1 00:00:02,350 --> 00:00:02,700 ‫All right. 2 00:00:02,770 --> 00:00:03,960 ‫See the next question. 3 00:00:04,920 --> 00:00:10,770 ‫Hill says right now I run five different war files and Jay boss when I which I then connect to Postgres 4 00:00:10,770 --> 00:00:15,090 ‫database is on some server I am looking at compose actually going through that course at the moment 5 00:00:15,090 --> 00:00:16,310 ‫to set it up. 6 00:00:16,320 --> 00:00:21,600 ‫The question I have is should I create multiple J Bos containers with compose or just continue running 7 00:00:21,630 --> 00:00:26,310 ‫all five in one in production we have five different J servers 8 00:00:28,580 --> 00:00:29,690 ‫so 9 00:00:33,440 --> 00:00:35,140 ‫I would say try both. 10 00:00:35,420 --> 00:00:41,290 ‫If you have five different war files and J boss without being a Java expert I mean you're the Java guy. 11 00:00:41,330 --> 00:00:41,880 ‫What do you think. 12 00:00:42,500 --> 00:00:44,870 ‫Yeah I can talk a little bit into this anyways. 13 00:00:46,240 --> 00:00:56,650 ‫So my recommendation is it's typically been all right don't don't boil the ocean and Bret says this 14 00:00:56,650 --> 00:01:00,880 ‫often fancy do what you're already comfortable with do what you already know. 15 00:01:00,920 --> 00:01:05,510 ‫If that's where you have lots of tooling and everything around we've got a single J Bar server that 16 00:01:05,510 --> 00:01:10,410 ‫has lots of war files in it and we know how to work with that we know how to instrument it and everything. 17 00:01:10,820 --> 00:01:15,170 ‫Great to get that containerized and start working from there. 18 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:21,950 ‫Personally I'm a fan of splitting that out into multiple containers and so that would probably be a 19 00:01:21,950 --> 00:01:30,940 ‫long term approach because I imagine for the most part your if you update one do you need to redeploy 20 00:01:30,950 --> 00:01:32,140 ‫the other four. 21 00:01:32,350 --> 00:01:37,880 ‫And so if they're all in separate containers you can deploy one you can roll out updates to one without 22 00:01:37,880 --> 00:01:39,620 ‫having to bring down the others. 23 00:01:39,650 --> 00:01:41,260 ‫They're all independent from each other. 24 00:01:41,270 --> 00:01:45,260 ‫Yes that means you have additional overhead you're now running five day Vos servers instead of just 25 00:01:46,130 --> 00:01:50,550 ‫one but I think at the end of the day there's not that much difference. 26 00:01:50,580 --> 00:01:58,200 ‫I mean the jailhouse application server sure does have some overhead but I would and again I don't know 27 00:01:58,200 --> 00:02:04,230 ‫your app at least in my experience the amount of overhead from the application server in comparison 28 00:02:04,230 --> 00:02:11,010 ‫to the app itself is quite low that most of the CPU memory utilization all that stuff is coming from 29 00:02:11,010 --> 00:02:17,280 ‫the app not from the server itself so running multiple instances of J Bos probably using it to hurt 30 00:02:17,280 --> 00:02:17,390 ‫you. 31 00:02:17,420 --> 00:02:20,380 ‫But again I don't know your your exact situation too. 32 00:02:20,450 --> 00:02:26,520 ‫Yeah and I think that you know getting getting server resources for that is probably easier. 33 00:02:26,520 --> 00:02:32,610 ‫Probably less of an issue than the fact the game the abilities you gain by having the flexibility right 34 00:02:32,610 --> 00:02:36,920 ‫like you can have scale one without scaling the others you can replace one without replacing the others. 