1 00:00:00,110 --> 00:00:02,370 ‫Now let's learn about load balancing. 2 00:00:02,370 --> 00:00:04,560 ‫And a question you may have is what is load balancing? 3 00:00:04,560 --> 00:00:08,420 ‫Well, a load balancer is going to be a server 4 00:00:08,420 --> 00:00:10,870 ‫or a set of servers that will forward traffic 5 00:00:10,870 --> 00:00:13,900 ‫that is received to multiple backend 6 00:00:13,900 --> 00:00:16,970 ‫or downstream EC2 instances or servers. 7 00:00:16,970 --> 00:00:18,000 ‫So the idea is that for example, 8 00:00:18,000 --> 00:00:20,100 ‫we have three EC2 instances 9 00:00:20,100 --> 00:00:21,400 ‫and they're going to be 10 00:00:21,400 --> 00:00:24,040 ‫fronted by an elastic load balancer, 11 00:00:24,040 --> 00:00:26,550 ‫which is a set of servers behind the scenes. 12 00:00:26,550 --> 00:00:28,060 ‫Now, what happens when you have, for example, 13 00:00:28,060 --> 00:00:30,670 ‫three users directly connecting into 14 00:00:30,670 --> 00:00:32,330 ‫your elastic load balancer? 15 00:00:32,330 --> 00:00:34,310 ‫Well, the first one is going to have its 16 00:00:34,310 --> 00:00:38,440 ‫load being sent in one backend EC2 instance 17 00:00:38,440 --> 00:00:40,100 ‫and because there's load balancing well, 18 00:00:40,100 --> 00:00:43,710 ‫if another user is connecting to your elastic load balancer, 19 00:00:43,710 --> 00:00:46,960 ‫then it will be sent to another EC2 instance. 20 00:00:46,960 --> 00:00:48,040 ‫And then finally, 21 00:00:48,040 --> 00:00:49,930 ‫while if a third user is connecting to 22 00:00:49,930 --> 00:00:51,330 ‫your elastic load balancer, 23 00:00:51,330 --> 00:00:53,270 ‫that user will again be load balance 24 00:00:53,270 --> 00:00:55,540 ‫and sense to the third EC2 instance. 25 00:00:55,540 --> 00:00:57,490 ‫So the idea is that the more users you have, 26 00:00:57,490 --> 00:00:59,960 ‫the more the load is going to be balanced across 27 00:00:59,960 --> 00:01:01,003 ‫EC2 instances. 28 00:01:01,003 --> 00:01:04,360 ‫But the idea is that your users do not know 29 00:01:04,360 --> 00:01:06,600 ‫which backend instances they're connected to. 30 00:01:06,600 --> 00:01:09,120 ‫They just know that they have to connect to your 31 00:01:09,120 --> 00:01:10,430 ‫elastic load balancer, 32 00:01:10,430 --> 00:01:14,020 ‫which gives them one end point of connectivity only. 33 00:01:14,020 --> 00:01:14,853 ‫Now, 34 00:01:14,853 --> 00:01:15,740 ‫why should you use a load balancer 35 00:01:15,740 --> 00:01:17,640 ‫where you spread the load across 36 00:01:17,640 --> 00:01:19,610 ‫multiple downstream instances, 37 00:01:19,610 --> 00:01:21,625 ‫you're going to expose a single point of access 38 00:01:21,625 --> 00:01:23,850 ‫to your applications as I just said. 39 00:01:23,850 --> 00:01:25,800 ‫You're going to seamlessly handle failures 40 00:01:25,800 --> 00:01:26,810 ‫of downstream instances 41 00:01:26,810 --> 00:01:28,370 ‫because the load balancer will have 42 00:01:28,370 --> 00:01:29,750 ‫some health check mechanisms 43 00:01:29,750 --> 00:01:31,790 ‫and can understand to which instances 44 00:01:31,790 --> 00:01:34,110 ‫and cannot send traffic to. 45 00:01:34,110 --> 00:01:36,220 ‫You can do health checks on your instances. 46 00:01:36,220 --> 00:01:38,150 ‫You can provide SSL termination. 47 00:01:38,150 --> 00:01:42,100 ‫So if you have HTTPS encrypted traffic for you websites, 48 00:01:42,100 --> 00:01:44,270 ‫you can enforce stickiness with cookies, 49 00:01:44,270 --> 00:01:45,980 ‫high availability across zones 50 00:01:45,980 --> 00:01:47,600 ‫and separate public traffic, 51 00:01:47,600 --> 00:01:50,600 ‫from private traffic on your cloud. 