1 00:00:00,900 --> 00:00:02,110 ‫So let's talk about this. 2 00:00:02,200 --> 00:00:05,720 ‫This Docker arm thing normal. 3 00:00:05,730 --> 00:00:07,470 ‫What's your take. 4 00:00:08,040 --> 00:00:13,490 ‫I think it's a great move on both companies parts. 5 00:00:13,650 --> 00:00:24,900 ‫I think it's a good move for the community in general arm and the acceleration of IO T and non ex 86 6 00:00:25,350 --> 00:00:32,510 ‫chipsets especially as it goes to more of infrastructure server roles. 7 00:00:32,510 --> 00:00:38,100 ‫It has been accelerating tremendously in the last I would say five years. 8 00:00:38,930 --> 00:00:48,510 ‫You know the oftentimes as as technologists and hobby hobbyists and smart home hackers we we usually 9 00:00:48,510 --> 00:00:54,570 ‫touch arm in the Raspberry Pi kind of world in the hobby electronics world. 10 00:00:54,810 --> 00:01:02,460 ‫However one might not know that ARM processors are essentially in a lot of the hardware devices that 11 00:01:02,460 --> 00:01:10,540 ‫are at the core of network infrastructure wireless infrastructure mobile devices. 12 00:01:10,910 --> 00:01:19,200 ‫You know every piece of hardware in your car in your in your fridge your washing machine wherever. 13 00:01:19,200 --> 00:01:19,500 ‫Right. 14 00:01:19,530 --> 00:01:29,880 ‫And so this announcement kind of opens up the world of dev ops and all the advances in efficiencies 15 00:01:30,330 --> 00:01:40,490 ‫that the traditional dev ops software development world has been gaining advantages in because of Docker 16 00:01:40,490 --> 00:01:41,910 ‫and container containers. 17 00:01:41,920 --> 00:01:46,210 ‫It opens up the the this new hardware world to that. 18 00:01:46,310 --> 00:01:52,610 ‫And one of the biggest gaps as someone who has done some hardware hacking in the past has worked on 19 00:01:52,610 --> 00:02:02,840 ‫hardware projects at work doing that loop of development and testing on hardware at the edge has been 20 00:02:03,260 --> 00:02:03,760 ‫its pi. 21 00:02:03,770 --> 00:02:11,420 ‫The biggest gap in the market right now and I think this announcement is is kind of twofold one is aimed 22 00:02:11,420 --> 00:02:19,850 ‫at closing that gap making it easier to develop on those hardware platforms and then also as ARM processors 23 00:02:19,850 --> 00:02:22,720 ‫are going to the server market making it. 24 00:02:22,730 --> 00:02:29,810 ‫So just like Docker solves that problem for dev ops it solves that problem going from hardware to be 25 00:02:29,810 --> 00:02:35,060 ‫able to write code just normal software development code in on the server space. 26 00:02:35,060 --> 00:02:35,360 ‫Right. 27 00:02:35,360 --> 00:02:43,280 ‫And there's some joint announcements around eight of us having a dedicated arm instances and AC two 28 00:02:43,820 --> 00:02:47,100 ‫and I think there's a lot of advantages there. 29 00:02:47,150 --> 00:02:52,820 ‫And I'll leave I'll leave some space for Mike to comment on it but I've some follow up there as well. 30 00:02:53,130 --> 00:02:54,880 ‫You basically took it all. 31 00:02:54,920 --> 00:02:57,040 ‫Jeez. 32 00:02:58,310 --> 00:03:05,720 ‫I mean we're leaving you with back and reinvent Adobe was announcing the arm easy to instances and everything 33 00:03:05,720 --> 00:03:08,930 ‫and you just see a dramatic price reduction there too. 34 00:03:09,040 --> 00:03:14,000 ‫I admit I looked at it like how can I take advantage of these to start saving some money on my servers 35 00:03:14,510 --> 00:03:22,100 ‫and everything and so now I'm making this much easier and more importantly officially supported means 36 00:03:22,100 --> 00:03:27,950 ‫for building containers and everything and I'm excited to see where it goes I mean I haven't done a 37 00:03:27,950 --> 00:03:34,280 ‫lot in the IOC space but I definitely see how now it's going to be much more accessible to be able to 38 00:03:34,280 --> 00:03:39,110 ‫write in again open up the UPS pipelines and everything like Naren was talking about. 