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1. Please read this before proceeding!.html 526
2.1 Lab Notes.html 157
2. Lab Session - NodeJS Development with AWS Cloud9.mp4 164M
2. Lab Session - NodeJS Development with AWS Cloud9.srt 28K
3.1 Lab Notes.html 157
3. Lab Session - Python Development with AWS Cloud9.mp4 127M
3. Lab Session - Python Development with AWS Cloud9.srt 21K
4.1 Lab Notes.html 134
4. Lab Session 1a - Programming SQS and SNS with NodeJS.mp4 277M
4. Lab Session 1a - Programming SQS and SNS with NodeJS.srt 38K
5.1 Lab Notes.html 134
5. Lab Session 1b - Programming SQS and SNS with Python.mp4 229M
5. Lab Session 1b - Programming SQS and SNS with Python.srt 32K
6. Lab Session 2a- Programming SQS and SNS with NodeJS.mp4 126M
6. Lab Session 2a- Programming SQS and SNS with NodeJS.srt 18K
7. Lab Session 2b- Programming SQS and SNS with Python.mp4 124M
7. Lab Session 2b- Programming SQS and SNS with Python.srt 14K
8.1 Lab Notes.html 139
8. Lab Session a - Programming DynamoDB with NodeJS.mp4 293M
8. Lab Session a - Programming DynamoDB with NodeJS.srt 43K
9.1 Lab Notes.html 139
9. Lab Session b - Programming DynamoDB with Python.mp4 252M
9. Lab Session b - Programming DynamoDB with Python.srt 40K
10.1 Lab Notes.html 143
10. Lab Session a - Programming ElasticCache with NodeJS.mp4 171M
10. Lab Session a - Programming ElasticCache with NodeJS.srt 29K
11.1 Lab Notes.html 143
11. Lab Session b - Programming ElasticCache with Python.mp4 199M
11. Lab Session b - Programming ElasticCache with Python.srt 34K
12. Essentials Encryption on AWS.mp4 192M
12. Essentials Encryption on AWS.srt 29K
13. Essentials Lab Session - Encryption on AWS.mp4 56M
13. Essentials Lab Session - Encryption on AWS.srt 7.0K
14. Cognito Labs.html 291
15.1 Lab Notes.html 144
15. Lab Session 1 - AWS Cognito - User Pools.mp4 299M
15. Lab Session 1 - AWS Cognito - User Pools.srt 22K
16. Lab Session 2 AWS Cognito Federated Identity Pools.mp4 192M
16. Lab Session 2 AWS Cognito Federated Identity Pools.srt 15K
17. Lab Session 3 -AWS Cognito Javascript SDK (sign up).mp4 130M
17. Lab Session 3 -AWS Cognito Javascript SDK (sign up).srt 17K
18. Lab Session 4 -AWS Cognito Javascript SDK (sign in, change profile, lost pw etc).mp4 200M
18. Lab Session 4 -AWS Cognito Javascript SDK (sign in, change profile, lost pw etc).srt 20K
19. Lab Session 5 - AWS Cognito Sync Credentials.mp4 215M
19. Lab Session 5 - AWS Cognito Sync Credentials.srt 13K
20. Lab Session 6 - AWS Cognito AWS STS Credentials.mp4 114M
20. Lab Session 6 - AWS Cognito AWS STS Credentials.srt 6.4K
21. Lab Session 7 - AWS Javascript SDK Optimisation.mp4 71M
21. Lab Session 7 - AWS Javascript SDK Optimisation.srt 5.6K
22.1 Lab Notes.html 143
22. Lab Session - Developing Serverless JavaScript DynamoDB Applications.mp4 223M
22. Lab Session - Developing Serverless JavaScript DynamoDB Applications.srt 31K
23.1 Lab Notes.html 148
23. Lab Session - Dynamic Serverless Web App with S3 and API Gateway - Developer.mp4 61M
23. Lab Session - Dynamic Serverless Web App with S3 and API Gateway - Developer.srt 8.1K
24. Essentials AWS Lambda.mp4 369M
24. Essentials AWS Lambda.srt 54K
25.1 Lab Notes.html 137
25. Creating and Testing a NodeJS Lambda Function.mp4 49M
25. Creating and Testing a NodeJS Lambda Function.srt 8.5K
26. Creating and Testing a Python Lambda Function.mp4 49M
26. Creating and Testing a Python Lambda Function.srt 8.7K
27. Creating an AWS Lambda enabled Browser Application.mp4 100M
27. Creating an AWS Lambda enabled Browser Application.srt 16K
28. Creating a NodeJS State Machine with AWS Step Functions and Lambda.mp4 225M
28. Creating a NodeJS State Machine with AWS Step Functions and Lambda.srt 29K
29. Creating a Python State Machine with AWS Step Functions and Lambda.mp4 203M
29. Creating a Python State Machine with AWS Step Functions and Lambda.srt 25K
30. Creating a NodeJS Application using the Serverless Application Model (SAM).mp4 188M
30. Creating a NodeJS Application using the Serverless Application Model (SAM).srt 25K
31. Creating a Python Application using the Serverless Application Model (SAM).mp4 203M
31. Creating a Python Application using the Serverless Application Model (SAM).srt 31K
32.1 Lab Notes.html 147
32. Lab Session - AWS CodeBuild Integrating CICD Build and Test- Developer.mp4 113M
32. Lab Session - AWS CodeBuild Integrating CICD Build and Test- Developer.srt 12K
33. AWS X-Ray.mp4 180M
33. AWS X-Ray.srt 26K
34.1 Lab Notes.html 143
34. Lab Session - Integrating a NodeJS Elastic Beanstalk App with AWS X-Ray.mp4 181M
34. Lab Session - Integrating a NodeJS Elastic Beanstalk App with AWS X-Ray.srt 27K
35. Practice Exam - AWS Certified Developer Associate.html 166
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