1 00:00:00,210 --> 00:00:06,110 All right, there's no let's talk about this ad is that is are used to show the Super Bowl, but in 2 00:00:06,390 --> 00:00:09,420 show we can also store different negatives in cigarette. 3 00:00:10,200 --> 00:00:16,110 So let's take an example of how this ad is works in real life. 4 00:00:16,140 --> 00:00:22,530 So if you have a cigarette and you want to show the student mugs and you can say a student is equal 5 00:00:22,650 --> 00:00:27,070 to and you can put the subject's mask in that area. 6 00:00:27,180 --> 00:00:33,810 So whenever you want to print the marks of the cigarette, you can just simply print the student. 7 00:00:34,110 --> 00:00:35,330 So no need to worry. 8 00:00:35,370 --> 00:00:36,410 What are the monks? 9 00:00:37,290 --> 00:00:42,390 So it's the way better organization of some values. 10 00:00:43,350 --> 00:00:48,270 So in part, to say Darfur is equals to that. 11 00:00:48,390 --> 00:00:57,690 I'm just stirring the pot in a way where you can also put any other name and need to set the date and 12 00:00:58,380 --> 00:00:58,960 brackets. 13 00:00:59,400 --> 00:01:02,400 So in these records, you need to define the elements. 14 00:01:02,820 --> 00:01:06,990 It's a 50, 60, 70. 15 00:01:08,320 --> 00:01:15,550 So these are the three elements of this array, and you can access these elements using this brackets. 16 00:01:16,760 --> 00:01:24,840 So if you want to exit the euro because the indexing starts from zero interest in the construction, 17 00:01:24,860 --> 00:01:26,630 zero and zero is the first element. 18 00:01:26,870 --> 00:01:30,120 An index one is the second element, an index to the third element. 19 00:01:30,440 --> 00:01:34,310 So if I want to exit this 50, I need to say zero. 20 00:01:35,210 --> 00:01:36,800 Now, let's clear on this one. 21 00:01:37,430 --> 00:01:42,320 And you can see we got the value of P, so on the axis, the second element, I need to say one. 22 00:01:44,890 --> 00:01:49,700 So let's go around on this and you can see the third element. 23 00:01:52,660 --> 00:01:56,400 So this is a way of accessing the elements in order. 24 00:01:56,930 --> 00:02:02,220 Now let's go ahead and, uh, sir, you're not an idiot. 25 00:02:02,320 --> 00:02:10,400 How some, uh, glassware rules and, uh, functions and these functions are used to modify the array. 26 00:02:10,720 --> 00:02:18,000 And these, uh, variables are, uh, used to get the properties of this area to count. 27 00:02:18,010 --> 00:02:21,150 So it will give the number of elements in this area. 28 00:02:21,430 --> 00:02:25,260 That is three, which you can see there are three elements we have got. 29 00:02:26,710 --> 00:02:31,660 So you can also add items to this list. 30 00:02:34,230 --> 00:02:40,200 So I want to say at 80, so now if I want to run this one. 31 00:02:44,050 --> 00:02:46,330 So let's go ahead and print this. 32 00:02:49,650 --> 00:02:57,270 So now, as you can see, we have got this you know, there is one more thing I need to show you. 33 00:02:57,310 --> 00:03:02,990 Let's not be another be let's just change this one. 34 00:03:06,040 --> 00:03:13,210 And normally in the previous before the of the SURIANO, how a change this year would bring to the correction. 35 00:03:14,050 --> 00:03:18,320 So that's what we have that matters has been successful. 36 00:03:18,340 --> 00:03:25,000 Normally, if you begin to declare an error, you get this error correction was if exercised. 37 00:03:25,900 --> 00:03:31,180 So what you want to type is, uh, you want to change this array type into the error. 38 00:03:31,460 --> 00:03:41,650 To do that in order to do is we need to say, uh, system, not corrections, not you can see the crisis 39 00:03:41,650 --> 00:03:44,980 it's been showing here in corrections. 40 00:03:44,980 --> 00:03:46,720 Uh, not an error. 41 00:03:48,620 --> 00:03:57,110 So now this array will be converted into this area and this area can be modified with add remote etc 42 00:03:57,110 --> 00:03:57,800 functions. 43 00:03:58,550 --> 00:04:05,930 Now if I go and run this one year, you'll see that that is the area contains that 80 element also because 44 00:04:05,990 --> 00:04:07,520 we have added at the end. 45 00:04:08,120 --> 00:04:16,700 So to insert that particular, uh, index or indices, uh, in sort of you need to specify the index. 46 00:04:17,220 --> 00:04:19,670 Let's put in between 50 and 60. 47 00:04:20,870 --> 00:04:24,300 That is an index one come it. 48 00:04:24,470 --> 00:04:30,790 So if I do this one and on this, as you can see here, 50, 60, 70, because we have inserted the 49 00:04:30,800 --> 00:04:32,330 80 at the first index. 50 00:04:33,840 --> 00:04:40,110 So far, any modifications you need to change this arrangement at the by using this one, so it's like 51 00:04:40,130 --> 00:04:45,690 a conversion, you have seen that in integer taking the string input and then converting an integer. 