39 00:03:39,650 --> 00:03:40,810 ‫Yeah. 40 00:03:40,870 --> 00:03:41,050 ‫Yeah. 41 00:03:41,090 --> 00:03:49,160 ‫And how we can we can start talking at these i o t conferences and arm conferences and I think there's 42 00:03:49,160 --> 00:03:57,270 ‫gonna be an uptick honestly of around the hardware side and it's a world where I don't I don't know 43 00:03:57,270 --> 00:04:01,640 ‫if there's a lot of cross in in between our industries right. 44 00:04:01,650 --> 00:04:09,150 ‫We have the typical distribute application developers folks that are migrating legacy apps trying to 45 00:04:09,150 --> 00:04:12,100 ‫figure out the cloud future. 46 00:04:12,100 --> 00:04:21,390 ‫There's other worlds out there automotive industrial IO T Mobile even the VRA are in game gaming world 47 00:04:21,450 --> 00:04:25,970 ‫and they're at various stages of this dev ops journey. 48 00:04:26,100 --> 00:04:35,370 ‫And I think this just opens up that world to to the new way of doing things that the cloud world has 49 00:04:35,370 --> 00:04:38,930 ‫kind of gone accustomed to Yeah. 50 00:04:39,260 --> 00:04:44,110 ‫Yeah I think you know us x eighty six peoples which is essentially all the laptops. 51 00:04:44,440 --> 00:04:48,890 ‫You know if you're on a laptop or a desktop machine you're watching this on an Intel processor most 52 00:04:48,890 --> 00:04:50,280 ‫likely. 53 00:04:50,390 --> 00:05:00,680 ‫And we sort of have the spoils of of all the features and all the great software and arm has traditionally 54 00:05:00,680 --> 00:05:07,040 ‫been a place where it's because the processors were so tiny they're focused on battery and efficiency 55 00:05:07,040 --> 00:05:10,940 ‫that they always they that they haven't been number one right there hasn't been the place where all 56 00:05:10,940 --> 00:05:11,830 ‫of that great stuff is. 57 00:05:11,840 --> 00:05:19,100 ‫But I think I think for me largely due to the smartphone decade that we've had that has really changed 58 00:05:19,100 --> 00:05:20,990 ‫a lot because ALM has been around a while. 59 00:05:20,990 --> 00:05:23,390 ‫They're not necessarily new. 60 00:05:23,510 --> 00:05:30,290 ‫And you know in case you didn't know arm for the audience arm is arm doesn't the company doesn't actually 61 00:05:30,290 --> 00:05:32,210 ‫make a processor. 62 00:05:32,780 --> 00:05:34,410 ‫I had to learn this recently. 63 00:05:34,520 --> 00:05:40,670 ‫They they licensed their licensing and consulting and an expertise company but they don't make the silicon 64 00:05:40,670 --> 00:05:46,400 ‫themselves which is a really interesting model it's the opposite model of Intel so I was watching yesterday 65 00:05:46,400 --> 00:05:52,820 ‫after the announcement from Docker I was watching and there's a YouTube video on arm from Azure it's 66 00:05:52,850 --> 00:05:58,970 ‫actually from Microsoft's a few YouTube around you can probably find that video and it's one of the 67 00:05:58,970 --> 00:06:03,410 ‫guys that helped build a data centers or is in charge of data centers talking about their data center 68 00:06:03,410 --> 00:06:04,190 ‫designs. 69 00:06:04,190 --> 00:06:13,180 ‫And the interesting position for him was it wasn't even about savings in terms of energy or whatever. 70 00:06:13,790 --> 00:06:18,330 ‫For them it was a matter of vendor choice that they right now. 71 00:06:18,350 --> 00:06:21,490 ‫If you think about it they're all these data centers in the world. 72 00:06:21,500 --> 00:06:23,620 ‫They're running next 86 there. 73 00:06:23,720 --> 00:06:30,920 ‫They basically have two vendor choices you know a M.D. and Intel and that is they're sort of the linchpin 74 00:06:30,920 --> 00:06:33,680 ‫of their entire company to build to build these data centers. 75 00:06:33,680 --> 00:06:39,350 ‫So for them ALM allows them to then I think Microsoft was saying they had at least three different chip 76 00:06:39,350 --> 00:06:42,700 ‫manufacturers that they had partnered with to make ARM chips for their datacenter. 