1 00:00:00,360 --> 00:00:01,300 Welcome back. 2 00:00:01,350 --> 00:00:06,120 It's time to have a little bit of fun because you've just been listening to me talking for a bit and 3 00:00:06,180 --> 00:00:10,950 we want to get our hands dirty and try this machine learning ourselves. 4 00:00:10,950 --> 00:00:16,560 But even though we don't know much about it yet we can actually play with it. 5 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:22,530 For example there's a great Web site here by Google called teachable machine. 6 00:00:22,740 --> 00:00:29,440 And as you can see what it does is well it helps you do some machine learning activities. 7 00:00:29,490 --> 00:00:34,620 So if I click on get started here and by the way by the time you watch the video maybe they've changed 8 00:00:34,620 --> 00:00:37,170 the layout of this Web site. 9 00:00:37,170 --> 00:00:43,740 It doesn't really matter because this is more for you to kind of understand how things work underneath 10 00:00:43,740 --> 00:00:46,440 the hood and even play with this yourself. 11 00:00:46,440 --> 00:00:55,530 So let's create an image project and for now all we're going to do is say hey I want to decide or create 12 00:00:55,530 --> 00:01:00,800 a machine learning model that detects faces or cats. 13 00:01:00,870 --> 00:01:06,450 So let's just say this is going to be faces and this is going to be cats. 14 00:01:06,840 --> 00:01:08,940 And we have to give it some image samples. 15 00:01:08,940 --> 00:01:10,770 So then the machine can learn. 16 00:01:10,860 --> 00:01:11,520 Right. 17 00:01:11,550 --> 00:01:15,920 So in here on my desktop I've actually saved a couple of photos. 18 00:01:15,930 --> 00:01:18,930 I found a nice little cute cat picture online. 19 00:01:19,500 --> 00:01:27,660 So let's upload the cat picture so well upload the cat picture here you can see that we're only uploading 20 00:01:27,660 --> 00:01:28,320 one. 21 00:01:28,560 --> 00:01:34,500 And here I will upload the faces picture while I upload the baby's picture here 22 00:01:38,760 --> 00:01:42,690 so we have faces and cats and then we train our model. 23 00:01:42,690 --> 00:01:47,280 We essentially tell the computer hey this is an example what a face looks like. 24 00:01:47,430 --> 00:01:49,790 And this is an example of what a cat looks like. 25 00:01:49,800 --> 00:01:51,920 So just learn please. 26 00:01:51,930 --> 00:01:55,760 So you can see over here it's learning. 27 00:01:55,830 --> 00:01:57,120 And there you go. 28 00:01:57,120 --> 00:01:59,830 It now has created a model. 29 00:02:00,090 --> 00:02:04,620 Now in here I can use my webcam or I can just upload a file. 30 00:02:04,620 --> 00:02:15,780 So let's just upload a snorkel picture that I have of myself and I click open. 31 00:02:15,790 --> 00:02:16,420 There you go. 32 00:02:16,420 --> 00:02:21,990 This model that we trained thinks that this has a forty nine percent chance. 33 00:02:22,030 --> 00:02:24,010 Let's make this a little bit bigger. 34 00:02:24,040 --> 00:02:32,080 This has a forty nine percent chance that this image is a face and a 51 percent chance that I'm a cat 35 00:02:34,100 --> 00:02:35,360 what's going on here. 36 00:02:35,360 --> 00:02:36,920 What if we give it a better picture. 37 00:02:36,920 --> 00:02:38,860 I mean this is a tough picture right. 38 00:02:38,860 --> 00:02:40,220 It's a little bit fuzzy. 39 00:02:40,460 --> 00:02:42,650 I have my snorkeling mask on. 40 00:02:42,740 --> 00:02:46,580 Maybe it's a tough picture for this model to predict. 41 00:02:46,580 --> 00:02:48,670 So I'm going to upload a different file. 42 00:02:48,680 --> 00:02:58,440 Let's say this exact same face that I use in the image if I click open Oh boy that's even worse. 43 00:02:58,440 --> 00:03:05,260 It thinks I'm 57 percent cat and it's 43 percent certain that this is a face. 44 00:03:05,310 --> 00:03:06,260 What's happening here. 45 00:03:07,470 --> 00:03:11,970 Well what you've just witnessed is how machine learning works. 