1 00:00:01,740 --> 00:00:02,460 Hi, everyone. 2 00:00:02,490 --> 00:00:06,250 So in this video, we are going to solve this question, find the length of the character. 3 00:00:07,200 --> 00:00:09,960 We can easily solve this question with the help of all of our value. 4 00:00:09,970 --> 00:00:13,410 But we need to apply recursion so we will use it to solve this problem. 5 00:00:13,830 --> 00:00:19,920 So if I were strangers, if I were Kappos ABC, then the length should be fought so hard against all 6 00:00:19,920 --> 00:00:20,420 discussion. 7 00:00:20,430 --> 00:00:21,320 So it's very easy. 8 00:00:21,330 --> 00:00:22,470 It is very easy to do. 9 00:00:23,560 --> 00:00:29,140 So I will call verification on this area, so I will call verification on this occasion will give me 10 00:00:29,140 --> 00:00:30,190 the land for this Eddie. 11 00:00:31,800 --> 00:00:36,870 It will give me the land for this area and I will plus one, so I will add plus one and that will be 12 00:00:36,870 --> 00:00:37,760 my final answer. 13 00:00:38,070 --> 00:00:38,600 Simple. 14 00:00:39,240 --> 00:00:43,440 So let us not rewrite the code so that they will be integer. 15 00:00:43,460 --> 00:00:44,820 We are going to return the land. 16 00:00:45,240 --> 00:00:46,920 Let's say the name of the function is land. 17 00:00:47,940 --> 00:00:50,780 So it will take character that is and put. 18 00:00:53,490 --> 00:00:57,390 So first, what will be excuse me is very simple if. 19 00:00:58,480 --> 00:01:02,140 Our area is empty, so that means in Port of zero is nil. 20 00:01:04,540 --> 00:01:08,660 So if I were a somebody in that case, what would be the length Lenthall be zero. 21 00:01:09,100 --> 00:01:10,300 So I would have done zero. 22 00:01:11,360 --> 00:01:16,080 Otherwise, what will do so as discussed, first of all, we will call that equation. 23 00:01:17,150 --> 00:01:18,250 So this is our area. 24 00:01:19,570 --> 00:01:24,190 So I will call the occasion on this and I will call the occasion on this. 25 00:01:24,610 --> 00:01:26,140 So the commission will give me the answer. 26 00:01:26,740 --> 00:01:31,450 You will give me relent for this small area, Lentulov of a small area lenth small. 27 00:01:31,840 --> 00:01:35,950 And then I will add plus one I will add plus one, and that will be my final answer. 28 00:01:36,160 --> 00:01:39,420 So let's call that equation and let's take a variable to store the answer. 29 00:01:39,790 --> 00:01:41,110 So let's name it. 30 00:01:42,400 --> 00:01:43,210 Small island. 31 00:01:44,530 --> 00:01:48,250 So what is more land, let's call the land function? 32 00:01:51,500 --> 00:01:55,180 So that is in part plus one, we need to pass this. 33 00:01:56,060 --> 00:01:57,560 We need to pass this right. 34 00:01:57,590 --> 00:01:59,600 So this is the Saudis input. 35 00:02:00,490 --> 00:02:05,740 And this adds input plus one, so we know the answer for this area. 36 00:02:06,040 --> 00:02:08,620 What I need to do, I will add plus one and I will return. 37 00:02:09,840 --> 00:02:11,340 So a pleasant handwritten. 38 00:02:13,430 --> 00:02:16,010 So that's done one plus small and. 39 00:02:17,980 --> 00:02:25,750 And I think our function will work, so let's create an eddy, so character and sort of size and I will 40 00:02:25,750 --> 00:02:26,890 take input from the user. 41 00:02:29,810 --> 00:02:31,160 And let's call it a function. 42 00:02:36,670 --> 00:02:37,850 So in order to spend the. 43 00:02:48,250 --> 00:02:50,080 So I thought I'd say McWilliam here. 44 00:02:54,790 --> 00:02:57,730 And the name of the function is wrong spelling mistake. 45 00:03:01,460 --> 00:03:06,950 So it is waiting for the input to the inputs ABCDE, so the output is for the Lantis for. 46 00:03:08,070 --> 00:03:09,380 Let's test one more time. 47 00:03:11,330 --> 00:03:16,740 So the input is A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and the output is seven. 48 00:03:16,760 --> 00:03:21,220 So basically our function is working and now let us know how it is working. 49 00:03:21,530 --> 00:03:23,830 So logistics, for example, ABCDE. 50 00:03:27,430 --> 00:03:29,470 So we have now told ABC Radio National. 51 00:03:29,860 --> 00:03:34,150 So check the first character, first characters, nocturnal, so called Collision. 52 00:03:35,510 --> 00:03:42,440 We could call on this, Mollari, so the first character is not so collocation, this Mollari silly. 53 00:03:43,650 --> 00:03:51,530 First character is not an so called Erica DNN, so again, the first character is not called dedication. 54 00:03:51,720 --> 00:03:53,180 So now the first character is. 55 00:03:53,670 --> 00:03:56,620 So if you hadn't written so this will return zero. 56 00:03:57,120 --> 00:04:00,940 So whatever value you are getting from recursion, you will add plus 101. 57 00:04:00,970 --> 00:04:02,670 So I'm getting zero, I will add plus one. 58 00:04:02,940 --> 00:04:08,460 So it will become one whatever value you are getting at, plus one, it will return to a developed country 59 00:04:08,460 --> 00:04:12,300 and it will return for so far is the correct output for ABCDE. 60 00:04:13,140 --> 00:04:13,640 Simple. 61 00:04:13,890 --> 00:04:14,700 So what you can do. 62 00:04:14,850 --> 00:04:19,200 So basically this very small land, there's no need to create this variable. 63 00:04:19,350 --> 00:04:20,930 You can directly put the value here. 64 00:04:20,940 --> 00:04:23,340 So the value of small and variable is this. 65 00:04:23,610 --> 00:04:27,120 So that's directly put the value and let's not create the variable. 66 00:04:28,210 --> 00:04:30,490 So there is no need to correct the variable just. 67 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:32,290 Got it from here. 68 00:04:33,930 --> 00:04:34,980 And Pastor Ted. 69 00:04:41,040 --> 00:04:46,740 So let's test one more time, so they put this basically ABC and the dentistry, so our function is 70 00:04:46,740 --> 00:04:47,130 working. 71 00:04:47,490 --> 00:04:48,850 So this is it from this video. 72 00:04:48,900 --> 00:04:50,150 I will see you in the next one.