77 00:06:42,700 --> 00:06:47,150 ‫So now they look at this as like a diversity play of being able to have all the different options in 78 00:06:47,150 --> 00:06:52,370 ‫case something happens that one vendor or one set of chips is delayed or something that they can move 79 00:06:52,370 --> 00:06:53,150 ‫something around. 80 00:06:53,150 --> 00:07:02,600 ‫And for those of us that are on on scripting languages like P2P no J.S. Ruby Perl in those sorts of 81 00:07:02,600 --> 00:07:07,910 ‫things from my point of view if you're talking about cloud infrastructure that's not French the same 82 00:07:07,910 --> 00:07:10,070 ‫way on arm that it runs on intel right. 83 00:07:10,070 --> 00:07:17,330 ‫Nowadays we just kind of do a docker pull on those images and those all just run in fact from my checking 84 00:07:17,990 --> 00:07:23,990 ‫all the official images I looked at all have arm counterparts in fact let's just take a look at that. 85 00:07:24,110 --> 00:07:26,750 ‫Let's go look at the No.1 real quick. 86 00:07:26,960 --> 00:07:34,550 ‫I think what you're kind of pulling up on is that Docker has had the ability to run on ARM processors 87 00:07:34,610 --> 00:07:35,800 ‫for a little while now. 88 00:07:35,810 --> 00:07:42,470 ‫I think it's I think Justin was mentioning that just in-car comment is mentioning that it's been like 89 00:07:42,480 --> 00:07:51,400 ‫couple of years where there have been arm based images this announcement of makes it more production 90 00:07:51,400 --> 00:07:52,090 ‫ready. 91 00:07:52,120 --> 00:07:58,980 ‫There's a commitment there from both sides and you know there's still some issues there. 92 00:07:58,980 --> 00:08:00,790 ‫It's not a first class citizen yet. 93 00:08:00,850 --> 00:08:08,590 ‫And now it is going to be and there's past the kind of hello world kind of examples you do get some 94 00:08:08,590 --> 00:08:09,130 ‫gotchas. 95 00:08:09,130 --> 00:08:17,050 ‫And the other part of this is in my in my view point is when you're talking about these different hardware 96 00:08:17,050 --> 00:08:23,800 ‫platforms often you're also talking about chips that are communicating to other pieces of hardware that 97 00:08:23,800 --> 00:08:31,420 ‫might be unique over USP cereal some other interfaces and interconnecting those into containers. 98 00:08:31,710 --> 00:08:38,080 ‫So can get a little tricky these days and when you're talking about a GP use and several connections 99 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:47,020 ‫and hardware level timing and robotics more more work still needs to be done on the darker world to 100 00:08:47,020 --> 00:08:47,970 ‫be able to support that. 101 00:08:47,980 --> 00:08:54,340 ‫But this announcement is kind of an opening of hey we're taking this seriously and yes we're going to 102 00:08:54,340 --> 00:08:54,640 ‫work. 103 00:08:54,640 --> 00:09:01,270 ‫Keep working on improving how Docker runs on these platforms so it's even easier in the future to develop 104 00:09:01,270 --> 00:09:03,610 ‫against your custom hardware. 105 00:09:04,370 --> 00:09:04,650 ‫Yeah. 106 00:09:04,990 --> 00:09:08,360 ‫I'm excited to see kind of how this folds in with orchestration everything. 107 00:09:08,380 --> 00:09:15,520 ‫I mean imagine opening up a docker e environment and going to you CPE and centre I want to deploy these 108 00:09:15,520 --> 00:09:20,290 ‫containers across my C device fleet or whatever so it'll be interesting to see where this evolves where 109 00:09:20,290 --> 00:09:21,560 ‫this goes in the future. 110 00:09:22,850 --> 00:09:24,170 ‫Yeah yeah. 111 00:09:24,340 --> 00:09:25,570 ‫A lot of this works today. 112 00:09:25,570 --> 00:09:32,760 ‫I mean that's what's the announcement I think someone announced you can tell like you know industry 113 00:09:32,760 --> 00:09:34,830 ‫analyst analysts aren't engineers usually. 114 00:09:34,840 --> 00:09:41,530 ‫And so when they're putting titles up against Tech Crunch Docker developers can now build arm containers 115 00:09:41,530 --> 00:09:42,610 ‫on your desktops. 