1 00:00:00,360 --> 00:00:01,320 Welcome back. 2 00:00:01,320 --> 00:00:05,910 In the last video we went to the mini Conda home page or downloads page. 3 00:00:05,910 --> 00:00:11,670 Remember this is for windows and we downloaded the Windows version Python three point seven of many 4 00:00:11,670 --> 00:00:14,720 Conda and installed it to our computer. 5 00:00:14,970 --> 00:00:20,130 More specifically this is what we did download ring counter installed to your computer. 6 00:00:20,130 --> 00:00:24,170 Now for this lecture we're going to take care of these steps. 7 00:00:24,300 --> 00:00:30,960 Test the installation create a project folder create a custom environment within activate your new environment 8 00:00:31,230 --> 00:00:34,550 install Jupiter low to Jupiter notebook. 9 00:00:34,560 --> 00:00:37,980 Now again I realize you might be seeing in Daniel this a whole lot of steps. 10 00:00:37,980 --> 00:00:41,350 I just want to get into coding and you're right. 11 00:00:41,420 --> 00:00:43,120 I'm the same with these sort of things. 12 00:00:43,140 --> 00:00:46,960 But trust me setting up this workflow is what we're doing. 13 00:00:46,990 --> 00:00:52,500 You know your computer going to create a project folder and then build an environment using Conda an 14 00:00:52,500 --> 00:00:56,610 environment which contains all of our machine learning and data science tools. 15 00:00:56,610 --> 00:01:02,730 It's gonna be foundational and Paramount for future projects going forward. 16 00:01:02,730 --> 00:01:03,450 So let's do it. 17 00:01:04,290 --> 00:01:10,720 Now we've gone through the download steps of many conduct and installed it to a computer we can check 18 00:01:10,720 --> 00:01:19,210 to see if it's there by typing in search and looking for something called an icon to prompt many Conda. 19 00:01:19,220 --> 00:01:21,980 This will be here once you've installed many condo. 20 00:01:22,280 --> 00:01:25,270 So we're going to click on that. 21 00:01:25,510 --> 00:01:26,300 There we go. 22 00:01:26,330 --> 00:01:28,920 And then what you're seeing here is this Anaconda. 23 00:01:28,920 --> 00:01:33,280 From what it's referred to in Mac OS Is it terminal. 24 00:01:33,280 --> 00:01:39,700 But it's essentially a little part of your computer a little program where you can type in code and 25 00:01:39,760 --> 00:01:42,080 have your computer execute it. 26 00:01:42,100 --> 00:01:46,680 So what this means is this little section here is called the M prompt. 27 00:01:47,090 --> 00:01:54,910 Remember we're setting up an environment base is the default environment that gets installed automatically 28 00:01:54,970 --> 00:02:03,350 when you download mini Conda and subsequently conduct this here is the file path that we're in. 29 00:02:03,360 --> 00:02:08,150 So I'm on the C drive in the users folder in the user's folder. 30 00:02:08,160 --> 00:02:12,680 Daniel yours might be slightly different depending on what your name is. 31 00:02:12,680 --> 00:02:15,660 So now we've got this setup. 32 00:02:15,710 --> 00:02:21,710 First things first is that we need to create a project folder so let's do that. 33 00:02:21,920 --> 00:02:28,920 To do so we're going to have a look at what current folders exist in the folder. 34 00:02:28,920 --> 00:02:34,930 Daniel and we can do that in Windows by pressing D I R which stands for directory and that's going to 35 00:02:34,930 --> 00:02:37,360 list out a series of folders. 36 00:02:37,480 --> 00:02:42,730 And if we wanted to see these you might be seeing this is the first time and thinking oh my goodness 37 00:02:42,730 --> 00:02:50,110 this is this is a bit confusing but let me show you what exactly it's printing out we go into the file 38 00:02:50,110 --> 00:02:53,670 browser here and go to P.S.. 39 00:02:53,870 --> 00:02:57,340 Now we want to copy this to c c users. 