I have created the #alumni channel on Discord as well as the Alumni role so you can network with other graduates. Please let myself or the management team know that you have finished the course so you can get the alumni badge in the community! Simply post your completion certificate in the #alumni channel and tag the @Management Team. If you have finished the course I highly recommend you join the channel and stay up to date and network throughout your career. You never know how it may come in handy in the future.

It would be great to have the alumni follow up on their career journey such as: *Did they find a new job?* or *Did they enrol in some further study?* or even *Did they launch their own business/product?

Many students would benefit from this and I hope you give back a bit to the community :)

Ps, I recommend checking out Seen. Seen is a platform that helps programmers find jobs at top tech companies. It's 100% free for all candidates (students) and gives you Career Coaching, Resume Review, Interview Prep and Salary Negotiation…

They charge the recruiter, so if you are a good candidate, they get you hired and they make money through the company and not you....this is totally up to you and I only recommend it because some of our ZTM student have tried it and found it valuable. You can see people's experiences here.