1 00:00:02,029 --> 00:00:02,790 Hi, everyone. 2 00:00:02,810 --> 00:00:07,700 So in this video, we are going to discuss this question, finally, do some of the area using recursion 3 00:00:08,750 --> 00:00:13,240 so we can easily solve this problem with the help of for loop and why loop. 4 00:00:13,250 --> 00:00:18,130 But since we are learning recursion, so we will solve this problem with the help of recursion so that 5 00:00:18,400 --> 00:00:20,600 the functional brainteaser, we will return to some of the. 6 00:00:22,020 --> 00:00:23,490 And we will return at it. 7 00:00:23,520 --> 00:00:27,080 We will get that as input and we'll get how many elements are there as input. 8 00:00:27,390 --> 00:00:29,360 So we need to write the code for this function. 9 00:00:29,670 --> 00:00:31,950 So I told you how we will use it. 10 00:00:32,259 --> 00:00:35,190 So basically, we need to break our problem into smaller problem. 11 00:00:35,730 --> 00:00:38,140 And there are two ways to break the area. 12 00:00:38,640 --> 00:00:40,970 So the first rule of making this is what we will do. 13 00:00:41,250 --> 00:00:44,400 So I will make the idea like this the second way of breaking the arrays. 14 00:00:44,400 --> 00:00:46,260 I will break the array like this. 15 00:00:46,650 --> 00:00:48,920 So what I will do, I will call Dacogen. 16 00:00:49,610 --> 00:00:51,480 I have a qualification on this area. 17 00:00:52,540 --> 00:00:56,170 So this they will return the records and will return me the sum of this 80. 18 00:00:57,720 --> 00:01:03,240 So the question will be the some of the city of this military and what I will do, I will add this value, 19 00:01:04,050 --> 00:01:05,940 so I will add this value of zero. 20 00:01:07,480 --> 00:01:13,450 Simple now, a better way of solving this problem is basically I will call recursion on this very. 21 00:01:14,940 --> 00:01:21,570 So the question will give me the answer, it will give me some of this small area and I will add this 22 00:01:21,570 --> 00:01:21,930 value. 23 00:01:22,710 --> 00:01:26,100 So this is and minus one, so I will add and minus one. 24 00:01:26,460 --> 00:01:28,270 And that will be my final answer. 25 00:01:29,010 --> 00:01:30,430 So very simple, right. 26 00:01:30,570 --> 00:01:34,140 So first, let us write the code for this approach. 27 00:01:36,170 --> 00:01:40,340 So the name of the function is the name of the function is some of Eddie. 28 00:01:43,280 --> 00:01:44,810 So it will take ideas and put. 29 00:01:46,240 --> 00:01:48,300 And it will take how many elements are there? 30 00:01:50,190 --> 00:01:51,480 So basically this very simple. 31 00:01:53,070 --> 00:01:53,520 If. 32 00:01:55,170 --> 00:01:59,050 My area is empty, so if the size is zero, what will be the sum will be zero. 33 00:01:59,850 --> 00:02:01,300 So the base case is very simple. 34 00:02:01,560 --> 00:02:02,610 Now what we need to do. 35 00:02:02,880 --> 00:02:03,810 So I told you. 36 00:02:04,860 --> 00:02:07,050 Multivolume, I will call that equation. 37 00:02:10,160 --> 00:02:11,890 So I will call dedication on this. 38 00:02:15,010 --> 00:02:21,130 So this is a and this is a plus one and the number of elements and minus one, so the equation will 39 00:02:21,130 --> 00:02:26,190 give me the answer to your question, will give me some of this small area and I will add this value. 40 00:02:26,470 --> 00:02:30,600 So this value is Alpha zero, and that will be my final answer. 41 00:02:32,630 --> 00:02:34,060 So what is my final answer? 42 00:02:35,240 --> 00:02:37,190 They've done a zero. 43 00:02:38,620 --> 00:02:40,860 Plus, all this dysfunction, some of Harry. 