Here is a list of services we've used you can use to make sure you don't forget anything in your cleanup.
It's also a good time to review all your learning :)
EC2 instances
Elastic Load Balancer
Launch Configurations
Auto Scaling Groups
Elastic IPs
Security Groups
EBS Volumes
Key Pairs
ECS environments (cluster, service, task def, ECR)
Elastic Beanstalk applications & environments
AWS Lambda functions
S3 files & buckets
RDS database
DynamoDB tables & indexes
ElastiCache cluster
API Gateway
Kinesis Streams
SNS Topics
SQS Queues
CloudWatch Logs
CloudWatch Metrics
CloudWatch Dashboards
CloudWatch Alerts
CloudWatch Rules
CloudFormation Stacks
SSM Parameter Store
IAM User / Groups / Roles / Policies
That was a lot, congratulations!