40 00:02:57,350 --> 00:02:58,050 Daniel. 41 00:02:58,310 --> 00:02:59,660 That's what we're going to look for. 42 00:02:59,690 --> 00:03:04,900 I'm going to go to the local DSC users because member we have users here. 43 00:03:05,060 --> 00:03:12,440 Now we're going to our users Daniel so if we actually type this out C slash users slash. 44 00:03:12,460 --> 00:03:14,770 Daniel it's the same as what we can see over here. 45 00:03:16,050 --> 00:03:24,480 So now if we can pare this list here and we have 3D objects contacts desktop documents downloads etc. 46 00:03:25,510 --> 00:03:31,420 What we want to do is for this use case we're going to create it in the we'll create it on the desktop. 47 00:03:31,450 --> 00:03:38,320 So we have easy access to what I mean by this is going to create this project folder which is just another 48 00:03:38,320 --> 00:03:43,270 one of these which is going to contain all of our project information on the desktop. 49 00:03:43,270 --> 00:03:45,570 So we have easy access to it. 50 00:03:45,700 --> 00:03:48,220 So let's change to the desktop. 51 00:03:48,250 --> 00:03:54,680 What I mean by that is see how this path is using slash Daniel to change to the desktop. 52 00:03:54,780 --> 00:03:57,000 I'm going to press see the desktop. 53 00:03:57,100 --> 00:04:01,370 What CDE stands for is change directory to the desktop. 54 00:04:02,050 --> 00:04:10,300 So now if I go the IRR which is going to list all the folders on the desktop it's going to show me sample 55 00:04:10,300 --> 00:04:12,590 projects if we go on desktop. 56 00:04:12,790 --> 00:04:14,020 You've got sample project. 57 00:04:14,050 --> 00:04:16,550 Now we're gonna be creating another one of these. 58 00:04:16,720 --> 00:04:21,640 So you might not have this already but this is what we're gonna be creating we'll call it sample project 59 00:04:21,660 --> 00:04:22,560 one for this lecture. 60 00:04:22,570 --> 00:04:26,420 I've already got a demonstration here that will create a new one. 61 00:04:26,950 --> 00:04:36,520 So to create a folder we can type the command m k d IRR which stands for make directory because we're 62 00:04:36,520 --> 00:04:39,170 going to call it sample project 1. 63 00:04:39,460 --> 00:04:40,240 That's what we tell us. 64 00:04:40,270 --> 00:04:46,300 So we're telling our computer hey we're in this drive we're in the users folder or in Daniel we're on 65 00:04:46,300 --> 00:04:52,490 the desktop and I want to make a directory called sample project one going to hit enter. 66 00:04:52,740 --> 00:04:58,350 Now you can see that is created sample project on we'll go back here. 67 00:04:58,550 --> 00:05:00,400 So what have we just done. 68 00:05:00,410 --> 00:05:01,750 Well we've done the first step. 69 00:05:01,850 --> 00:05:04,130 We've created the project folder. 70 00:05:04,310 --> 00:05:08,900 So now we're going to use Conda to build this environment. 71 00:05:09,050 --> 00:05:13,770 If we go back to our flow flowchart create a project folder and change into it. 72 00:05:13,770 --> 00:05:18,430 So that's what we have to do created the project folder but we're not in it yet. 73 00:05:18,440 --> 00:05:20,180 So we need to change into it. 74 00:05:20,180 --> 00:05:24,830 Remember to change directory and press S.D. into sample project 1. 75 00:05:26,420 --> 00:05:31,130 So now this is what we have we have we're in here. 76 00:05:31,130 --> 00:05:32,060 We're on the desktop. 77 00:05:32,060 --> 00:05:33,730 We've got sample project 1. 78 00:05:33,920 --> 00:05:40,570 And if we go desire to see what files are in here there's actually nothing in here so zero bytes zero 79 00:05:40,580 --> 00:05:41,570 files. 80 00:05:41,570 --> 00:05:45,650 If we look sample project 1 This folder is empty. 81 00:05:45,670 --> 00:05:47,260 So that makes sense. 