52 00:01:50,600 --> 00:01:54,490 ‫And we'll explore these concepts obviously in a deeper dive. 53 00:01:54,490 --> 00:01:59,050 ‫So the elastic load balancer is a managed load balancer 54 00:01:59,050 --> 00:01:59,903 ‫as such. 55 00:01:59,903 --> 00:02:01,110 ‫AWS will be managing it, 56 00:02:01,110 --> 00:02:03,660 ‫and we'll guarantees that it will be working no matter what. 57 00:02:03,660 --> 00:02:06,150 ‫AWS we'll take care of upgrades, maintenance 58 00:02:06,150 --> 00:02:07,610 ‫and high availability. 59 00:02:07,610 --> 00:02:11,610 ‫And it will provide you a few configuration knobs to tweak 60 00:02:11,610 --> 00:02:14,010 ‫the behavior of the load balancer. 61 00:02:14,010 --> 00:02:16,250 ‫The idea is that using an elastic load balancer is a 62 00:02:16,250 --> 00:02:17,083 ‫no-brainer 63 00:02:17,083 --> 00:02:18,386 ‫because it will cost you less 64 00:02:18,386 --> 00:02:20,570 ‫than setting up your own load balancer. 65 00:02:20,570 --> 00:02:22,600 ‫And also if you had to manage your own load balancer, 66 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:25,800 ‫it will be a nightmare from a scalability perspective. 67 00:02:25,800 --> 00:02:30,400 ‫So also the load balancer is integrated with so many AWS 68 00:02:30,400 --> 00:02:31,970 ‫offerings and services. 69 00:02:31,970 --> 00:02:34,480 ‫The idea is that it can be integrated with of course, 70 00:02:34,480 --> 00:02:35,360 ‫EC2 instances, 71 00:02:35,360 --> 00:02:37,700 ‫but also we'll see later on with the scaling groups, 72 00:02:37,700 --> 00:02:42,240 ‫Amazon ECS, Certificate Manager, CloudWatch, Route 53, 73 00:02:42,240 --> 00:02:46,090 ‫WAF Global Accelerator, and most likely more over time. 74 00:02:46,090 --> 00:02:48,160 ‫So the idea is that the load balancer is a no-brainer 75 00:02:48,160 --> 00:02:50,960 ‫when it comes to load balancing on AWS. 76 00:02:50,960 --> 00:02:52,760 ‫Now I mentioned health checks. 77 00:02:52,760 --> 00:02:55,670 ‫So health checks is a way for your elastic load balancer 78 00:02:55,670 --> 00:02:58,520 ‫to verify whether or not an EC2 instance 79 00:02:58,520 --> 00:02:59,930 ‫is properly working, 80 00:02:59,930 --> 00:03:01,670 ‫because if it's not working properly, 81 00:03:01,670 --> 00:03:04,990 ‫then we don't want to send any traffic to that instance. 82 00:03:04,990 --> 00:03:06,896 ‫So they're crucial for load balancers 83 00:03:06,896 --> 00:03:10,530 ‫and they are done by using 84 00:03:10,530 --> 00:03:14,030 ‫a port and a routes to check the health button. 85 00:03:14,030 --> 00:03:15,750 ‫So for example, in this example, 86 00:03:15,750 --> 00:03:17,980 ‫I have the protocol being HDP, 87 00:03:17,980 --> 00:03:20,210 ‫the port being 4567 88 00:03:20,210 --> 00:03:22,250 ‫and the end points to be slash health 89 00:03:22,250 --> 00:03:24,390 ‫because maybe this route is an easy way 90 00:03:24,390 --> 00:03:25,790 ‫from an application perspective to 91 00:03:25,790 --> 00:03:28,150 ‫check the health of my application. 92 00:03:28,150 --> 00:03:31,640 ‫And if the EC2 instance does not respond 93 00:03:31,640 --> 00:03:32,690 ‫with an okay response, 94 00:03:32,690 --> 00:03:35,250 ‫which is usually the 200 status code of HDP, 95 00:03:35,250 --> 00:03:37,920 ‫then the instance will be marked as unhealthy. 96 00:03:37,920 --> 00:03:41,300 ‫And the elastic load balancer will not send traffic 97 00:03:41,300 --> 00:03:43,542 ‫to that instance. 98 00:03:43,542 --> 00:03:44,390 ‫Okay, 99 00:03:44,390 --> 00:03:49,210 ‫so now you have four kinds of managed load balancers on AWS. 100 00:03:49,210 --> 00:03:50,420 ‫You have the classic load balancer, 101 00:03:50,420 --> 00:03:54,320 ‫which are called older generation or V1, which is from 2009, 102 00:03:54,320 --> 00:03:56,170 ‫and it's called CLB. 103 00:03:56,170 --> 00:04:00,010 ‫Now, it's compatible with HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SSL, 104 00:04:01,330 --> 00:04:03,110 ‫or security CP. 105 00:04:03,110 --> 00:04:05,850 ‫And overall AWS not want you to use 106 00:04:05,850 --> 00:04:07,260 ‫that load balancer anymore. 