1 00:00:00,150 --> 00:00:02,700 ‫So now let's talk about EBS Snapshots. 2 00:00:02,700 --> 00:00:05,520 ‫So, an EBS Snapshot is a backup 3 00:00:05,520 --> 00:00:08,640 ‫at any point in time of your EBS volume. 4 00:00:08,640 --> 00:00:11,460 ‫And for this, it's not necessary to detach your EBS volume 5 00:00:11,460 --> 00:00:15,000 ‫from your EC2 instance but it's recommended. 6 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:17,400 ‫You can copy these EBS Snapshots 7 00:00:17,400 --> 00:00:19,230 ‫across different Availability Zones 8 00:00:19,230 --> 00:00:21,720 ‫or even across different Region. 9 00:00:21,720 --> 00:00:22,920 ‫So, for example, 10 00:00:22,920 --> 00:00:27,920 ‫let's take EC2 instance that has an EBS volume in US-EAST-1A 11 00:00:28,800 --> 00:00:32,340 ‫and an EC2 instance in US-EAST-1B. 12 00:00:32,340 --> 00:00:36,180 ‫So we can take a snapshot of the EBS volume. 13 00:00:36,180 --> 00:00:37,740 ‫Okay, and thanks for that snapshot 14 00:00:37,740 --> 00:00:41,130 ‫we can actually restore it in another AZ. 15 00:00:41,130 --> 00:00:43,920 ‫So this is how you would transfer an EBS volume 16 00:00:43,920 --> 00:00:46,683 ‫from one AZ to another. 17 00:00:48,630 --> 00:00:52,350 ‫Next, you need to know about a few EBS Snapshots feature. 18 00:00:52,350 --> 00:00:54,870 ‫So the first one is called the EBS Snapshot Archive. 19 00:00:54,870 --> 00:00:57,120 ‫It's the ability for you to move the snapshot 20 00:00:57,120 --> 00:01:02,120 ‫to an "archive tier" that is going to be up to 75% cheaper. 21 00:01:02,130 --> 00:01:05,520 ‫So, if you do move this snapshot to an "archive tier" 22 00:01:05,520 --> 00:01:10,290 ‫then it will take you from within 24 to 72 hours 23 00:01:10,290 --> 00:01:11,820 ‫for restoring the archive. 24 00:01:11,820 --> 00:01:13,860 ‫So it's not immediate. 25 00:01:13,860 --> 00:01:16,680 ‫The other thing is to have a Recycle Bin for EBS Snapshots. 26 00:01:16,680 --> 00:01:20,460 ‫So in case you do delete your EBS Snapshots 27 00:01:20,460 --> 00:01:23,040 ‫instead of being permanently deleted 28 00:01:23,040 --> 00:01:26,250 ‫then instead they're going to land in Recycle Bin. 29 00:01:26,250 --> 00:01:27,330 ‫And so the idea with this 30 00:01:27,330 --> 00:01:31,770 ‫is that you can recover them from an accidental deletion. 31 00:01:31,770 --> 00:01:34,920 ‫And the retention for your Recycle Bin can be set 32 00:01:34,920 --> 00:01:37,503 ‫from anywhere between one day to one year. 33 00:01:38,340 --> 00:01:39,600 ‫The last feature you need to know about 34 00:01:39,600 --> 00:01:43,590 ‫for your EBS Snapshots is called the Fast Snapshot Restored. 35 00:01:43,590 --> 00:01:45,900 ‫So this forces a full initialization 36 00:01:45,900 --> 00:01:49,590 ‫of your snapshot to have no latency on the first use. 37 00:01:49,590 --> 00:01:51,180 ‫This is particularly helpful 38 00:01:51,180 --> 00:01:53,610 ‫if your snapshot is big, very big 39 00:01:53,610 --> 00:01:56,370 ‫and need to initialize an EBS volume 40 00:01:56,370 --> 00:01:59,220 ‫or needs to instance out of it very quickly, 41 00:01:59,220 --> 00:02:00,660 ‫but this feature costs a lot of money, 42 00:02:00,660 --> 00:02:02,850 ‫so be careful when using it. 43 00:02:02,850 --> 00:02:04,860 ‫Okay, that's it for this lecture. 44 00:02:04,860 --> 00:02:05,880 ‫I hope you liked it. 45 00:02:05,880 --> 00:02:07,923 ‫And I will see you in the next lecture.