44 00:02:43,870 --> 00:02:48,610 So the area which we want to give is this small area, so E-Plus one. 45 00:02:49,750 --> 00:02:51,730 And the number of elements and minus one. 46 00:02:52,580 --> 00:02:54,380 And that's all that we need to do. 47 00:02:54,650 --> 00:02:58,490 So let's call this function out some of very. 48 00:02:59,790 --> 00:03:00,690 We need to give Eddie. 49 00:03:02,550 --> 00:03:04,770 And a number of elements, five. 50 00:03:09,730 --> 00:03:10,390 So let's see. 51 00:03:14,990 --> 00:03:17,040 So the output is coming out to 15. 52 00:03:17,300 --> 00:03:19,310 So let's see whether 15 is right or wrong. 53 00:03:19,730 --> 00:03:23,550 So if you will add one plus two plus three plus four plus five. 54 00:03:23,960 --> 00:03:27,860 So this is the same as and when plus one by two, the value of it is five. 55 00:03:28,820 --> 00:03:34,700 So five to six Vido, so Tatebayashi two is 15, or you can write like this. 56 00:03:34,730 --> 00:03:37,690 So the output is 15 and 15 is the right output. 57 00:03:38,870 --> 00:03:43,370 So our approach is correct, and now let's see how it is working, let's write a novel called. 58 00:03:45,500 --> 00:03:49,370 So let's write a novel called So Let's take this example only. 59 00:03:50,580 --> 00:03:53,580 So I have one, two, three, four and five. 60 00:03:56,340 --> 00:03:57,780 The number of elements is five. 61 00:03:59,560 --> 00:04:01,940 So the number of elements, the site is not zero. 62 00:04:02,410 --> 00:04:05,140 So what I will do, I will collocation on this Mollari. 63 00:04:07,170 --> 00:04:10,050 So I will call the on the smaller two, three, four and five. 64 00:04:11,150 --> 00:04:18,620 The number of elements for so size is not zero, so call that equation the smaller I am calling the 65 00:04:18,630 --> 00:04:18,970 equation. 66 00:04:18,980 --> 00:04:23,390 I think this smaller and the number of elements, a number of elements, history and the elements are 67 00:04:23,390 --> 00:04:24,290 three, four and five. 68 00:04:25,460 --> 00:04:31,830 So, again, the size is not zero, so called the equation on smaller sizes, too. 69 00:04:32,150 --> 00:04:33,930 So again, the size is not zero. 70 00:04:33,950 --> 00:04:35,690 So call the equation smaller. 71 00:04:36,650 --> 00:04:37,520 The size is one. 72 00:04:37,730 --> 00:04:39,490 So again, the size is not zero. 73 00:04:39,500 --> 00:04:40,920 So collocation on smaller. 74 00:04:40,970 --> 00:04:43,990 So we'll call the ampitheater and size is zero. 75 00:04:44,360 --> 00:04:46,440 So it is empty and size zero. 76 00:04:46,640 --> 00:04:50,420 So if the sizes you know, I am returning zero, so this will return zero. 77 00:04:50,930 --> 00:04:53,360 So now this is getting zero. 78 00:04:53,360 --> 00:04:57,460 And what we are turning we are turning to some of the adding and plus 040. 79 00:04:57,620 --> 00:05:01,140 So this is the only element of this is we will return zero plus five. 80 00:05:01,220 --> 00:05:02,450 So I am returning five. 81 00:05:03,630 --> 00:05:04,170 So now. 82 00:05:05,340 --> 00:05:11,190 This area is returning fire, so this area is returning fire and I am getting zero, so I will wait 83 00:05:11,190 --> 00:05:14,320 for and are done, so I will return four plus five. 84 00:05:15,210 --> 00:05:19,290 So now this area is returning four plus five, which is nine. 85 00:05:20,160 --> 00:05:22,330 So I will add eight four zero. 86 00:05:22,710 --> 00:05:26,760 I will let you off zero and done so I will 80 and I will return to nine. 87 00:05:26,760 --> 00:05:27,860 Plus three is 12. 