82 00:05:47,290 --> 00:05:52,890 Okay now what's the next steps changed into it. 83 00:05:53,040 --> 00:05:57,450 Create a custom environment within the project folder. 84 00:05:57,450 --> 00:06:03,200 Well let's do that so to use Conda to create an environment. 85 00:06:03,450 --> 00:06:07,530 Remember if we look at this we're going to use Conda to create this. 86 00:06:07,580 --> 00:06:11,870 So that's this step you can run the command conduct. 87 00:06:11,970 --> 00:06:16,540 It's like saying hey conduct our personal assistant create. 88 00:06:16,690 --> 00:06:18,940 We're gonna pass it the prefix tag. 89 00:06:19,020 --> 00:06:30,180 Now I'm gonna write this and slash and hand as Num pi map but lib and socket line you might be looking 90 00:06:30,180 --> 00:06:34,690 at this going my goodness Daniel what what is going on here. 91 00:06:34,710 --> 00:06:36,330 Well that's a great question. 92 00:06:36,330 --> 00:06:38,060 So remember what we're saying is conduct. 93 00:06:38,130 --> 00:06:41,290 Hey personal assistant conduct create. 94 00:06:41,460 --> 00:06:46,080 Actually that was a bit that was with me and not yelling that pretend this is saying Please conduct 95 00:06:46,110 --> 00:06:52,110 create prefix when you see these double hashtags it's like a little command that can go to the create 96 00:06:52,110 --> 00:06:53,550 function. 97 00:06:53,550 --> 00:06:58,320 This dot means it's going to use this file path here. 98 00:06:58,590 --> 00:07:08,280 So essentially saying the DOT saying within the sample project one folder and create a folder called 99 00:07:08,390 --> 00:07:18,210 M and within that end and this shortfall environment which is this within that end install panders num 100 00:07:18,210 --> 00:07:21,100 pi map plot lib and socket learn. 101 00:07:21,240 --> 00:07:22,470 Now what are these. 102 00:07:22,470 --> 00:07:28,200 Well if we look here at what lib num pi panders socket line. 103 00:07:28,560 --> 00:07:31,830 So let's run this by pressing enter and see what happens 104 00:07:36,990 --> 00:07:40,580 so now our personal assistant conduct what just happened. 105 00:07:40,980 --> 00:07:43,040 A whole bunch of code just appeared. 106 00:07:43,500 --> 00:07:45,650 Because we've we've ran this command here. 107 00:07:45,650 --> 00:07:53,700 Conduct create prefix and etc. What this is going to do is conduct our personal assistant for collecting 108 00:07:53,700 --> 00:07:54,780 data science tools. 109 00:07:54,780 --> 00:07:56,550 Remember these are data science tools. 110 00:07:56,550 --> 00:08:06,270 Here is going to go to the Internet and download or query the Internet and go Hey Daniel wants to create 111 00:08:06,360 --> 00:08:11,110 an environment on his computer with map plot Labor num pi pandas and psychic line. 112 00:08:11,910 --> 00:08:15,570 And so the following packages will be downloaded. 113 00:08:15,570 --> 00:08:16,760 This is a message from Canada. 114 00:08:16,770 --> 00:08:23,760 All we did was press enter what Canada is going to do is because these packages themselves or these 115 00:08:23,760 --> 00:08:28,160 tools require some other tools within them to operate. 116 00:08:28,170 --> 00:08:33,780 So lots of code lots of the reason why is because people have written lots of code in the past to prevent 117 00:08:33,870 --> 00:08:35,520 rewriting all the code. 118 00:08:35,580 --> 00:08:42,480 A lot of existing tools leverage another bunch of existing tools so conduct is automatically. 119 00:08:42,480 --> 00:08:44,190 So this is a beautiful thing about content. 120 00:08:44,280 --> 00:08:48,520 It's going to download all of the extra tools that we need to get started. 