116 00:09:42,610 --> 00:09:48,520 ‫That title actually would have been the same title like three years ago you could have done that three 117 00:09:48,520 --> 00:09:49,280 ‫years ago. 118 00:09:49,330 --> 00:09:50,580 ‫Nothing has changed. 119 00:09:50,620 --> 00:09:55,150 ‫I think Dockers basically going to meet their goal is to eventually make it easier. 120 00:09:55,180 --> 00:09:58,710 ‫You were saying the pass smoother from dev test to prod. 121 00:09:58,840 --> 00:10:04,120 ‫But if you go into this just look at the node image for example there's this whole list of architectures 122 00:10:04,120 --> 00:10:10,870 ‫where you can do Docker run node on any of these platforms we're talking old arm 32 bit ARM the latest 123 00:10:10,960 --> 00:10:19,840 ‫arm V8 32 bit X 86 which is i3 86 PPC which is I don't know was using that anymore and then I think 124 00:10:19,880 --> 00:10:22,500 ‫s S3 90 X is a mainframe chip. 125 00:10:22,830 --> 00:10:29,920 ‫So actually funny story When Docker con Copenhagen so a year and a half ago now kind of did a little 126 00:10:29,920 --> 00:10:36,350 ‫hackathon with a couple of the other captains there and I was playing around with making an alternative 127 00:10:36,350 --> 00:10:46,360 ‫a swarm visualise and we had it working with both Andy 64 and arm and on the S3 96 and windows and so 128 00:10:47,020 --> 00:10:50,070 ‫produced one node and that can run on four different architectures. 129 00:10:50,060 --> 00:10:55,570 ‫And it was kind of fun to say you know this app will run on both arm and IBM mainframe and I've never 130 00:10:55,570 --> 00:10:58,310 ‫even touched a mainframe in my life right. 131 00:10:58,830 --> 00:11:01,830 ‫I work on it it's just what I mean really cool. 132 00:11:01,840 --> 00:11:02,560 ‫What does it mean. 133 00:11:03,210 --> 00:11:04,870 ‫Yeah yeah. 134 00:11:04,990 --> 00:11:08,300 ‫This DCP will still work on a mainframe I don't know. 135 00:11:08,350 --> 00:11:14,290 ‫Yeah yeah I know it's I mean that's I think one of the big goals that I always got out of Docker early 136 00:11:14,290 --> 00:11:19,120 ‫on was you know not only making it easy to run any app the same way with the same commands but they're 137 00:11:19,120 --> 00:11:23,230 ‫also making any architecture able to run the same thing with the same command. 138 00:11:23,260 --> 00:11:29,020 ‫So the goal eventually and it's not all complete like the whole path manifest files and all these different 139 00:11:29,020 --> 00:11:34,300 ‫things multi arches not all completely smooth that but we're really far I think down the road of you 140 00:11:34,300 --> 00:11:42,190 ‫being able to build an app it be on multiple processor architectures at the same time it's one code 141 00:11:42,190 --> 00:11:48,240 ‫base and you store it in one repo on the Internet and you pull it you pull it based on your decision 142 00:11:48,250 --> 00:11:51,490 ‫so then people think well multi arch why I really care. 143 00:11:51,490 --> 00:11:57,010 ‫I usually know what architecture I want to use and sort of the example that I give is like you might 144 00:11:57,010 --> 00:12:01,060 ‫want something like on a no JSF you might want some of that architecture to run in the cloud. 145 00:12:01,210 --> 00:12:07,990 ‫And up until recently if you want eight of us or Azure you had to run it on x 86 like you did not have 146 00:12:07,990 --> 00:12:09,160 ‫an arm processor to run it on. 147 00:12:09,160 --> 00:12:14,470 ‫So if you're going to test and see eye and do all that sort of stuff on your code before you shipped 148 00:12:14,470 --> 00:12:19,780 ‫it out to maybe your IO T devices you had you didn't have a lot of choices for running it on raw bare 149 00:12:19,780 --> 00:12:20,680 ‫metal arm stuff. 150 00:12:20,680 --> 00:12:21,290 ‫Right. 151 00:12:21,340 --> 00:12:25,930 ‫So it was nice to have all these images and be able to test them and then just basically change the 152 00:12:25,930 --> 00:12:30,430 ‫from image to a different architecture and then your code is built into a new image that's kind of how 153 00:12:30,430 --> 00:12:36,280 ‫I was talking about it but now now that we have like eight of us is a one instances. 