88 00:05:28,920 --> 00:05:32,130 So this area is returning to. 89 00:05:32,550 --> 00:05:36,260 I will add 84 zero and I will return Sawtell plus two is 14. 90 00:05:37,320 --> 00:05:42,150 So this area is returning 14 and I will add eight four zero. 91 00:05:42,450 --> 00:05:45,540 I will add zero and return to 14 plus minus 15. 92 00:05:45,750 --> 00:05:47,100 So I will return 15. 93 00:05:47,100 --> 00:05:49,990 And 15 is the right answer for this problem. 94 00:05:50,580 --> 00:05:55,020 Simple so that a way of solving this problem is basically what we will do. 95 00:05:57,230 --> 00:05:59,080 I will call that equation on this area. 96 00:05:59,900 --> 00:06:05,600 So starting this Arazi and a number of elements and minus one, so the question will give me the output 97 00:06:05,600 --> 00:06:10,150 for this Osmolarity equation, will give me the sum and I will add the last element. 98 00:06:10,640 --> 00:06:12,100 So aof and minus one. 99 00:06:12,410 --> 00:06:13,820 And that will be my answer. 100 00:06:14,150 --> 00:06:15,170 So let's write the code. 101 00:06:18,020 --> 00:06:22,090 So, teacher, let's copy the name of the function, some of very. 102 00:06:24,050 --> 00:06:27,500 To some of it, I will get it as input. 103 00:06:29,970 --> 00:06:31,800 And I will get how many elements are there. 104 00:06:33,100 --> 00:06:34,390 So this case will remain same. 105 00:06:35,320 --> 00:06:40,270 If it is empty in the cities, you know, the sun will be zero, so I will return zero. 106 00:06:47,670 --> 00:06:49,910 There is what we need to do, what will be our answer? 107 00:06:52,570 --> 00:06:58,780 So our answer will be the last next the last two half and minus one, and we will call this function 108 00:06:58,780 --> 00:06:59,580 some of the. 109 00:07:01,420 --> 00:07:05,560 Some of little I will give the area and I will give the number of elements. 110 00:07:06,340 --> 00:07:08,620 So now let's test dysfunctioning some of it to. 111 00:07:10,040 --> 00:07:11,240 Output should be 15. 112 00:07:13,280 --> 00:07:15,060 So the output is coming out to 15. 113 00:07:15,080 --> 00:07:16,400 So this is also working. 114 00:07:16,640 --> 00:07:18,380 And now let's see how it is working. 115 00:07:18,560 --> 00:07:20,210 So what I'm doing is. 116 00:07:22,320 --> 00:07:24,010 I am making my day like this. 117 00:07:24,030 --> 00:07:25,680 I am calling the occasion for this. 118 00:07:26,910 --> 00:07:30,580 So this is crazy and in number of elements isn't minus one. 119 00:07:30,870 --> 00:07:32,970 So the question, will you give me the output for this area? 120 00:07:33,040 --> 00:07:36,510 Because it will give me some indication, will give me some for this area. 121 00:07:36,750 --> 00:07:38,670 And I am adding the last element. 122 00:07:38,730 --> 00:07:43,900 So I am adding the value, I am adding this last element, and then I am returning the overall sum and 123 00:07:44,010 --> 00:07:45,180 then I am returning the. 124 00:07:45,910 --> 00:07:48,450 Let's take this example and let's see how it will work. 125 00:07:48,480 --> 00:07:49,560 One, two, three, four and five. 126 00:07:50,010 --> 00:07:51,030 So I have this. 127 00:07:51,270 --> 00:07:52,410 One, two, three, four, five. 128 00:07:56,210 --> 00:07:57,680 The number of elements is five. 129 00:07:59,160 --> 00:08:02,370 So size is not zero, so I will call on the smaller. 130 00:08:03,620 --> 00:08:08,390 I will call on one, two, three and four, the monofilament is four sizes, not zero. 131 00:08:08,780 --> 00:08:15,400 I will call on the smaller one, two, three sizes, three sizes in order to also call on the smaller 132 00:08:15,410 --> 00:08:15,980 one and to. 133 00:08:17,060 --> 00:08:22,000 Number of elements is still so still the size is not zero, so I will call on the smaller. 