107 00:04:07,260 --> 00:04:10,430 ‫So it is going to be shown as deprecated within the console, 108 00:04:10,430 --> 00:04:12,230 ‫but still available to use. 109 00:04:12,230 --> 00:04:14,180 ‫Then we have newer generations load balancer. 110 00:04:14,180 --> 00:04:15,940 ‫So we have the application load balancer 111 00:04:15,940 --> 00:04:19,240 ‫from 2016 or so-called ALB. 112 00:04:19,240 --> 00:04:23,980 ‫And this one supports HTTP, HTTPS and web socket protocol. 113 00:04:23,980 --> 00:04:27,591 ‫Then we have the network load balancer from 2017, 114 00:04:27,591 --> 00:04:32,343 ‫which supports the TCP, TLS, security CP and UDP protocols. 115 00:04:32,343 --> 00:04:36,253 ‫And then finally we have the gateway load balancer from 2020 116 00:04:36,253 --> 00:04:39,710 ‫GWLB, which operates at the network layer, 117 00:04:39,710 --> 00:04:41,956 ‫so there are three and the IP protocol. 118 00:04:41,956 --> 00:04:45,150 ‫So overall it is definitely recommended for you to use 119 00:04:45,150 --> 00:04:46,540 ‫the newer generation load balancers 120 00:04:46,540 --> 00:04:48,230 ‫as they provide more features. 121 00:04:48,230 --> 00:04:51,220 ‫And some load balancers can be set up as internal, 122 00:04:51,220 --> 00:04:55,700 ‫so private and private access for the network 123 00:04:55,700 --> 00:04:57,087 ‫or external public load balancers, 124 00:04:57,087 --> 00:05:00,820 ‫for example, for your websites and public applications. 125 00:05:00,820 --> 00:05:03,060 ‫Finally, you need to understand the security 126 00:05:03,060 --> 00:05:04,850 ‫around the load balancers. 127 00:05:04,850 --> 00:05:08,800 ‫So the users can access your load balancer from anywhere 128 00:05:08,800 --> 00:05:10,780 ‫using HTTP or HTTPS. 129 00:05:10,780 --> 00:05:13,860 ‫And therefore the security group rule is going to look like 130 00:05:13,860 --> 00:05:14,960 ‫something like this, 131 00:05:14,960 --> 00:05:17,650 ‫where the port range is going to be 80 or 443. 132 00:05:17,650 --> 00:05:20,090 ‫And the source is going to be, 133 00:05:20,090 --> 00:05:21,310 ‫which means anywhere. 134 00:05:21,310 --> 00:05:24,320 ‫And so we allow the users to connect to our load balancer, 135 00:05:24,320 --> 00:05:27,093 ‫but then the cool thing is that EC2 instances 136 00:05:27,093 --> 00:05:29,690 ‫should only allow traffic coming directly 137 00:05:29,690 --> 00:05:31,400 ‫from the load balancer. 138 00:05:31,400 --> 00:05:35,440 ‫And therefore the security group rule of your EC2 instances 139 00:05:35,440 --> 00:05:37,210 ‫is going to look a little bit different. 140 00:05:37,210 --> 00:05:40,790 ‫So it's going to allow HTTP traffic on port 80 141 00:05:40,790 --> 00:05:43,350 ‫and the source of it is not going to be an IP range 142 00:05:43,350 --> 00:05:45,580 ‫is going to be a security group. 143 00:05:45,580 --> 00:05:47,960 ‫So we're going to link the security group 144 00:05:47,960 --> 00:05:49,340 ‫of the EC2 instance, 145 00:05:49,340 --> 00:05:51,660 ‫to the security group of the load balancer. 146 00:05:51,660 --> 00:05:53,690 ‫And effectively what this will do is that it will say 147 00:05:53,690 --> 00:05:56,580 ‫that the EC2 instance is only allowing traffic 148 00:05:56,580 --> 00:06:00,420 ‫if the traffic originates from the load balancer, 149 00:06:00,420 --> 00:06:03,270 ‫which is an enhanced security mechanism. 150 00:06:03,270 --> 00:06:05,930 ‫So that's, it's for the overview of load balancers. 151 00:06:05,930 --> 00:06:06,763 ‫I hope you liked it. 152 00:06:06,763 --> 00:06:07,596 ‫And obviously in this section, 153 00:06:07,596 --> 00:06:09,530 ‫we're going to discuss a lot more around 154 00:06:09,530 --> 00:06:11,350 ‫classic application load balancers 155 00:06:11,350 --> 00:06:12,730 ‫and network load balancers 156 00:06:12,730 --> 00:06:14,630 ‫So I will see you in the next lecture.