# Kubernetes Install and Your First Pods ## Kubernetes Local Install http://play-with-k8s.com katacoda.com ### minikube minikube-installer.exe minikube start ### microk8s microk8s.kubectl microk8s.enable dns alias kubectl=microk8s.kubectl ## Kubectl run, create and apply kubectl run kubectl create kubectl apply ## Our First Pod With Kubectl run kubectl version kubectl run my-nginx --image nginx kubectl get pods kubectl get all kubectl delete deployment my-nginx kubectl get all ## Scaling ReplicaSets kubectl run my-apache --image httpd kubectl get all kubectl scale deploy/my-apache --replicas2 kubectl scale deployment my-apache --replicas2 kubectl get all ## Inspecting Kubernetes Objects kubectl get pods kubectl logs deployment/my-apache kubectl logs deployment/my-apache --follow --tail 1 kubectl logs -l run=my-apache kubectl get pods kubectl describe pod/my-apache- kubectl get pods -w kubectl delete pod/my-apache- kubectl get pods kubectl delete deployment my-apache