1 00:00:05,540 --> 00:00:11,720 ‫OK. This is me walking through the assignment on bind mounts. I start out here in the bind mount sample 2 00:00:11,720 --> 00:00:19,670 ‫1 directory. If I look here, I see some markdown files and other things. I don't really have to 3 00:00:19,670 --> 00:00:24,700 ‫care about those, but those are the standard template files from a Jekyll website. 4 00:00:24,830 --> 00:00:30,020 ‫I know normally if I was going to use Jekyll on my machine, I'd have to actually install Jekyll, 5 00:00:30,020 --> 00:00:33,140 ‫which requires a specific version of Ruby and other tools. 6 00:00:33,140 --> 00:00:36,840 ‫The nice thing here is I don't have to do any of that. I can type the docker run. 7 00:00:36,880 --> 00:00:44,070 ‫We can also type docker container run, but I'm going to use the shorthand form here. I'm going to forward 8 00:00:44,930 --> 00:00:50,030 ‫port 80 to port 4000 in the container like we specified. 9 00:00:50,180 --> 00:00:55,100 ‫Then I need to mount this directory into the container, 10 00:00:57,710 --> 00:01:02,030 ‫into that site directory, and then I need to run 11 00:01:06,540 --> 00:01:07,940 ‫the Jekyll serve image. 12 00:01:11,450 --> 00:01:16,970 ‫OK. I can see what happened here was when it actually started up Jekyll, it actually built this website 13 00:01:16,970 --> 00:01:18,000 ‫from those source files. 14 00:01:18,020 --> 00:01:22,670 ‫I don't have to know what all that means, but I can tell down here at the bottom, that it's actually started 15 00:01:22,760 --> 00:01:24,150 ‫and the server is running. 16 00:01:24,170 --> 00:01:27,010 ‫I can press Control c to stop. 17 00:01:27,050 --> 00:01:31,530 ‫Then let me go over to my browser and type localhost. 18 00:01:31,670 --> 00:01:37,310 ‫OK. Default website. It looks like it has one post, which is this page here. 19 00:01:37,310 --> 00:01:37,690 ‫All right. 20 00:01:37,700 --> 00:01:43,550 ‫Now I'm going to go over to my code editor, and I'm going to pull up that post file like we talked about, 21 00:01:44,510 --> 00:01:46,710 ‫and I'm going to change something in here. 22 00:01:46,770 --> 00:01:47,980 ‫I'm actually going to change the title. 23 00:01:53,810 --> 00:01:55,060 ‫And I'm going to save it. 24 00:01:55,100 --> 00:02:01,240 ‫It looks like my logs back here say it's detected the changes in that file. 25 00:02:01,410 --> 00:02:05,180 ‫If I go back over to my browser and hit refresh...there we go. 26 00:02:05,190 --> 00:02:09,840 ‫As you can see here, my files are correctly being mapped into the container. 27 00:02:09,840 --> 00:02:14,730 ‫The container sees the file changes on the host and then updates its code. 28 00:02:14,890 --> 00:02:15,490 ‫There we go. 29 00:02:15,510 --> 00:02:21,870 ‫If you're interested in Jekyll, Jekyll is actually a really cool Static Site Generator. It's great 30 00:02:21,870 --> 00:02:25,950 ‫for making websites on GitHub, which are free by the way. 31 00:02:26,220 --> 00:02:28,720 ‫You can find more information about it here. 32 00:02:29,100 --> 00:02:33,360 ‫Instead of actually installing it the way they're suggesting, you can go ahead and use mycontainer 33 00:02:33,360 --> 00:02:34,770 ‫or build your own. 34 00:02:34,770 --> 00:02:40,920 ‫If you wanted to use mycontainer to play around with Jekyll on your own time, you can actually 35 00:02:41,220 --> 00:02:46,320 ‫see all the information I've provided, and documentation on how to use it, on Docker Hub or on GitHub.