154 00:12:36,280 --> 00:12:44,260 ‫So if you weren't if you weren't aware from the Amazons conference the most recent one they NWS announced 155 00:12:44,260 --> 00:12:50,050 ‫that they have they they're making their own silicon just like Microsoft and they have these A1 instances 156 00:12:50,050 --> 00:12:53,270 ‫that start with A1 mediums and work their way up. 157 00:12:53,410 --> 00:12:55,990 ‫And what's crazy is like right out of the box they have 10 gigabit. 158 00:12:56,020 --> 00:13:01,870 ‫So sixteen dollars a month for a single AMD processor but it's got 10 gigabit networking so all I can 159 00:13:01,870 --> 00:13:07,360 ‫think about is like if I've got a network bandwidth things like that's where I'm putting it is on and 160 00:13:07,360 --> 00:13:11,990 ‫it's dramatically reduced in price compared to the six versions too. 161 00:13:12,010 --> 00:13:18,200 ‫So yeah yeah yeah I think that's that's where a lot of that lies. 162 00:13:18,200 --> 00:13:20,360 ‫I think there's going to be cost advantages. 163 00:13:20,360 --> 00:13:31,590 ‫Power consumption advantages bandwidth it's also on a trend overall of you know custom silicon and custom 164 00:13:31,590 --> 00:13:37,910 ‫hardware especially as we start to go into machine learning A.I.. 165 00:13:38,090 --> 00:13:45,510 ‫A lot of companies are going to start baking their algorithms and making their own hardware in their 166 00:13:45,510 --> 00:13:54,330 ‫own silicon specialize toward very specific machine learning algorithms spaceship specific type of applications 167 00:13:54,900 --> 00:14:01,350 ‫and developing against those is typically been a really big challenge to make your own compilers you 168 00:14:01,350 --> 00:14:05,170 ‫have to make sure that you're developing environments of the same. 169 00:14:06,120 --> 00:14:14,130 ‫I think these announcements are kind of the first baby steps toward opening up advances in in not just 170 00:14:14,370 --> 00:14:19,590 ‫you Intel X 86 centric development across the board. 171 00:14:20,330 --> 00:14:28,820 ‫Yeah yeah it's gonna it's gonna be what I mean ideally a few years from now we'll have the situation 172 00:14:28,820 --> 00:14:34,700 ‫where we maybe are ready here for a lot of people but for the US normal people it's gonna be this decision 173 00:14:34,700 --> 00:14:40,640 ‫of what is the let me test on a different architectures and let me see which ones the most energy efficient 174 00:14:40,640 --> 00:14:46,490 ‫or better or you know cost effective for my performance that needs that I have and I'm just gonna choose 175 00:14:46,490 --> 00:14:48,830 ‫that and it doesn't. 176 00:14:48,830 --> 00:14:54,320 ‫It's an interesting world because for the longest time in fact one of the things I wanted to bring up 177 00:14:54,320 --> 00:14:55,400 ‫about this topic was 178 00:15:01,610 --> 00:15:09,020 ‫the founder of Linux Linus a couple of months ago when I think it was after the ADA U.S. announcement 179 00:15:09,080 --> 00:15:13,160 ‫he basically came out and was it was gonna play a video. 180 00:15:13,930 --> 00:15:15,070 ‫Yeah. 181 00:15:16,290 --> 00:15:20,240 ‫He was really it was I thought was a very interesting discussion I was having we was basically saying 182 00:15:20,840 --> 00:15:25,970 ‫just because ALM exists doesn't mean that it's going to be like this major player the bit let's all 183 00:15:25,970 --> 00:15:31,940 ‫look back at the reason that X 86 became so successful and his argument was around everyone having this 184 00:15:31,940 --> 00:15:37,220 ‫commodity hardware that was the same processor architecture type as in production so that they could 185 00:15:37,220 --> 00:15:43,250 ‫just play locally tests locally then run it on a server somewhere and that was the real one of the big 186 00:15:43,250 --> 00:15:46,430 ‫secrets to the success and that arm doesn't have that yet. 187 00:15:46,430 --> 00:15:52,220 ‫So