35 00:02:37,320 --> 00:02:42,250 ‫I think this is in general this question is very similar right to other questions we get about a couple 36 00:02:42,270 --> 00:02:47,070 ‫a couple weeks ago we had people asking well if I have a bunch of Apache Web sites should I run them 37 00:02:47,070 --> 00:02:51,780 ‫all in Apache virtual servers or should I split them out in the separate containers and my answer was 38 00:02:51,780 --> 00:02:56,070 ‫very similar to yours Michael that I would have video that it all would work in one but eventually I 39 00:02:56,070 --> 00:03:00,450 ‫would be splitting the mountain separate containers because containers provide that level of isolation 40 00:03:00,450 --> 00:03:02,420 ‫and artifacts. 41 00:03:02,430 --> 00:03:08,130 ‫That gives me the flexibility for distributed computing where I can you know we can't really ever get 42 00:03:08,130 --> 00:03:13,050 ‫to and to micro services and this necessary it doesn't mean that your boss is micro servers yet but 43 00:03:13,710 --> 00:03:20,010 ‫you know to me there is there's a there's a wide array of size of applications and as we start splitting 44 00:03:20,010 --> 00:03:27,520 ‫things up or making different you know applications that run separately whether it's a war file or something 45 00:03:27,520 --> 00:03:28,260 ‫else. 46 00:03:28,360 --> 00:03:34,360 ‫The more we split these and isolate these things out generally the more flexibility the easier it is 47 00:03:34,360 --> 00:03:37,250 ‫to get uptime the easier it is to troubleshoot it. 48 00:03:37,270 --> 00:03:41,070 ‫It's not perfect then not everything is better right. 49 00:03:41,230 --> 00:03:45,020 ‫You have sometimes duplication of effort you end up with more things you've got to manage. 50 00:03:45,020 --> 00:03:49,480 ‫You got maybe a little bit harder network troubleshooting depending on how your apps work it might affect 51 00:03:49,480 --> 00:03:52,620 ‫performance if they're across the network instead of in the same machine. 52 00:03:52,630 --> 00:03:58,690 ‫So there's lots of things to consider but in general we're all evolving into a way where we're splitting 53 00:03:58,690 --> 00:04:01,010 ‫things out more and more and more when it makes sense. 54 00:04:01,010 --> 00:04:04,210 ‫And yeah and from my experience too. 55 00:04:04,240 --> 00:04:07,610 ‫Again this may not be your experience or it's going on here. 56 00:04:07,880 --> 00:04:14,920 ‫But know we've had several Tomcat containers or a tomcat servers that had lots of war files in it and 57 00:04:14,920 --> 00:04:20,080 ‫we simply did that because it was convenient at the time to spin up a new machine dish up the new Tomcat 58 00:04:20,080 --> 00:04:25,210 ‫and since all that stuff was it was a lot of overhead in the past and so it's fine I don't want to do 59 00:04:25,210 --> 00:04:28,750 ‫that I'm just going to deploy another war files so this other one it's already running it's good enough 60 00:04:29,850 --> 00:04:36,460 ‫and so that was more to reduce the OPs overhead and the amount of time to speed things up but now as 61 00:04:36,750 --> 00:04:43,570 ‫you become more familiar with containers and everything that overhead doesn't really exist anymore because 62 00:04:43,570 --> 00:04:47,860 ‫now it's early in the process you're building these container images and it's easier to spend things 63 00:04:47,860 --> 00:04:48,020 ‫up. 64 00:04:48,040 --> 00:04:55,210 ‫So yeah that's yeah it is a good question. 65 00:04:55,390 --> 00:04:59,860 ‫Yeah I mean we get the same question about databases should I put all of my databases into one my sequel 66 00:04:59,860 --> 00:05:03,940 ‫server or should I have multiple my sequel containers and I would say this depends. 67 00:05:04,110 --> 00:05:08,770 ‫What is your motivation that the cheapest thing to do is to put them all in one because it's lower memory 68 00:05:08,770 --> 00:05:09,390 ‫overhead. 69 00:05:09,390 --> 00:05:15,340 ‫It's you know probably a little less redundancy in on in terms of the necessary things you need to run 70 00:05:15,370 --> 00:05:20,520 ‫but most of us are splitting things out when we can in order to gain flexibility. 71 00:05:20,750 --> 00:05:20,980 ‫Really.