Heads up! What we are going to cover in this section will seem overwhelming. Anytime you learn a skill that is in demand, that is highly valuable, and that will lead to a great career, it will require effort. You may feel like you aren't getting it. Or that you will never be where Andrei or Daniel are in your knowledge. Keep in mind that the only way to improve is to practice. We all have to start somewhere. You may have to go through these videos a few times or come back to them after you have finished the course.

But remember this: No professional Machine Learning expert knows these things by heart. You have to start learning to read the documentation of Scikit-learn, you have to learn to Google when you have questions, and also to use our Discord community and ask for help. That's how you improve. PRACTICE.

With that said, we will provide for you a cheatsheet in the next video that you can use alongside watching the videos to help your learning. Have fun :)