134 00:08:23,150 --> 00:08:27,950 So since the number of elements is one, it is not zero, so I will call on the empty address that is 135 00:08:27,950 --> 00:08:32,750 empty and the site is zero, so the size of zero zero seven zero. 136 00:08:33,260 --> 00:08:39,980 So basically this idea, what it will return the value which it is getting, plus the last value since 137 00:08:40,130 --> 00:08:41,260 there is only one element. 138 00:08:41,510 --> 00:08:43,150 So this is only the last value. 139 00:08:43,159 --> 00:08:44,570 So zero plus one, I will return. 140 00:08:44,840 --> 00:08:48,800 So basically this area is returning when the site is returning one. 141 00:08:48,800 --> 00:08:54,500 And I will add the last value which is to so zero plus one three one plus two is three. 142 00:08:54,500 --> 00:08:55,460 So I will return three. 143 00:08:56,540 --> 00:09:04,430 So basically, this area is redundantly, this area is turning, I will the last value, so last year 144 00:09:04,440 --> 00:09:06,840 values three, so three plus three is six. 145 00:09:07,490 --> 00:09:13,580 So this area is returning six over the last 12 months where the lost value and return. 146 00:09:13,910 --> 00:09:16,450 So last one is four six plus Foreston. 147 00:09:16,910 --> 00:09:19,160 So this area is returning. 148 00:09:19,160 --> 00:09:26,300 Then I will add the last value and return to last values 15 sodi the last values five five plus 10 15. 149 00:09:26,310 --> 00:09:28,970 So I will return 15 and 15 is the right answer. 150 00:09:30,170 --> 00:09:31,430 So that's how it is working. 151 00:09:31,760 --> 00:09:34,320 So there is one more way we can write the code. 152 00:09:34,550 --> 00:09:36,560 So currently what we are doing for example. 153 00:09:40,250 --> 00:09:46,340 So if I want to pass this area, I am passing a plus one and I am giving N minus one, I am passing 154 00:09:46,340 --> 00:09:48,270 eteplirsen and I am giving and minus one. 155 00:09:48,560 --> 00:09:53,330 So instead of changing the area, what we will do so instead of passing only this area. 156 00:09:54,330 --> 00:09:59,620 So one way of passing only this ad is basically changing writing like this, E-Plus one, the other 157 00:09:59,620 --> 00:10:00,840 way is basically what we will take. 158 00:10:00,840 --> 00:10:02,450 We will take our index. 159 00:10:02,820 --> 00:10:04,080 So it will take the next. 160 00:10:05,180 --> 00:10:06,350 The way he treated ordinary. 161 00:10:07,290 --> 00:10:14,280 So if the value of Isarel so that means this starting next year, the value of zero, that means I am 162 00:10:14,280 --> 00:10:18,990 passing the completely if the value of is one, that means I am passing. 163 00:10:19,920 --> 00:10:21,780 I'm not passing this Rohter element. 164 00:10:21,780 --> 00:10:24,440 I am passing the area starting from the first index. 165 00:10:24,840 --> 00:10:29,760 If the value of I used to, I will pass the starting from index to. 166 00:10:30,730 --> 00:10:37,240 If the value of iced tea, I will pass the idea starting from industry and so on, so basically if the 167 00:10:37,240 --> 00:10:44,590 value of AI is ND, then I am passing the idea starting from index and starting from index and Nixon 168 00:10:44,590 --> 00:10:45,340 does not exist. 169 00:10:45,470 --> 00:10:48,910 That means this is the condition venue that is empty. 