit bigger that's better. 100 00:07:12,280 --> 00:07:14,980 We see that our file is being run. 101 00:07:15,220 --> 00:07:20,620 The process finished with exit code 0 0 is a good sign it means there were no errors and everything 102 00:07:20,860 --> 00:07:28,510 is great now we who make an error here and let's say I miss my brackets and I hit run arc and just click 103 00:07:28,510 --> 00:07:37,450 on run here look at that it gives me an error saying hey hey syntax error and expected yo f while passing 104 00:07:37,950 --> 00:07:39,650 and tells you something went wrong. 105 00:07:39,820 --> 00:07:45,360 So once again I can fix it run my code and everything is good. 106 00:07:45,400 --> 00:07:48,960 There are a lot of features here that you can explore on your own. 107 00:07:49,030 --> 00:07:50,330 Get comfortable with it. 108 00:07:50,500 --> 00:07:53,560 Pie charm is definitely a great idea. 109 00:07:53,590 --> 00:08:00,190 And the beauty is that unlike Sublime Text or visual studio code where we had to install all these packages 110 00:08:00,580 --> 00:08:04,900 pie chart comes well with everything built in. 111 00:08:04,900 --> 00:08:09,290 It's an IDC we don't have to install any of these packages. 112 00:08:09,400 --> 00:08:15,460 This environment is already set up for us to work professionally with python because it is made for 113 00:08:15,460 --> 00:08:17,280 Python developers. 114 00:08:17,440 --> 00:08:18,990 I'll see in the next one by.