121 00:08:48,520 --> 00:08:56,950 And this is what this is listing out here so we want to proceed to do so we'll press why now conduct 122 00:08:56,980 --> 00:09:05,150 is going to download and extract extract means install all of the packages it requires to get set up. 123 00:09:05,170 --> 00:09:10,450 So now this might take a minute or so or maybe a little bit longer depending on your internet connection 124 00:09:10,450 --> 00:09:12,220 or hard drive speed. 125 00:09:12,280 --> 00:09:16,570 So I'll let this run through and we'll resume the lecture once it's finished 126 00:09:19,050 --> 00:09:24,790 excellent conduct has now finished that took a few that a minute or so on my computer. 127 00:09:25,110 --> 00:09:30,990 What is actually done is it's gone to the Internet it's downloaded and installed these packages. 128 00:09:30,990 --> 00:09:37,400 So a big long list of them into our environment and let's have a look over here. 129 00:09:37,410 --> 00:09:38,920 So this is what it's done. 130 00:09:39,040 --> 00:09:41,040 Create a project folder. 131 00:09:41,040 --> 00:09:45,870 Now we've asked Condi using the com to create command to create this environment. 132 00:09:45,870 --> 00:09:54,150 So if we go back to our sample project one folder there's now a folder in here called in which is remember 133 00:09:54,150 --> 00:09:57,930 short for environment we go in here by clicking here. 134 00:09:57,930 --> 00:10:00,500 It's gonna have a whole bunch of different files in here. 135 00:10:00,780 --> 00:10:04,730 Now to be honest I don't even understand what's going on in here. 136 00:10:04,830 --> 00:10:12,100 What is important to know is that this contains all of our data science and machine learning tools. 137 00:10:12,150 --> 00:10:21,360 So now we have a project folder with an environment with all our tools ready to go so to access that 138 00:10:21,360 --> 00:10:25,340 environment and to access the tools that we want to use. 139 00:10:25,380 --> 00:10:28,110 Condit tells us to activate this environment. 140 00:10:28,110 --> 00:10:32,260 Use the command contact activate C users Daniel. 141 00:10:32,310 --> 00:10:33,980 Desktop sample project 1. 142 00:10:34,080 --> 00:10:36,690 And now you might want to write this one down. 143 00:10:36,690 --> 00:10:40,250 If you're doing this for the first time you also might be slightly different to mine. 144 00:10:40,410 --> 00:10:45,240 Your user name might be different and you might have called this something else because you can call 145 00:10:45,240 --> 00:10:46,540 this whatever you like. 146 00:10:46,560 --> 00:10:50,300 You should really call and always call M M. 147 00:10:50,400 --> 00:10:56,820 That's a universal name for or shortened version of environment to activate this environment that we've 148 00:10:56,820 --> 00:11:01,270 just created we can use this command and now I'm a big fan of typing out commands. 149 00:11:01,290 --> 00:11:07,710 So we're gonna go instead of just copying and pasting which we could definitely do but this practice 150 00:11:07,740 --> 00:11:09,620 typing out these things because we want to. 151 00:11:10,110 --> 00:11:16,500 After all that's what we want to do we want to start writing our own code and type this out sample project 152 00:11:17,070 --> 00:11:23,290 one slashed end run. 153 00:11:23,420 --> 00:11:28,840 Now what you'll notice has changed so I just literally just type this out and press enter. 154 00:11:29,090 --> 00:11:38,690 If we hit Enter you'll notice this base has now changed to this file path here which means this is the 155 00:11:38,690 --> 00:11:40,340 environment prompt. 156 00:11:40,340 --> 00:11:44,170 So now we've activated this environment. 157 00:11:44,270 --> 00:11:48,530 What that means we'll have access to all of the tools in this environment. 158 00:11:48,530 --> 00:11:55,440 So the ones we just installed so let's try and test it out to do so we'll try and load a Jupiter notebook 159 00:11:55,530 --> 00:11:58,560 using the command Jupiter notebook. 160 00:11:58,560 --> 00:12:00,990 And if you never use a Drupal notebook before don't worry. 