46 00:03:11,970 --> 00:03:16,320 We provide the computer some data in this case. 47 00:03:16,320 --> 00:03:24,960 I provided one image of myself and Danielle's face and one picture of a cat based on those two inputs 48 00:03:25,080 --> 00:03:26,300 and data. 49 00:03:26,370 --> 00:03:33,240 I say Hey computer learn try to understand this picture and try to understand this picture. 50 00:03:33,420 --> 00:03:40,650 And next time I give you any images based on this data predict for me or tell me how much confidence 51 00:03:40,650 --> 00:03:48,310 you have that either it's a cat or a face and that's pretty much machine learning. 52 00:03:48,350 --> 00:03:50,700 It doesn't have to be just images. 53 00:03:50,750 --> 00:03:52,950 It just needs to be some sort of data. 54 00:03:53,000 --> 00:04:01,740 We trained the computer and we create a model that can predict for us based on that data. 55 00:04:01,760 --> 00:04:06,190 Now we see here that it's really really bad. 56 00:04:06,220 --> 00:04:09,390 I mean this is definitely not a cat right. 57 00:04:09,400 --> 00:04:12,970 So why is it bad. 58 00:04:13,090 --> 00:04:14,280 Think about this for a second. 59 00:04:14,290 --> 00:04:16,290 Try to answer it on your own. 60 00:04:16,360 --> 00:04:17,940 Ready for the answer. 61 00:04:17,950 --> 00:04:27,980 Well number one is that we've only given it one image each for a computer to really learn and to understand 62 00:04:27,980 --> 00:04:30,380 what a face is what a cat is. 63 00:04:30,440 --> 00:04:38,000 It needs hundreds thousands if not millions of images of cats to detect patterns to figure out hey this 64 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:39,160 is what a cat is hate. 65 00:04:39,170 --> 00:04:41,410 This is what it faces right now. 66 00:04:41,420 --> 00:04:44,340 I've only given it one sample each. 67 00:04:44,390 --> 00:04:51,350 So this model is not very smart just like a human right to learn something in school you have to repeat 68 00:04:51,350 --> 00:04:51,490 it. 69 00:04:51,500 --> 00:04:53,580 You have to see it over and over. 70 00:04:53,780 --> 00:05:00,350 And then also with the preview sometimes I give it a really clear image of a face or sometimes I give 71 00:05:00,350 --> 00:05:08,500 it the snorkeling picture that's really fuzzy so that also affects the output but at the end of the 72 00:05:08,500 --> 00:05:15,640 day machine learning is just that we give it some input and then we tell the machine to learn based 73 00:05:15,640 --> 00:05:18,580 on those inputs and give us an output. 74 00:05:18,610 --> 00:05:22,350 Next time we'll give it a new input. 75 00:05:22,370 --> 00:05:24,290 Now I want you to take a break here. 76 00:05:24,290 --> 00:05:29,300 I'm going to link to this resource so that you can actually play with this yourself and see if I can 77 00:05:29,300 --> 00:05:30,680 improve this model. 78 00:05:30,680 --> 00:05:32,950 You can even have your web cam on. 79 00:05:32,950 --> 00:05:37,730 So instead of a file you have your web webcam just like in the examples that they provide. 80 00:05:37,730 --> 00:05:44,880 So if I go to teach a machine you can see here different projects that you can build just by clicking 81 00:05:44,880 --> 00:05:49,230 without programming anything you can even export your model. 82 00:05:49,260 --> 00:05:53,040 Once you're done so that you can use it in your own projects. 83 00:05:53,190 --> 00:05:58,680 Again if this is confusing don't worry we're actually going to go step by step and instead of just doing 84 00:05:58,680 --> 00:06:04,620 something visually we're actually going to code and learn how machine learning and data scientists work. 85 00:06:04,710 --> 00:06:10,930 But this is a great way for you to just understand on high level how machine learning works. 86 00:06:11,040 --> 00:06:15,620 So go off and play with this Web site and I'll see you in the next video by.