170 00:10:50,700 --> 00:10:52,780 This is a condition for empathy, very simple. 171 00:10:53,110 --> 00:10:58,260 I'm repeating myself, if the value of I zero, I will pass the starting from zero. 172 00:10:58,270 --> 00:11:00,170 That means I am passing the completely. 173 00:11:01,080 --> 00:11:03,630 So that is the meaning of equal zero means. 174 00:11:03,630 --> 00:11:05,520 Pass the completed holiday. 175 00:11:06,180 --> 00:11:07,140 Pass the holiday. 176 00:11:08,030 --> 00:11:14,150 If the value of AI is one positive, starting from next one, if the value of I used to, I am passing 177 00:11:14,150 --> 00:11:16,820 the idea starting from next to the value of history. 178 00:11:17,120 --> 00:11:19,310 I am passing the area starting from index three. 179 00:11:19,550 --> 00:11:22,380 So this is the condition for the whole area. 180 00:11:22,400 --> 00:11:23,440 If the value of zero. 181 00:11:23,630 --> 00:11:25,580 So this is the condition for the empty. 182 00:11:25,610 --> 00:11:27,400 Very simple. 183 00:11:27,590 --> 00:11:31,190 So let's write the code using this index. 184 00:11:32,030 --> 00:11:34,790 So what I want to do, let's modify this code. 185 00:11:36,630 --> 00:11:37,950 I want to modify this code. 186 00:11:42,420 --> 00:11:50,030 Some of eighty three I will carry I will take a number of elements and I am taking one more, I am taking 187 00:11:50,040 --> 00:11:53,520 I index I so what is the condition? 188 00:11:53,550 --> 00:11:56,660 So this is a condition for Empty-headed, not a condition for Prairie's. 189 00:11:56,850 --> 00:11:57,620 Eye becomes. 190 00:11:57,630 --> 00:11:59,930 And so let's change the best case. 191 00:12:00,880 --> 00:12:08,500 So, Batiatus, if I is, and that means my heart is empty, so I am returning zero otherwise, but 192 00:12:08,560 --> 00:12:12,010 I will return, so I will call this function some of the three. 193 00:12:14,450 --> 00:12:15,680 There's no need to change the. 194 00:12:17,020 --> 00:12:23,110 The Namaroff elements will not change because I'm basically completely only the next will change, so 195 00:12:23,110 --> 00:12:24,070 I plus one. 196 00:12:25,840 --> 00:12:28,240 And similarly, this will be a. 197 00:12:31,550 --> 00:12:33,150 And that's all that we need to do. 198 00:12:33,740 --> 00:12:37,100 So now let's call dysfunction some of 83. 199 00:12:38,200 --> 00:12:40,450 We need to pass the value of which is zero. 200 00:12:44,200 --> 00:12:45,530 So let's see how it is working. 201 00:12:45,550 --> 00:12:48,520 So first, let us run our file and let's see whether it will work or not. 202 00:12:50,730 --> 00:12:53,980 So the output is coming out to 15, that means it is working. 203 00:12:54,680 --> 00:12:55,680 OK, so. 204 00:12:56,670 --> 00:13:00,920 This thing is working, I am passing the index and it is working, so let's see how it is working. 205 00:13:00,930 --> 00:13:02,460 So the approach is very simple, see? 206 00:13:04,380 --> 00:13:05,190 This is already. 207 00:13:06,270 --> 00:13:14,610 The value of AI is zero, so this is a the value of a zero and the size of the arrays and so you are 208 00:13:14,610 --> 00:13:18,300 taking I question no, then what they are doing. 209 00:13:18,510 --> 00:13:19,890 You are retaining Elfy. 210 00:13:19,920 --> 00:13:21,000 So this is Eddie. 211 00:13:21,300 --> 00:13:22,860 So Afie is Disvalue. 212 00:13:23,910 --> 00:13:24,960 So you are returning. 213 00:13:24,970 --> 00:13:28,590 If I, if I use this value you are calling some of. 214 00:13:28,830 --> 00:13:30,090 So we are calling recursion. 