161 00:12:00,990 --> 00:12:07,260 That we a section on that but a Jupiter notebook is what you need to know is kind of like a data scientists 162 00:12:07,260 --> 00:12:09,570 work pad you can write code you can write. 163 00:12:09,590 --> 00:12:14,890 You can write text you can work on projects in fact all of the projects we work on will be within DuPont 164 00:12:14,920 --> 00:12:15,900 notebooks. 165 00:12:15,900 --> 00:12:19,440 It's like the basis of all of our machine learning work. 166 00:12:19,790 --> 00:12:21,440 So let's try and start one up. 167 00:12:23,100 --> 00:12:23,850 Okay. 168 00:12:23,870 --> 00:12:26,280 We're getting an error here. 169 00:12:26,280 --> 00:12:29,610 Jupiter is not recognized as an internal or external command. 170 00:12:30,390 --> 00:12:36,030 Now the reason being is if you remember the exact code that we ran before and it's okay if you don't 171 00:12:36,900 --> 00:12:43,040 we did Condit create prefix and pandas known pi map Gottlieb psychic line. 172 00:12:43,120 --> 00:12:43,860 Mm hmm. 173 00:12:43,980 --> 00:12:51,390 So we go back to our diagram what do we have pandas now what label non pi socket line but no dupe at 174 00:12:51,400 --> 00:12:51,560 all. 175 00:12:51,570 --> 00:12:55,640 We forgot to include Jupiter in this line. 176 00:12:55,740 --> 00:13:01,740 Not to worry Conda our personal assistant is back to the rescue because there's a handy command called 177 00:13:01,740 --> 00:13:07,840 Connor install what this means is if we type in Jupiter. 178 00:13:07,840 --> 00:13:15,110 Connor install is going to install a new tool to our current active environment which is exactly what 179 00:13:15,110 --> 00:13:21,080 we want and since we want to use Jupiter notebooks we need the Jupiter package. 180 00:13:21,080 --> 00:13:22,940 So let's run that by hitting enter 181 00:13:25,940 --> 00:13:32,470 Connor is gonna do the same thing as what what it did before we go up here we've seen all these before 182 00:13:33,160 --> 00:13:40,600 except this time it's only focused on Jupiter in the environment location uses Daniel desktop sample 183 00:13:40,600 --> 00:13:41,920 project 1. 184 00:13:42,630 --> 00:13:47,320 So if we follow this through it's gonna install all of these extra packages because Condor is amazing 185 00:13:47,320 --> 00:13:53,350 it's our personal assistant and all these packages are tools that we need for data scientists and we 186 00:13:53,350 --> 00:13:56,200 go why to run. 187 00:13:56,200 --> 00:14:02,630 And again it's gonna go through these download and extracting stamps will pause the lecture wait for 188 00:14:02,630 --> 00:14:04,720 this to finish and we'll come back once it's done. 189 00:14:07,360 --> 00:14:08,170 Beautiful. 190 00:14:08,260 --> 00:14:12,130 Now that that's finished we should have access to Jupiter. 191 00:14:12,180 --> 00:14:14,350 Let's let's do a quick recap of what we've done. 192 00:14:15,070 --> 00:14:17,560 So we've created a project folder changed into it. 193 00:14:17,560 --> 00:14:21,040 That sample project 1 Create a custom environment. 194 00:14:21,040 --> 00:14:24,920 We've done that with com to create activate our new environment. 195 00:14:24,920 --> 00:14:30,790 Yeah we've done that with to activate install Jupiter because we tried to access Jupiter but it didn't 196 00:14:30,790 --> 00:14:33,410 work with Conda installed Jupiter. 197 00:14:33,430 --> 00:14:37,930 Now we have to load up a Jupiter notebook and check the tools we need. 198 00:14:38,950 --> 00:14:40,310 OK let's try that. 199 00:14:40,870 --> 00:14:46,510 So if we've actually installed Jupiter should be able to run the command again Jupiter notebook the 200 00:14:46,510 --> 00:14:48,620 one we tried before that didn't work. 201 00:14:48,810 --> 00:14:54,880 We'll type that in Jupiter notebook and hit enter. 