when I read this I think that this should be turned around now and there should be a new so much 188 00:15:52,220 --> 00:15:58,010 ‫that needs to write a blog post that basically says Linus is right and Docker and arm together are going 189 00:15:58,010 --> 00:16:03,880 ‫to be the bet most likely successful way we're going to solve this problem yeah. 190 00:16:03,890 --> 00:16:13,230 ‫And I don't I don't know if it's you know the use case of like server side doesn't necessarily talk 191 00:16:13,230 --> 00:16:17,980 ‫about power consumption or cost. 192 00:16:17,980 --> 00:16:18,910 ‫You know we kind of. 193 00:16:19,230 --> 00:16:20,280 ‫Yes to an extent. 194 00:16:20,280 --> 00:16:20,990 ‫Commodities. 195 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:29,160 ‫But once you start going away from servers and you start to interact with devices and the cloud and 196 00:16:30,470 --> 00:16:35,500 ‫multiple architectures and GP use it that's a different story completely. 197 00:16:35,510 --> 00:16:43,550 ‫Like Linus is right about a specific area which is kind of commodity software development and commodity 198 00:16:43,550 --> 00:16:44,240 ‫applications. 199 00:16:44,240 --> 00:16:51,950 ‫But the minute you start venturing off that farm that that territory it's it gets it's a little bit 200 00:16:51,950 --> 00:16:53,650 ‫harder and it's not there yet. 201 00:16:53,660 --> 00:17:02,180 ‫And so that being said though I think Almond is a lot in a lot of places and we touch it every day and 202 00:17:02,450 --> 00:17:04,940 ‫does that mean that it's a good thing that it's hidden. 203 00:17:04,940 --> 00:17:05,570 ‫Probably not. 204 00:17:05,570 --> 00:17:11,720 ‫I mean if it's I mean for every x 86 chip how many arm chips are there you know that are running. 205 00:17:11,780 --> 00:17:12,410 ‫I don't know. 206 00:17:12,470 --> 00:17:15,930 ‫Right I'm sure there's a multiplication there are a multiple there. 207 00:17:15,930 --> 00:17:16,540 ‫Yeah. 208 00:17:17,110 --> 00:17:20,030 ‫So yeah I forgot how many how many. 209 00:17:20,060 --> 00:17:29,260 ‫They hadn't announced but something about the billions of how many billions of it was I and I hesitate 210 00:17:29,260 --> 00:17:36,950 ‫to call because I pride misquote but it was something like from the start of arm as a company till the 211 00:17:36,950 --> 00:17:44,180 ‫two thousand somewhere they made like 50 billion chips and then the next four years they made 50 billion 212 00:17:44,180 --> 00:17:48,670 ‫chips so and then the next like three years they made 50 billion chips or something like that. 213 00:17:49,220 --> 00:17:55,670 ‫And so it's essentially almost I want to say exponential but it looks like an exponential amount of 214 00:17:55,670 --> 00:17:58,080 ‫chips are made. 215 00:17:58,130 --> 00:18:00,910 ‫I think that's going to change anytime soon you know. 216 00:18:00,920 --> 00:18:10,080 ‫And traditionally those chips have been found in hardware devices not necessarily on the server themselves 217 00:18:10,110 --> 00:18:15,240 ‫but you know what's not a server these days. 218 00:18:15,290 --> 00:18:15,630 ‫Right. 219 00:18:15,660 --> 00:18:16,270 ‫Oh right. 220 00:18:17,090 --> 00:18:17,890 ‫I mean yeah. 221 00:18:17,890 --> 00:18:21,340 ‫To me it means like if you're going to if you're interested in doing something like let's say you want 222 00:18:21,340 --> 00:18:26,140 ‫to make a custom you know situation on arm like maybe you're not just a node programmer but you're a 223 00:18:26,140 --> 00:18:31,030 ‫little a low level programmer like traditionally you'd have to go get you know you have to go get a 224 00:18:31,030 --> 00:18:35,840 ‫Raspberry Pi and then figure out how to develop an ad or you have to buy an arm laptop and then you 225 00:18:35,840 --> 00:18:38,800 ‫have to deal with the limitations of that for development. 226 00:18:38,880 --> 00:18:39,760 ‫So yeah. 227 00:18:40,360 --> 00:18:46,150 ‫So I've got these like I don't know if you can see that I got these little development boards. 