You'll hear me talking about Docker Machine in various lectures. Docker has stopped support for docker-machine, and we mostly have better tools for this now.

Use Multipass as a better option for managing multiple local VMs

If you'd like to create multiple VM's for setting up Swarm or K8s clusters, use

Multipass creates full Ubuntu server VM on your Host machine using various virtualization options (hyper-v, VirtualBox, hyperkit, etc.). It's super fast to create one and easy to use.  Their website has a quick walkthrough for each host OS type.

Once you have Multipass VM's created, then install docker and/or kubernetes inside them (`multipass shell <name>` gets you into the VM shell, `multipass mount` can connect a host directory into the VM, and `multipass transfer` can copy files in.)

Background on Docker Machine depreciation

docker-machine which was used to create VMs with docker pre-installed. The last release from 2019 is archived on github. There isn't anything wrong with docker machine, Docker simply shifted focus from creating virtual machines. Today there are better alternatives like multipass. For the course, you can still choose to use docker-machine but multipass is the best option. You can see me discuss multipass on my live show.