202 00:14:54,890 --> 00:15:00,650 So now what this is going to do is going to automatically open your browser your default 1 and launch 203 00:15:00,650 --> 00:15:05,690 the Jupiter interface so we can see here a few maybe a few new things here. 204 00:15:05,750 --> 00:15:11,390 If you've never seen it before what's important to note is that the Jupiter interface has been created 205 00:15:12,680 --> 00:15:20,310 from within the folder that we're currently in on terminal so uses Daniel desktop sample project 1 Jupiter 206 00:15:20,310 --> 00:15:20,660 notebook. 207 00:15:20,690 --> 00:15:26,090 It's like telling your computer Hey started Jupiter notebook within the sample project one folder. 208 00:15:26,390 --> 00:15:34,220 So we look here we've got the end folder we compare that to our sample project one we've got the end 209 00:15:34,220 --> 00:15:35,450 folder as well. 210 00:15:35,630 --> 00:15:41,300 Now to start a Jupiter notebook where the workspace where a data scientist or machine learning engineer 211 00:15:41,300 --> 00:15:48,810 will do a lot of coding working on different projects go up to here new notebook Python 3. 212 00:15:48,860 --> 00:15:52,580 And again we're going to have a whole entire section on Jupiter notebooks. 213 00:15:52,580 --> 00:15:56,300 So don't worry too much if you're not sure what's happening here. 214 00:15:56,360 --> 00:16:03,360 So what this is going to do once happened here oh there we go. 215 00:16:03,370 --> 00:16:04,840 They just took a little while to load. 216 00:16:05,290 --> 00:16:08,140 So what we did there we've actually got to because that took a. 217 00:16:08,140 --> 00:16:11,980 There was something going on there with my computer and it took a while to start up. 218 00:16:12,010 --> 00:16:19,110 There we go Untitled I pi and b stand so I Python notebook which was Jupiter's previous name. 219 00:16:19,230 --> 00:16:20,930 And so this is the Jupiter interface. 220 00:16:21,070 --> 00:16:26,020 Absolutely beautiful space we're gonna get very familiar with using this throughout the course. 221 00:16:26,020 --> 00:16:27,930 And again we're gonna have an entire section on this. 222 00:16:27,940 --> 00:16:31,650 But what you need to know for now is that you can run Python code in here. 223 00:16:32,080 --> 00:16:35,670 So hello world and then press shift and enter and that'll come through. 224 00:16:35,710 --> 00:16:38,100 This is this cell in Jupiter notebooks. 225 00:16:38,140 --> 00:16:44,800 This is referred to as a cell you can also change it to mark down which is like saying text and say 226 00:16:45,250 --> 00:16:55,370 this cell does simple some and the one below is going to be one plus one shift and into. 227 00:16:55,860 --> 00:17:00,150 Well what we're focused on doing is testing to see if our environment is set up. 228 00:17:00,310 --> 00:17:06,490 So specifically we've ticked off Jupiter we've got access to Jupiter because we're in the Jupiter interface. 229 00:17:06,490 --> 00:17:12,400 Now we want to see if we have access to pandas psychic line none pi and map probably we can do that 230 00:17:12,400 --> 00:17:13,610 by importing them. 231 00:17:13,640 --> 00:17:19,120 And remember the import statement is like saying hey Python go and get these packages or tools for us 232 00:17:19,420 --> 00:17:22,720 and bring them into our workspace so we can access them. 233 00:17:22,900 --> 00:17:37,660 So do import pandas as PD import num Hai as any import map plot lib dot pie plot no pipeline as BLT 234 00:17:38,290 --> 00:17:41,580 import as K line which is short for socket learn. 235 00:17:41,590 --> 00:17:48,280 Now these might be like pandas is paid a want and num PIs MP might apply plot. 236 00:17:48,340 --> 00:17:53,290 The reason why we shorten it to these things is so we don't have to always type pandas. 