In the next lecture, you'll learn how to share files and directories between a host and a Docker container. One of the parts of the command line you'll need to type is the host file path you want to share.
With Docker CLI, you can always use a full file path on any OS, but often you'll see me and others use a "parameter expansion" like $(pwd)
which means "print working directory".
Here's the important part. Each shell may do this differently, so here's a cheat sheet for which OS and Shell your using. I'll be using $(pwd) on a Mac, but yours may be different!
This isn't a Docker thing, it's a Shell thing.
For PowerShell use: ${pwd}
For cmd.exe "Command Prompt use: %cd%
Linux/macOS bash, sh, zsh, and Windows Docker Toolbox Quickstart Terminal use: $(pwd)
Note, if you have spaces in your path, you'll usually need to quote the whole path in the docker command.