1 00:00:00,480 --> 00:00:05,560 ‫Marty ask Isn't the docker network segmented from the host slash public network. 2 00:00:05,580 --> 00:00:10,410 ‫A co-worker seems to think that the IP range in our Docker environment might cause a conflict with our 3 00:00:10,410 --> 00:00:12,370 ‫normal company network. 4 00:00:12,570 --> 00:00:14,180 ‫So that's actually a great question. 5 00:00:14,190 --> 00:00:15,830 ‫The answer to the first one is yes. 6 00:00:15,840 --> 00:00:16,630 ‫The Dockers. 7 00:00:16,680 --> 00:00:21,820 ‫So by default right you're using Docker network drivers and the default one is bridge. 8 00:00:21,870 --> 00:00:27,060 ‫If you're using swarm the default one is overlay and of course you can use other network drivers in 9 00:00:27,060 --> 00:00:36,050 ‫fact if you see me jump into into here and I just do a docker 10 00:00:38,750 --> 00:00:44,170 ‫network ls oh my Docker is not running 11 00:00:47,160 --> 00:00:55,870 ‫Oh and look at that there's a new version of Docker out No I do not want to update that today so give 12 00:00:55,870 --> 00:00:57,220 ‫me a minute for Docker to start. 13 00:00:57,310 --> 00:01:02,770 ‫But there is a there's a list of Docker network drivers that come out of the box and you choose the 14 00:01:02,770 --> 00:01:07,370 ‫default one bridge drive by just creating a docker network or not even specifying a network and don't 15 00:01:07,380 --> 00:01:08,410 ‫use bridge. 16 00:01:08,410 --> 00:01:13,870 ‫Most of us in production will use other networks like swarm overlay or Kubernetes will have its own 17 00:01:14,200 --> 00:01:15,600 ‫network drivers. 18 00:01:15,640 --> 00:01:21,940 ‫There are other ones like host and Mac v lan that you can use as well you can technically even use none 19 00:01:21,940 --> 00:01:28,630 ‫which will disable networking but the thing here is that if you're talking about the default bridge 20 00:01:28,630 --> 00:01:35,770 ‫network which again is probably not what you're going to use in production that is a net network segment 21 00:01:35,770 --> 00:01:41,940 ‫so it's its own subnet range and it's running in bridge mode so that means it's going to Nat itself 22 00:01:41,980 --> 00:01:47,290 ‫outside of that private subnet into your company networks. 23 00:01:47,290 --> 00:01:54,460 ‫But even though it won't technically conflict with your net physical networks you can't have the same 24 00:01:54,460 --> 00:01:56,490 ‫subnets that are used outside your host. 25 00:01:56,500 --> 00:02:00,190 ‫And that is due to just standard TCP IP routing. 26 00:02:00,280 --> 00:02:09,340 ‫So if you follow the the IP protocol routing details essentially if I'm on let's say a 10 0 0 0 subnet 27 00:02:10,690 --> 00:02:19,900 ‫on my docker container inside of Docker and then a 10 dot 0 1 subnet is used somewhere in my corporate 28 00:02:19,900 --> 00:02:25,330 ‫network then my container on my local machine won't know how to route to that network because it thinks 29 00:02:25,780 --> 00:02:30,220 ‫that that network is actually already a part of my local subnet. 30 00:02:30,280 --> 00:02:30,810 ‫Right. 31 00:02:30,820 --> 00:02:38,350 ‫So you can't technically have any subnet clashing anywhere in the hopping of containers around so even 32 00:02:38,350 --> 00:02:44,110 ‫though it technically Nats it's still going to probably cause issues and in fact with some companies 33 00:02:44,110 --> 00:02:49,930 ‫because the docker networks out of the box are usually 172 subnets and sometimes companies overlap those 34 00:02:49,930 --> 00:02:55,600 ‫subnets and that causes a problem which means that companies have to go into their Docker settings for 35 00:02:55,600 --> 00:03:07,680 ‫instance going up here into preferences and they would go into the daemon config and see sir I don't 36 00:03:07,680 --> 00:03:09,690 ‫think as a 7 that option yet 37 00:03:13,410 --> 00:03:18,160 ‫see that one day I saw one. 38 00:03:18,180 --> 00:03:18,920 ‫Oh so yeah. 39 00:03:18,950 --> 00:03:21,220 ‫So this is the default subnet right here. 40 00:03:21,260 --> 00:03:27,500 ‫It's a little hard to see maybe on the screen but it's a one entity 168 65 subnet and mine and you can 41 00:03:27,500 --> 00:03:32,690 ‫change that but you also may need to change other defaults inside the daemon config over here under 42 00:03:32,690 --> 00:03:38,120 ‫advanced based on whether using swarm overlay or using the default bridge and so on so forth. 43 00:03:38,120 --> 00:03:40,280 ‫So yes this is possible. 44 00:03:40,280 --> 00:03:46,370 ‫And basically if you're not sure just test create containers see if you can get maybe try to ping something 45 00:03:46,370 --> 00:03:50,540 ‫on your network the first way that usually people tell it this is a problem is they create containers 46 00:03:50,540 --> 00:03:56,180 ‫on our machine and then maybe have a sequel server or something in their data center or in a server 47 00:03:56,180 --> 00:03:57,280 ‫closet they need to get to. 48 00:03:57,680 --> 00:04:01,840 ‫So then they try to get from their container to that machine and they can't connect at all. 49 00:04:01,910 --> 00:04:05,480 ‫Give them some depending on you know the application and what you're using it might give you an error. 50 00:04:05,660 --> 00:04:10,580 ‫So try to ping try to do a trace route add those utilities into a container and see if you can trace 51 00:04:10,580 --> 00:04:16,820 ‫route or ping to that remote IP address because of course you if you're not someone who's managing all 52 00:04:16,820 --> 00:04:21,220 ‫the subnets in your company you may not know every subnet used all around the network. 53 00:04:21,230 --> 00:04:29,750 ‫Now another thing is that if you're using cloud like using Ada of U.S. subnets and your company maybe 54 00:04:29,750 --> 00:04:35,450 ‫houses part of their infrastructure there and you have VPN between you and eight of us then you also 55 00:04:35,450 --> 00:04:39,110 ‫have to care about the subnets in Ada U.S. and whether those will clash as well. 56 00:04:39,110 --> 00:04:46,340 ‫So basically Docker subnets even though they're needed aren't going to help you solve problems for getting 57 00:04:46,340 --> 00:04:50,320 ‫packets out any more than any other subnet on your network. 58 00:04:50,330 --> 00:04:51,670 ‫Basically you can't use it. 59 00:04:51,770 --> 00:04:57,700 ‫You should not and probably can't use two subnets the same anywhere in your network right. 60 00:04:57,710 --> 00:05:02,000 ‫It may it may allow you to get packets in because technically the packets coming in know how to get 61 00:05:02,000 --> 00:05:07,070 ‫to your machine because you're needed but when you try to send packets back out your machine might say 62 00:05:07,070 --> 00:05:11,690 ‫well hey I don't need the city's packets out because that particular IP address is in my local subnet 63 00:05:11,840 --> 00:05:12,940 ‫or at least it thinks it is. 64 00:05:13,070 --> 00:05:13,350 ‫Right. 65 00:05:13,490 --> 00:05:15,840 ‫So hope that makes sense. 66 00:05:16,220 --> 00:05:21,050 ‫That's just sort of some of the limitations of IP subheading and yes you may have to change that.