228 00:18:46,510 --> 00:18:46,790 ‫I don't know. 229 00:18:46,800 --> 00:18:47,920 ‫I don't think they are. 230 00:18:48,130 --> 00:18:48,680 ‫Maybe they are. 231 00:18:48,670 --> 00:18:49,210 ‫I'm not sure. 232 00:18:49,210 --> 00:18:53,110 ‫But you know there's a full stack server on this on this little thing. 233 00:18:53,140 --> 00:18:56,320 ‫It's the same thing that's in the Amazon Dash button essentially. 234 00:18:56,370 --> 00:18:57,040 ‫Okay. 235 00:18:57,080 --> 00:19:02,290 ‫And it's got you know it's got FTB it's got a web server. 236 00:19:02,290 --> 00:19:04,840 ‫It's I mean what's not a server. 237 00:19:04,870 --> 00:19:09,210 ‫You know I made my toaster eventually is going to have a server on it for no reason. 238 00:19:09,370 --> 00:19:11,730 ‫I mean right. 239 00:19:11,770 --> 00:19:12,940 ‫It probably already does. 240 00:19:12,940 --> 00:19:17,770 ‫If you get one with like an LCD panel on it it's probably got a little arm chip just to just to power 241 00:19:17,770 --> 00:19:21,030 ‫that on their website they say one hundred and thirty billion chips more. 242 00:19:21,020 --> 00:19:24,550 ‫More than 130 billion. 243 00:19:24,550 --> 00:19:27,340 ‫There's only seven billion people on the planet right. 244 00:19:27,370 --> 00:19:34,780 ‫So more than 70 percent of the world's population are using ARM technology sensors to smartphones to 245 00:19:34,780 --> 00:19:35,470 ‫supercomputers. 246 00:19:35,470 --> 00:19:35,820 ‫Yeah. 247 00:19:35,860 --> 00:19:37,750 ‫So I think it's really cool. 248 00:19:37,750 --> 00:19:43,480 ‫I'm excited how easy it is it's almost so easy that the demos kind of like OK cool I'm running arm so 249 00:19:43,480 --> 00:19:45,830 ‫you know you're on Tucker desktop. 250 00:19:45,840 --> 00:19:52,510 ‫So if you're if you're just running or desktop you can run arm code right now you can just either specify 251 00:19:52,510 --> 00:19:57,050 ‫the platform in your Docker run command or you can just specify the image that is arm based. 252 00:19:57,400 --> 00:20:02,980 ‫And it just runs and it's using that because of QM you if you're not familiar with that 253 00:20:05,870 --> 00:20:09,940 ‫cue EMU dot org it's in a processor emulator essentially. 254 00:20:09,970 --> 00:20:14,530 ‫But think of it like virtualization the same way that it works the same way the virtualization does. 255 00:20:14,530 --> 00:20:19,210 ‫And it just allows it's been around a while it's not a docker thing Docker just bundles it into Docker 256 00:20:19,210 --> 00:20:20,440 ‫desktop by default. 257 00:20:20,440 --> 00:20:21,610 ‫And that's what we've been all talking about. 258 00:20:21,610 --> 00:20:26,380 ‫So if you go on what's crazy if you go into YouTube right now and you just search like Raspberry Pi 259 00:20:26,410 --> 00:20:33,280 ‫Docker or armed Docker or something like that you'll find three up to five years worth of videos of 260 00:20:33,280 --> 00:20:36,310 ‫people demoing how this all stuff all this stuff works. 261 00:20:36,310 --> 00:20:43,130 ‫So one of that one of the challenges with this announcement yesterday is it's it's here like surprise. 262 00:20:43,190 --> 00:20:44,390 ‫You've had it for five years. 263 00:20:44,390 --> 00:20:47,050 ‫It just works like you don't need to wait for the next release. 264 00:20:47,060 --> 00:20:48,990 ‫You don't need to wait for Dr. Khan. 265 00:20:49,010 --> 00:20:53,390 ‫What what that announcement to me was really about was what we learned was like Docker e is going to 266 00:20:53,390 --> 00:20:58,130 ‫come to arm right like there's going to be official doctor support for the arm instead of it just works. 267 00:20:58,130 --> 00:21:02,610 ‫It'll be well you can actually call us for support with this kind of thing that you know. 268 00:21:02,690 --> 00:21:06,890 ‫Yeah the developer workflow experience is going to get better hopefully we'll have easier dealing with 269 00:21:06,890 --> 00:21:11,250 ‫a multiple arch images and all that stuff and news will be announced. 