52 00:04:45,780 --> 00:04:46,070 Right. 53 00:04:46,800 --> 00:04:51,990 So you can also remove the item from the. 54 00:04:53,440 --> 00:04:59,620 Uh, Ruched a.m., Wolf, of more Serenbe. 55 00:05:00,560 --> 00:05:02,170 Now, let's go ahead and bring this one. 56 00:05:02,790 --> 00:05:05,690 You can see we have got only two elements, the other 50 and 60. 57 00:05:07,030 --> 00:05:14,200 Right now, let's go ahead and look through these elements so you can use Farouk. 58 00:05:16,520 --> 00:05:20,520 For dollar I is equal to zero dollars I. 59 00:05:21,960 --> 00:05:26,460 Uh, less than an hour, b dot com. 60 00:05:27,690 --> 00:05:35,080 Because we have got the rest of this area right, and you can say I prosperous. 61 00:05:35,090 --> 00:05:38,340 So we are implementing each and every time I ran to to. 62 00:05:39,180 --> 00:05:45,990 I can see right there I are if I want to modify these values, I can just modify this. 63 00:05:47,580 --> 00:05:58,070 Sorry, I want to set you off, I wrote, because we we are looping all the indexes and each time looping 64 00:05:58,080 --> 00:06:01,150 over the results, we need to see all for you. 65 00:06:01,560 --> 00:06:03,030 So let's go in and run. 66 00:06:03,030 --> 00:06:11,850 This, as you can see, got the elements and to change this where you are, pieces of index. 67 00:06:12,120 --> 00:06:15,960 So if you want to change this furphy into this. 68 00:06:17,870 --> 00:06:22,840 15 to say 100 now are they want to raise another year? 69 00:06:23,570 --> 00:06:27,590 So sorry, the beat of zero. 70 00:06:27,740 --> 00:06:32,370 That is the index index out this 50 there is zero is equal to 100. 71 00:06:32,420 --> 00:06:34,510 So it's simple operation. 72 00:06:35,110 --> 00:06:36,350 If I go and on this group. 73 00:06:42,530 --> 00:06:43,070 Sorry. 74 00:06:44,720 --> 00:06:54,890 So as you can see, our top fisherman has been changing from 50 to 100, so you can also iterate over 75 00:06:54,890 --> 00:06:57,220 the entire object. 76 00:06:57,710 --> 00:06:59,550 You can tell for sure. 77 00:06:59,570 --> 00:07:02,310 I did not show you that right. 78 00:07:02,720 --> 00:07:05,690 The tape of this area. 79 00:07:05,810 --> 00:07:08,420 You can see you can see the tape. 80 00:07:08,420 --> 00:07:12,850 And if you go ahead and run this, you can get this as arranged. 81 00:07:13,880 --> 00:07:17,130 And that is under the standard of the cross. 82 00:07:18,410 --> 00:07:21,080 So that is the tape of this derby up there. 83 00:07:21,110 --> 00:07:24,030 You can also explore many options as well. 84 00:07:24,950 --> 00:07:26,650 We can get you exercise. 85 00:07:27,030 --> 00:07:30,010 It will describe either true or false. 86 00:07:30,020 --> 00:07:34,220 If this is true, that means this area cannot do this exercise. 87 00:07:35,640 --> 00:07:43,380 If this is false, that means we can modify this, you can see here it shows us fast because we have 88 00:07:43,380 --> 00:07:46,230 converted already this Iranian terrorist. 89 00:07:50,080 --> 00:08:03,520 So you can also loop over the idea of using this for each for each dollar, right, in Derby, so so 90 00:08:03,730 --> 00:08:10,630 know I can print the first 250 and next iteration, it reverts to 60. 91 00:08:10,630 --> 00:08:13,330 And in the last year it was 270. 92 00:08:13,570 --> 00:08:19,890 So you no need to say Dahieh derby of a you can just sit dolerite. 93 00:08:20,380 --> 00:08:21,280 You can, right. 94 00:08:22,240 --> 00:08:22,890 All right. 95 00:08:25,590 --> 00:08:33,540 Now, if I go on, this can see the values here, so you can also iterate over the idea of just using 96 00:08:33,540 --> 00:08:34,710 this foreach. 97 00:08:36,700 --> 00:08:41,320 You can also explore the other values as well. 98 00:08:41,350 --> 00:08:45,370 You can also call this anti-terrorist into the new one. 99 00:08:46,580 --> 00:08:51,560 So you can also find the index of NCsoft at 60. 100 00:08:53,840 --> 00:08:58,030 And on this, you can see the one because it's a second, Dynex will be one. 101 00:08:58,820 --> 00:09:04,180 So these are the basics of what it is and you cannot luper, that is. 102 00:09:04,190 --> 00:09:07,030 And we have seen the converting areas into adulthood, et cetera. 103 00:09:08,070 --> 00:09:11,850 So we can also convert this. 104 00:09:13,370 --> 00:09:15,950 Using this doctrine work. 105 00:09:17,530 --> 00:09:19,620 So let's go to. 106 00:09:22,370 --> 00:09:24,400 I think that's not necessary. 107 00:09:24,920 --> 00:09:26,600 It's, uh, very convenient. 108 00:09:26,630 --> 00:09:33,250 This is a very convenient correction that, uh, they reached so that after this arrest, I hope you 109 00:09:33,260 --> 00:09:33,710 understood.