1 00:00:00,340 --> 00:00:01,173 ‫Now let's talk about 2 00:00:01,173 --> 00:00:04,140 ‫what powers our EC2 instances which is an AMI, 3 00:00:04,140 --> 00:00:07,280 ‫so AMI stands for Amazon machine image 4 00:00:07,280 --> 00:00:11,890 ‫and they represent a customization of an EC2 instance. 5 00:00:11,890 --> 00:00:13,930 ‫So you can use AMIs you created by AWS 6 00:00:13,930 --> 00:00:17,520 ‫or you can customize it into your own and what is in an AMI? 7 00:00:17,520 --> 00:00:20,500 ‫Well we have our own software configuration, 8 00:00:20,500 --> 00:00:23,470 ‫we can define and set up the operating system, 9 00:00:23,470 --> 00:00:25,510 ‫we can set up any monitoring tool 10 00:00:25,510 --> 00:00:27,320 ‫and if we create our own AMI 11 00:00:27,320 --> 00:00:30,670 ‫we're going to get a faster boot time and configuration time 12 00:00:30,670 --> 00:00:32,750 ‫because all the software that we want to install 13 00:00:32,750 --> 00:00:34,370 ‫onto our EC2 instance 14 00:00:34,370 --> 00:00:37,520 ‫is going to be prepackaged through the AMI. 15 00:00:37,520 --> 00:00:39,330 ‫So we have to build our own AMIs 16 00:00:39,330 --> 00:00:42,060 ‫and they can be built for a specific region 17 00:00:42,060 --> 00:00:44,370 ‫and then they can be copied across region 18 00:00:44,370 --> 00:00:45,430 ‫if we wanted to use it 19 00:00:45,430 --> 00:00:48,810 ‫and leverage the AWS global infrastructure. 20 00:00:48,810 --> 00:00:52,730 ‫So we can launch EC2 instances from different kind of AMIs. 21 00:00:52,730 --> 00:00:54,570 ‫What we've been doing so far in this course 22 00:00:54,570 --> 00:00:58,840 ‫is to use a public AMI and these are provided by AWS. 23 00:00:58,840 --> 00:01:03,070 ‫So the Amazon Linux 2 AMI is a very popular AMI for AWS 24 00:01:03,070 --> 00:01:05,860 ‫and it was provided by AWS themselves 25 00:01:05,860 --> 00:01:08,310 ‫but we can create our own AMI 26 00:01:08,310 --> 00:01:11,170 ‫then therefore you have to make and maintain them yourself 27 00:01:11,170 --> 00:01:13,630 ‫there are tools obviously to automate this 28 00:01:13,630 --> 00:01:17,630 ‫but this is a task that you have to do as a cloud user 29 00:01:17,630 --> 00:01:20,670 ‫or finally you can launch an EC2 instance 30 00:01:20,670 --> 00:01:23,120 ‫from an AWS Marketplace AMI 31 00:01:23,120 --> 00:01:26,950 ‫which is an AMI that has been made by someone else 32 00:01:26,950 --> 00:01:29,040 ‫and potentially sold by someone else 33 00:01:29,040 --> 00:01:32,430 ‫so it is quite common to have vendors on AWS 34 00:01:32,430 --> 00:01:35,420 ‫to create their own AMIs or their own software 35 00:01:36,570 --> 00:01:39,160 ‫with a nice configuration and so on 36 00:01:39,160 --> 00:01:42,410 ‫and then they will sell it through the marketplace AMI 37 00:01:42,410 --> 00:01:45,060 ‫for you to buy it and to save some time. 38 00:01:45,060 --> 00:01:49,170 ‫And even you as a user you could create a business 39 00:01:49,170 --> 00:01:52,080 ‫of selling AMIs on the AWS marketplace, 40 00:01:52,080 --> 00:01:54,200 ‫this is something that some businesses do. 41 00:01:54,200 --> 00:01:57,960 ‫Okay so the AMI process from an EC2 instance, 42 00:01:57,960 --> 00:01:58,830 ‫how does it work? 43 00:01:58,830 --> 00:02:02,620 ‫Well we'll start an EC2 instance and we'll customize it. 44 00:02:02,620 --> 00:02:04,430 ‫Then we will stop the instance 45 00:02:04,430 --> 00:02:07,010 ‫to make sure the data integrity is correct, 46 00:02:07,010 --> 00:02:09,410 ‫then we can build an AMI from it 47 00:02:09,410 --> 00:02:12,700 ‫so this will also create EBS snapshots behind the scenes 48 00:02:12,700 --> 00:02:16,380 ‫and then finally we can launch instances from other AMIs 49 00:02:16,380 --> 00:02:17,680 ‫so this is what we'll be doing 50 00:02:17,680 --> 00:02:19,720 ‫in the demo and the next lecture. 51 00:02:19,720 --> 00:02:21,430 ‫So we have US-EAST-1A, 52 00:02:21,430 --> 00:02:24,387 ‫and we can create the same instance as US-EAST-1B, 53 00:02:24,387 --> 00:02:27,940 ‫so the process is we launch the instance in US-EAST-1A, 54 00:02:27,940 --> 00:02:29,490 ‫we're going to customize it 55 00:02:29,490 --> 00:02:31,647 ‫then we're going to create an AMI from it 56 00:02:31,647 --> 00:02:34,280 ‫this will be our custom AMI. 57 00:02:34,280 --> 00:02:35,900 ‫And then in US-EAST-1B 58 00:02:35,900 --> 00:02:38,070 ‫we will be able to launch from that AMI 59 00:02:38,070 --> 00:02:42,300 ‫and we'll effectively create a copy of our EC2 instance. 60 00:02:42,300 --> 00:02:43,410 ‫So I hope you're excited 61 00:02:43,410 --> 00:02:45,360 ‫and I will see you in the next lecture.