215 00:13:31,480 --> 00:13:37,420 I am giving Eddie so I am giving the complete Eddie the number of elemental remains him because I am 216 00:13:37,420 --> 00:13:38,650 giving this completely. 217 00:13:40,080 --> 00:13:46,440 I am giving this complete attitude equation and not the similarity, so I am giving this complete addy 218 00:13:47,670 --> 00:13:51,380 and not only this Mollari and then I'm giving a plus one. 219 00:13:51,390 --> 00:13:53,670 So the value of 5.0 now it will become one. 220 00:13:54,510 --> 00:13:56,910 So the value of I will become one. 221 00:13:58,980 --> 00:14:01,410 So if so, for this area. 222 00:14:03,330 --> 00:14:04,720 I am passing the computer. 223 00:14:04,920 --> 00:14:09,810 I'm still passing the completely, but since the value of AI is here now. 224 00:14:11,330 --> 00:14:17,060 And and is still the same, so and remains same, and we are passing the complete array, but we are 225 00:14:17,060 --> 00:14:17,870 using a variable. 226 00:14:17,870 --> 00:14:19,530 I do, I read over the area. 227 00:14:19,760 --> 00:14:21,050 So next time what will happen? 228 00:14:21,320 --> 00:14:26,540 You will pass the completely, but the value of five will become to show the value of. 229 00:14:26,540 --> 00:14:27,440 I will become to. 230 00:14:29,450 --> 00:14:32,630 This is the community will remain same. 231 00:14:33,560 --> 00:14:39,950 Again, you will pass the completely and the value of I will become three, so the value of I, I am 232 00:14:39,950 --> 00:14:40,690 using index. 233 00:14:40,700 --> 00:14:43,880 So this is current index I am using next to irate over the area. 234 00:14:44,420 --> 00:14:46,910 So let's put that in the school so that you can understand it better. 235 00:14:46,940 --> 00:14:49,660 Let's write in for this example, one, two, three, four and five. 236 00:14:50,750 --> 00:14:52,340 So my error is one, two. 237 00:14:53,340 --> 00:14:54,360 Three, four and five. 238 00:14:57,240 --> 00:15:02,790 Now, in this regulation, we are not breaking the ATM, we are passing the computer, but we are using 239 00:15:02,790 --> 00:15:07,170 this variable and next you can see at any minute same number of human remains same. 240 00:15:07,380 --> 00:15:08,900 So only this value is changing. 241 00:15:09,150 --> 00:15:11,220 So let's see how we can use the value of a. 242 00:15:12,250 --> 00:15:17,520 So I is at this position, so what is happening here, the number of elements is five. 243 00:15:18,700 --> 00:15:24,490 So what we will do so I the value of let's illustrate the value of the value of zero zero zero is not 244 00:15:24,490 --> 00:15:25,230 equal to five. 245 00:15:25,930 --> 00:15:27,240 So you will call that equation. 246 00:15:27,850 --> 00:15:29,050 So let's call that equation. 247 00:15:29,830 --> 00:15:31,330 You will pass the completely. 248 00:15:31,480 --> 00:15:35,550 I am passing the completed number of human remains same and I am passing the completely. 249 00:15:36,840 --> 00:15:41,080 Only the value of I will change, so the value of I will become when we are passing plus one. 250 00:15:41,730 --> 00:15:44,220 So one is not close to five again. 251 00:15:46,630 --> 00:15:52,060 I will pass the complete editorialization number of elements to him, only the value of I will change. 252 00:15:53,650 --> 00:15:54,310 So again. 253 00:15:55,790 --> 00:15:57,170 The value of is not the cost. 254 00:15:57,470 --> 00:16:03,110 And so I will pass the completely the value of these five. 255 00:16:04,200 --> 00:16:08,980 The value of any number of him and I used three, so three is not close to five. 256 00:16:09,480 --> 00:16:11,340 So again, I will pass the completely. 