1 00:00:00,350 --> 00:00:03,460 ‫Amazon Lightsail is a bit of an oddball in AWS 2 00:00:03,460 --> 00:00:06,070 ‫because it is kind of a stand-alone service. 3 00:00:06,070 --> 00:00:06,920 ‫So with Lightsail, 4 00:00:06,920 --> 00:00:08,120 ‫you can get virtual servers, 5 00:00:08,120 --> 00:00:08,953 ‫storage, 6 00:00:08,953 --> 00:00:09,786 ‫databases 7 00:00:09,786 --> 00:00:11,580 ‫and networking in one place. 8 00:00:11,580 --> 00:00:14,050 ‫It gives you low and predictable pricing. 9 00:00:14,050 --> 00:00:16,730 ‫And so the reason people use Amazon Lightsail 10 00:00:16,730 --> 00:00:19,610 ‫is that it is a much simpler alternative 11 00:00:19,610 --> 00:00:20,940 ‫to using services 12 00:00:20,940 --> 00:00:21,773 ‫that we've been learning 13 00:00:21,773 --> 00:00:25,770 ‫such as EC2 RDS, ELB, EBS, Route53 and so on. 14 00:00:25,770 --> 00:00:28,940 ‫So Lightsail really the intent of it from AWS 15 00:00:28,940 --> 00:00:31,850 ‫is for people that have little cloud experience 16 00:00:31,850 --> 00:00:32,930 ‫and don't want to learn 17 00:00:32,930 --> 00:00:35,950 ‫how the services work intricately, 18 00:00:35,950 --> 00:00:36,783 ‫for example, 19 00:00:36,783 --> 00:00:37,730 ‫how their networking works, 20 00:00:37,730 --> 00:00:38,563 ‫how the storage works, 21 00:00:38,563 --> 00:00:40,150 ‫the server works etc. 22 00:00:40,150 --> 00:00:41,340 ‫This is not something you would use 23 00:00:41,340 --> 00:00:43,300 ‫your learning how AWS works properly 24 00:00:43,300 --> 00:00:44,550 ‫but if you're someone with little 25 00:00:44,550 --> 00:00:45,920 ‫to no cloud experience 26 00:00:45,920 --> 00:00:48,360 ‫then Lightsail maybe a service for you. 27 00:00:48,360 --> 00:00:50,650 ‫From Lightsail you can also set up some monitoring 28 00:00:50,650 --> 00:00:52,940 ‫and notifications for your Lightsail resources 29 00:00:52,940 --> 00:00:54,570 ‫and so use cases for Lightsail would be 30 00:00:54,570 --> 00:00:55,403 ‫for example, 31 00:00:55,403 --> 00:00:58,020 ‫if you want to deploy a very simple web application 32 00:00:58,020 --> 00:00:58,853 ‫for example, 33 00:00:58,853 --> 00:01:01,790 ‫if you have LAMP Stack, Nginx, MEAN, Node.js 34 00:01:01,790 --> 00:01:04,460 ‫there's templates for that on Lightsail 35 00:01:04,460 --> 00:01:05,760 ‫or if you have a very simple website, 36 00:01:05,760 --> 00:01:06,593 ‫for example, 37 00:01:06,593 --> 00:01:07,426 ‫if you have a WordPress and Magento, 38 00:01:07,426 --> 00:01:08,970 ‫Plesk, Joomla 39 00:01:08,970 --> 00:01:10,470 ‫all these kind of things can be deployed 40 00:01:10,470 --> 00:01:12,700 ‫very easily on Lightsail. 41 00:01:12,700 --> 00:01:14,260 ‫Finally, Lightsail is also great 42 00:01:14,260 --> 00:01:17,740 ‫if you have development and test environments in AWS. 43 00:01:17,740 --> 00:01:20,630 ‫There is a concept of high availability in Lightsail 44 00:01:20,630 --> 00:01:22,230 ‫but there's no auto-scaling 45 00:01:22,230 --> 00:01:25,550 ‫and there really are limited AWS integrations. 46 00:01:25,550 --> 00:01:26,790 ‫So to summarize, 47 00:01:26,790 --> 00:01:28,110 ‫Lightsail really is something 48 00:01:28,110 --> 00:01:30,450 ‫that you wouldn't use today on your own 49 00:01:30,450 --> 00:01:32,250 ‫but from an exam perspective 50 00:01:32,250 --> 00:01:33,083 ‫if you see someone 51 00:01:33,083 --> 00:01:34,290 ‫that has no cloud experience 52 00:01:34,290 --> 00:01:35,970 ‫and need to get started quickly 53 00:01:35,970 --> 00:01:37,400 ‫with a low and predictable pricing 54 00:01:37,400 --> 00:01:38,960 ‫without configuring things much 55 00:01:38,960 --> 00:01:40,070 ‫that will be Lightsail, 56 00:01:40,070 --> 00:01:41,960 ‫otherwise Lightsail will almost 57 00:01:41,960 --> 00:01:44,260 ‫always be a wrong answer. 58 00:01:44,260 --> 00:01:45,110 ‫So I hope that was helpful 59 00:01:45,110 --> 00:01:47,060 ‫and I will see you in the next lecture.