1 00:00:00,760 --> 00:00:04,690 Their mysterious attacks and the largest Edwards attacks of all time. 2 00:00:05,750 --> 00:00:14,150 No, the fencing, which is February 20 20 attack reported by the press, so the press reported a massive 3 00:00:14,150 --> 00:00:19,880 deduces attack in February of two thousand twenty at its peak, this attack. 4 00:00:19,880 --> 00:00:26,180 So incoming traffic at a rate of two point three terabytes per second, which is very huge, actually. 5 00:00:26,930 --> 00:00:31,480 And it didn't disclose which customer was targeted by the attack. 6 00:00:31,910 --> 00:00:37,970 So the attackers responsible use hijacked connection, less lightweight directory access protocol, 7 00:00:38,360 --> 00:00:43,930 the sea and that Web servers and the Seattle DEP is a protocol for user directories. 8 00:00:44,090 --> 00:00:48,680 It is an alternative to and that an older version of the protocol. 9 00:00:48,890 --> 00:00:53,540 Chandab has been used in a multiple deadly attacks in recent years. 10 00:00:55,260 --> 00:01:01,980 Now we have that February of two thousand eighteen, the GitHub did all set that and here is one of 11 00:01:01,980 --> 00:01:09,540 the largest verifiability, US attacks on record targeted GitHub, Abeokuta online code management service 12 00:01:09,540 --> 00:01:11,090 used by millions of developers. 13 00:01:11,280 --> 00:01:19,560 So this attack reached one point three terabytes per second, sending packets at the rate of one hundred 14 00:01:19,770 --> 00:01:22,930 twenty six point nine million per second. 15 00:01:22,980 --> 00:01:26,700 So the GitHub attack was memcache hedo US attack. 16 00:01:26,700 --> 00:01:31,560 And he by the way, we didn't mention it actually, but it is one of the deadliest attacks types. 17 00:01:31,800 --> 00:01:33,000 You can read more about it. 18 00:01:33,720 --> 00:01:37,050 OK, so there were no botnet in. 19 00:01:37,470 --> 00:01:44,010 Instead, the attackers, the amplification effect of a popular database caching system known as memcache. 20 00:01:44,670 --> 00:01:50,970 And by putting memcache servers with spoofed requests, the attackers were able to amplify their attack 21 00:01:50,970 --> 00:01:54,540 by a magnitude of about 50000. 22 00:01:54,870 --> 00:02:01,290 Luckily, GitHub was using a video protection service, which was automatically alerted within 10 minutes 23 00:02:01,290 --> 00:02:02,780 of the start of the attack. 24 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:08,360 This alert triggered the process of mitigating and the attacker was able to stop the attack quickly. 25 00:02:08,640 --> 00:02:13,680 The massive data stack only end up only ended up lasting about 20 minutes. 26 00:02:14,010 --> 00:02:21,510 The two thousand six didn't attack, and another massive didor attack was directed at then a major DNS 27 00:02:21,510 --> 00:02:24,310 provider in October of 2016. 28 00:02:24,600 --> 00:02:32,160 This attack was devastating and created distribution for many major sites, including Airbnb, Netflix, 29 00:02:32,160 --> 00:02:36,000 big Visa, Amazon, The New York Times, Reddit and GitHub. 30 00:02:37,120 --> 00:02:43,960 This was done using malware called Meeri, Meeri creates a botnet out of compromised Internet of Things 31 00:02:43,990 --> 00:02:49,870 Iot devices such as cameras, motive's radios, printers and even baby monitors. 32 00:02:51,190 --> 00:02:56,560 To create that the atrophic these compromised devices are all programmed to send request to a single 33 00:02:56,560 --> 00:02:56,950 victim. 34 00:02:57,100 --> 00:03:00,510 Fortunately then was able to resolve the attack within one day. 35 00:03:00,610 --> 00:03:03,370 But the motive for the attack was never discovered. 36 00:03:03,460 --> 00:03:10,030 Activist groups claimed responsibility for the attack as a response to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange 37 00:03:10,030 --> 00:03:13,230 being denied Internet access in Ecuador. 38 00:03:14,160 --> 00:03:17,290 But there was no proof to back up this claim. 39 00:03:17,520 --> 00:03:23,070 There are also suspicions that the attack was carried out by a disgruntled gamer. 40 00:03:23,370 --> 00:03:28,920 The 2013 Spamhaus attack, sorry, maybe I mispronounced it. 41 00:03:29,790 --> 00:03:38,280 Another largest ever at the time attack was 2013 attack directed at Spamhaus, an organization that 42 00:03:38,280 --> 00:03:45,060 helps combat spam emails and spam related activity to Spamhaus is responsible for filtering as much 43 00:03:45,060 --> 00:03:52,350 as 80 percent of all spam, which makes them a popular target for people who would like to see spam 44 00:03:52,350 --> 00:03:55,110 emails reach their intended recipients. 45 00:03:55,260 --> 00:04:00,570 So the attack drove traffic to Spamhaus at the rate of three hundred gigabit per second. 46 00:04:00,990 --> 00:04:03,180 And this attack didn't achieve its goal. 47 00:04:03,390 --> 00:04:08,550 But it did cause major issue for Linux then on the Internet exchange. 48 00:04:08,550 --> 00:04:15,300 And the main culprit of the attack turned out to be a teenager hacker for high up in Boston who was 49 00:04:15,300 --> 00:04:17,250 made to launch this attack.