257 00:16:14,580 --> 00:16:15,310 Remain the same. 258 00:16:15,360 --> 00:16:21,330 The value of A for you can see we are passing the completely we are not changing any element because 259 00:16:21,330 --> 00:16:26,280 since we are passing the total, the value of N will not change and we are just doing a plus one. 260 00:16:27,070 --> 00:16:31,490 So I is not close to five, so I will pass the computer again. 261 00:16:31,500 --> 00:16:32,700 One, two, three, four, five. 262 00:16:33,810 --> 00:16:37,440 The number of elements are five and now the value of these five. 263 00:16:38,450 --> 00:16:45,500 So now the value of is five, so I started from here, then I use here, then I is here, then I is 264 00:16:45,500 --> 00:16:49,520 here, then I is here and now I becomes now I reaches here. 265 00:16:50,150 --> 00:16:50,660 Simple. 266 00:16:50,930 --> 00:16:51,380 So. 267 00:16:52,550 --> 00:16:57,930 I used basically so this is zero one, two, three, four and five, so I reaches the next five. 268 00:16:58,160 --> 00:17:01,230 So now you can see I end and they are equal. 269 00:17:01,520 --> 00:17:03,190 So if I am, then they are equal. 270 00:17:03,200 --> 00:17:04,140 I will return zero. 271 00:17:04,400 --> 00:17:06,040 So this area will return to. 272 00:17:08,079 --> 00:17:11,660 So I am getting zero and I am adding the value of elfy. 273 00:17:12,069 --> 00:17:17,420 So what is I I is pointing I is standing here so I will add five in return. 274 00:17:17,680 --> 00:17:21,160 I will add five zero and done so I will return five. 275 00:17:23,099 --> 00:17:25,240 So I am getting five from this area. 276 00:17:26,069 --> 00:17:30,750 I am getting five and I will if a what is if I if I is four. 277 00:17:31,140 --> 00:17:33,810 So if I entertain, so I will return nine. 278 00:17:36,280 --> 00:17:43,720 So no, and if I ended on whatever value you are getting, whatever value you are getting, and if I 279 00:17:43,720 --> 00:17:47,140 ever done so and if I try and return so, I will return to. 280 00:17:48,040 --> 00:17:53,250 So whatever value you are getting from Dacogen Guardian to and done so, I will return 14. 281 00:17:54,190 --> 00:18:00,850 So whatever value you are getting from the Guardian ad elfy and if I understand if I is one so I will 282 00:18:00,850 --> 00:18:03,370 return 15 and that's how we are getting 15. 283 00:18:04,210 --> 00:18:11,500 So basically first we are getting first we are getting the sum for this area, then we are getting the 284 00:18:11,500 --> 00:18:12,370 sum for this decided. 285 00:18:12,370 --> 00:18:16,570 Then we are getting the sum for this area, then we are getting the sum for this area and finally we 286 00:18:16,570 --> 00:18:18,190 will get the sum for the whole area. 287 00:18:18,490 --> 00:18:19,440 We will return aof. 288 00:18:19,450 --> 00:18:23,060 I will fight to this sum and we will return. 289 00:18:23,080 --> 00:18:24,660 So that's how it is working. 290 00:18:25,270 --> 00:18:30,610 So this index I so this approach is very useful and it is used. 291 00:18:30,640 --> 00:18:31,870 This technique is very useful. 292 00:18:31,870 --> 00:18:33,580 It is used at multiple places. 293 00:18:33,910 --> 00:18:39,910 So what I want you guys to do is make banin paper and try to flatten this code, try to find out how 294 00:18:39,910 --> 00:18:40,570 it is working. 295 00:18:41,630 --> 00:18:45,160 So just give it a try and you will be able to understand it very easily. 296 00:18:45,740 --> 00:18:47,140 So this is it from this video. 297 00:18:47,150 --> 00:18:48,380 I will see you in the next one.