237 00:17:53,290 --> 00:17:59,690 Now if you ever see PD or NDP LPL t you can probably be safe to assume that their pandas name pi met 238 00:17:59,690 --> 00:18:07,290 properly or pipeline to test these if we actually do have access to them in our environment is set up 239 00:18:07,950 --> 00:18:14,460 we can run this cell and if there's no errors we should have an environment ready to start doing data 240 00:18:14,460 --> 00:18:16,160 science and machine learning work. 241 00:18:16,170 --> 00:18:19,170 Fingers crossed beautiful. 242 00:18:19,440 --> 00:18:19,960 We can tell it. 243 00:18:19,980 --> 00:18:25,350 There was no errors because you'll see a number here every time you run a Jupiter cell we'll go over 244 00:18:25,350 --> 00:18:30,960 this and in a future lecture the number will go up so the first one you run will be one that's seven 245 00:18:30,960 --> 00:18:37,890 now because we've run seven different cells but this is exciting we've just set up an environment to 246 00:18:37,890 --> 00:18:43,230 work on machine learning and data science projects let's have a look. 247 00:18:43,470 --> 00:18:49,860 We started with this your computer and we downloaded mini conduct which came with Python and conduct 248 00:18:50,400 --> 00:18:57,850 then we used Conda to install these tools specifically within an environment. 249 00:18:57,870 --> 00:19:03,810 Now if we go back here we've gone through these steps in a previous lecture we downloaded installed 250 00:19:03,840 --> 00:19:11,040 mini Condor we tested our installation by the anaconda prompt we created a project folder sample project 251 00:19:11,040 --> 00:19:17,340 one and changed into it created a custom environment within the project folder we activated the new 252 00:19:17,340 --> 00:19:17,840 environment. 253 00:19:17,850 --> 00:19:24,660 So we have access to tools we installed Jupiter then we loaded up a Jupiter notebook and check to see 254 00:19:24,660 --> 00:19:26,800 if we had the tools we needed which we did. 255 00:19:27,690 --> 00:19:30,460 Well that was a lot to take in. 256 00:19:30,540 --> 00:19:36,000 Don't worry I will have plenty of practice going through this in future projects and in lectures. 257 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:38,460 So what do we do now. 258 00:19:38,550 --> 00:19:40,080 We've got our Jupiter notebook running. 259 00:19:40,080 --> 00:19:41,100 But maybe you want to. 260 00:19:41,190 --> 00:19:43,290 You've finished for the day and you want to close it. 261 00:19:43,290 --> 00:19:46,730 What I've just done is saved so to save a Jupiter no boat. 262 00:19:46,730 --> 00:19:52,780 You can either click this Save icon and that'll that'll save it once it loads or you compress command 263 00:19:52,770 --> 00:19:54,710 air so control s or something like that. 264 00:19:55,260 --> 00:20:01,350 But to close it down we go back to our Anaconda prompt and we're going to press control see 265 00:20:04,200 --> 00:20:05,140 so there we go. 266 00:20:05,220 --> 00:20:11,160 Press controls say now it says shutting down one colonel Colonel shut down the colonel is what runs 267 00:20:11,160 --> 00:20:13,010 our troop at a notebook in the background. 268 00:20:13,080 --> 00:20:18,230 So now you'll see here that the connection has failed to our Jupiter nightfall. 269 00:20:18,270 --> 00:20:19,340 So we'll go okay. 270 00:20:19,350 --> 00:20:22,240 That means that Jupiter notebook we're no longer connected to it. 271 00:20:23,130 --> 00:20:26,900 So we're back here and we're still in our environment. 272 00:20:26,900 --> 00:20:31,620 But to deactivate the environment maybe you wanted to get out and create a new environment. 273 00:20:31,620 --> 00:20:38,530 So we're gonna type in conduct deactivate what this will do is take us back to base. 274 00:20:38,580 --> 00:20:39,630 Now why would we want to do that. 275 00:20:39,630 --> 00:20:41,280 Well maybe we want to create a new environment. 