270 00:21:11,260 --> 00:21:16,480 ‫Dr. Khan next week too I mean a whole new slew of tools and stuff coming. 271 00:21:16,850 --> 00:21:18,050 ‫Yeah yeah. 272 00:21:18,050 --> 00:21:23,330 ‫In fact even just if you think about it for a second just Dr. compose and of itself being able to run 273 00:21:23,330 --> 00:21:27,670 ‫Ducker compose up on my machine and if I'm on macro win as a doctor desktop. 274 00:21:27,680 --> 00:21:32,540 ‫What that means is I could have one of those service services running containers in there be an arm 275 00:21:32,540 --> 00:21:38,420 ‫based one and then other ones that are X 86 all in the same network all talking to each other testing 276 00:21:38,420 --> 00:21:44,790 ‫apps locally on different architecture types seamlessly like it's just it's kind of like what a world 277 00:21:44,790 --> 00:21:48,370 ‫do we live in kind of thing. 278 00:21:48,400 --> 00:21:54,430 ‫I think it's cool because it also opens up the world for things like unique kernels which have also 279 00:21:54,520 --> 00:22:00,330 ‫traditionally been difficult to kind of work with but have a lot of advantages. 280 00:22:00,340 --> 00:22:09,280 ‫And I'm not a unique kernel expert but this is kind of along that path to getting to some more advanced 281 00:22:09,610 --> 00:22:16,750 ‫ways of communicating with hardware it's more advanced kernels more secure. 282 00:22:16,750 --> 00:22:16,960 ‫Right. 283 00:22:16,960 --> 00:22:23,950 ‫So another thing that isn't really part of the announcement but you know your darker images come with 284 00:22:24,070 --> 00:22:29,980 ‫the ability to be cryptic graphically signed and a big challenge when you're talking about hardware 285 00:22:29,980 --> 00:22:35,570 ‫is cryptographic signing what's running on on hardware. 286 00:22:35,920 --> 00:22:41,270 ‫And and that becomes more and more important as we start to do more and more processing at the edge. 287 00:22:41,320 --> 00:22:48,400 ‫And it's also the same things that we can do today on servers on a new processor architecture that that 288 00:22:49,420 --> 00:22:58,930 ‫that might not have those advantages at X 86 have from the dev ops world but now do so before we hear. 289 00:22:58,930 --> 00:23:04,910 ‫I mean how often do we hear of this these camera systems got hacked and all this kind of all that stuff. 290 00:23:05,450 --> 00:23:06,260 ‫Yeah. 291 00:23:06,640 --> 00:23:09,840 ‫I think I think I think it happens more than we realize. 292 00:23:10,000 --> 00:23:11,770 ‫We hear a lot of news and we're like yeah. 293 00:23:11,800 --> 00:23:15,550 ‫But I think you know there's a lot of devices in fact. 294 00:23:15,550 --> 00:23:19,900 ‫What's interesting is to see devices coming out now like the Google Home which specifically markets 295 00:23:19,930 --> 00:23:26,200 ‫as not having a camera in it so that it can't be hacked so that your privacy is protected by not having 296 00:23:26,200 --> 00:23:27,400 ‫a camera in your living room whatever. 297 00:23:27,400 --> 00:23:31,960 ‫I just recently got a Google home and it's essentially a little tablet with a speaker built in that 298 00:23:32,770 --> 00:23:35,670 ‫runs Android and it has lots of things in it. 299 00:23:35,680 --> 00:23:41,640 ‫But one thing it doesn't have is a camera because of that that very we've all been trained. 300 00:23:41,640 --> 00:23:48,470 ‫Now that thing with a sensor Internet access in my house is potentially hackable and you're right a 301 00:23:48,550 --> 00:23:58,720 ‫docker I mean it to me it's like if the app gets hacked the OS can still replace that container much 302 00:23:58,720 --> 00:24:02,500 ‫easier than you would have to like flash the firmware on a device to get rid of the hack. 303 00:24:02,500 --> 00:24:02,770 ‫Right. 304 00:24:02,770 --> 00:24:09,310 ‫So the whole remediation seems a lot easier than me assuming that they didn't break out of the container 305 00:24:09,310 --> 00:24:11,170 ‫and all that obviously there's always those risks. 306 00:24:11,170 --> 00:24:11,410 ‫But.