elhacker.INFO Downloads
Name Size
Parent Directory -
01 - Length of Last Word/ -
02 - Reverse String/ -
03 - Longest Common Prefix/ -
04 - String class/ -
05 - Vectors/ -
06 - Fizz Buzz/ -
07 - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation/ -
08 - Excel Sheet Column Number/ -
09 - Palindrome String/ -
10 - Valid Palindrome/ -
11 - Remove All Adjacent Duplicates/ -
12 - Remove All Adjacent Duplicates - 2/ -
13 - Recursion Basics/ -
14 - Recursion Intermediate/ -
15 - Recursion Advanced/ -
16 - Algorithm Selection Sort/ -
17 - Algorithms Bubble Sort/ -
18 - Algorithm Merge Sort/ -
19 - Algorithm Quick Sort/ -
20 - Algorithm Moore Voting Majority Element/ -
21 - Algorithms Binary Search/ -
22 - Advanced Binary Search Find First & Last Occurence/ -
23 - Advanced Binary Search Search in Rotated Sorted Array/ -
24 - Advanced Binary Search Implement Square root/ -
25 - Advanced Binary Search Find Minimum Element in Sorted Rotated Array/ -
26 - ZigZag Conversion/ -
27 - Single Number/ -
28 - Jump Game/ -
29 - Jump Game - 2/ -
30 - Reverse Words in a String/ -
31 - Find Permutation/ -
32 - Rotate Image/ -
33 - Spiral Order Matrix/ -
34 - Set Matrix Zero/ -
35 - Search in Row-wise and Column-wise Matrix/ -
36 - Intersection of List/ -
37 - Reverse a List/ -
38 - Middle Node of List - Slow and Fast Pointer Approach/ -
39 - Remove nth Node from end of list/ -
40 - Add 2 number as list/ -
41 - Partition List/ -
42 - Cycle Detection in Linked List/ -
43 - Cycle - Find starting point of Cycle/ -
44 - Valid Parenthesis/ -
45 - Inorder Traversal/ -
46 - PreOrder Traversal/ -
47 - PostOrder Traversal/ -
48 - Same Tree/ -
49 - Symmetric Binary Tree/ -
50 - Count Nodes/ -
51 - Maximum Depth of Binary Tree/ -
52 - Level Order Traversal/ -
53 - Reverse Level Order Traversal/ -
54 - ZigZag Level Order Traversal/ -
55 - Vertical Order Traversal/ -
56 - Minimum Depth of Binary Tree/ -
57 - Lowest Common Ancestor - BST/ -
58 - Lowest Common Ancestor Binary Tree/ -
59 - Invert Binary Tree/ -
60 - Validate Binary Search Tree/ -
61 - Construct Tree from PreOrder and Inorder Traversal/ -
62 - Construct Tree from PostOrder and Inorder Traversal/ -
63 - Construct Cartesian Tree/ -
64 - Diameter of Binary Tree/ -
65 - Convert Sorted Array to BST/ -
66 - Kth Smallest Element in a BST/ -
67 - Two Sum/ -
68 - Two Sum II/ -
69 - Data Structure Priority Queues/ -
70 - Data Structure HashMap/ -
71 - Fibonacci/ -
72 - Minimum Steps in Infinite Grid/ -
73 - Grid Unique Path/ -
74 - Longest Common Subsequence/ -
75 - Minimum Distance/ -
76 - Climbing Stairs/ -
77 - 0-1 Knapsack/ -
78 - Data Structure Trie/ -
79 - Hotel Reviews/ -
80 - Shortest Unique Prefix/ -
81 - Paragraph Words Replacement/ -
82 - Number of islands/ -
83 - MaxArea of islands/ -
84 - Algorithms Topological Sort/ -
85 - Course Schedule/ -
86 - Algorithms Kruskal/ -
87 - Algorithms Prims/ -
88 - Commutable Islands/ -
89 - Shortest Path in Binary Matrix/ -
90 - Knight on chess Board/ -
91 - Word Ladder/ -
92 - Rotten Oranges/ -
93 - Algorithm Dijikstra/ -
94 - Merge K sorted List/ -
95 - LRU Cache/ -
96 - Repeat and Missing Number/ -
97 - Maximum Sum Subarray - Kadane's Algorithm/ -
98 - Flip the array/ -
99 - Distinct Number in Windows/ -
100 - Mock Interview - Very Important/ -
101 - Bonus/ -