276 00:20:41,300 --> 00:20:46,720 Maybe you want to work on another project such as sample project 2 and that uses a different environment. 277 00:20:46,930 --> 00:20:48,760 It might be a plethora of reasons. 278 00:20:48,950 --> 00:20:53,030 However how do you get back into your environment. 279 00:20:53,030 --> 00:20:56,890 Well luckily we wrote down that piece of code before if he didn't. 280 00:20:56,890 --> 00:20:57,620 It's okay. 281 00:20:57,700 --> 00:21:00,630 It's to conduct activate. 282 00:21:00,710 --> 00:21:04,690 See we're going to write this this and slash EMP. 283 00:21:05,510 --> 00:21:10,140 Now this is if you are coming back to your work and wanted to get back into your project. 284 00:21:10,280 --> 00:21:15,920 Daniel slash because this is where we created our environment sample project 1. 285 00:21:15,980 --> 00:21:21,650 Now this might be in the future might be a sample might be project to maybe project 3 or something like 286 00:21:21,650 --> 00:21:22,560 that. 287 00:21:22,820 --> 00:21:32,210 We usually have and that the end here to conduct activate our environment beautiful now a back from 288 00:21:32,210 --> 00:21:41,360 base to having our environment active so then we can type in to put a notebook load back up a Jupiter 289 00:21:41,360 --> 00:21:47,600 notebook is going to take us to the home page. 290 00:21:47,690 --> 00:21:48,320 There we go. 291 00:21:48,440 --> 00:21:53,420 We've got our Untitled I Spy and B which was saved two minutes ago. 292 00:21:53,420 --> 00:21:54,110 Click on that 293 00:21:57,100 --> 00:21:58,670 and there's our code from before. 294 00:21:58,690 --> 00:22:04,390 So then we could continue work on our project save it when we need to and exit when we don't need to 295 00:22:04,390 --> 00:22:05,130 work on it. 296 00:22:05,200 --> 00:22:08,850 Well we're gonna see this more and more for each single project that we work on. 297 00:22:08,950 --> 00:22:13,680 What's important to remember is that this is what we've done we've set this up for the future. 298 00:22:13,810 --> 00:22:15,020 We have our computer. 299 00:22:15,070 --> 00:22:16,500 We've created a project folder. 300 00:22:16,540 --> 00:22:19,380 Say we wanted to work on heart disease classification. 301 00:22:19,450 --> 00:22:20,860 We'd make a folder for that. 302 00:22:20,860 --> 00:22:25,530 You create an environment install the tools that you need using Conda. 303 00:22:25,610 --> 00:22:30,640 Then if you're working by yourself you might not need to do this but in the future when you're on when 304 00:22:30,640 --> 00:22:35,810 you're on teams this is one of the biggest challenges we work through as a machine learning team. 305 00:22:35,830 --> 00:22:40,720 Sharing these environments so other people could work on the same projects as us. 306 00:22:40,810 --> 00:22:42,360 So that's what we've done. 307 00:22:42,370 --> 00:22:48,790 So upcoming lectures and projects we're gonna do the same steps create a project folder build an environment 308 00:22:48,790 --> 00:22:54,660 with the tools we need using Conda and then every time we're going to go in activate our environment. 309 00:22:54,700 --> 00:23:01,170 So we have access to the tools and then work on our projects in Jupiter notebooks. 310 00:23:01,210 --> 00:23:04,650 That was a lot to take in but don't worry there's attached resources. 311 00:23:04,750 --> 00:23:08,180 And if you want re watch this video go through it step by step. 312 00:23:08,260 --> 00:23:11,650 Check out the resources section for a step by step guide. 313 00:23:11,860 --> 00:23:16,060 And if you get stuck Don't worry I've got stuff plenty of times when I was figuring this out. 314 00:23:16,060 --> 00:23:17,140 It took me a few guys.