1 00:00:00,810 --> 00:00:06,480 In this video, I will teach you how you can automate the task of Crosseyed scripting attacks, right. 2 00:00:07,110 --> 00:00:11,190 In the previous videos, we have seen how we can use Access's attacks manually. 3 00:00:11,340 --> 00:00:14,590 Now, this time we will see how we can use it automatically. 4 00:00:14,910 --> 00:00:20,750 So for this, I am using colonics and I'm using a tool called Batsuit. 5 00:00:22,110 --> 00:00:28,140 Now, I hope you all remember that in my previous videos, when I am explaining a skill in attacks, 6 00:00:28,140 --> 00:00:32,610 I have used the same tool to bypass Glenside cybersecurity right now. 7 00:00:32,620 --> 00:00:39,200 This time we will use this tool to automate the process of attacking on a website. 8 00:00:39,250 --> 00:00:40,920 OK, using payloads. 9 00:00:44,630 --> 00:00:46,430 Let's configure our browser. 10 00:00:48,220 --> 00:00:53,500 So in Cali, we will get fired for so let's open our browser. 11 00:00:57,690 --> 00:00:58,920 Go to preferences. 12 00:01:04,430 --> 00:01:09,950 And then go to L.A. and then to network them, right, and then go to settings. 13 00:01:15,320 --> 00:01:22,220 And in settings, we have to enter the IP address of localhost, so it would be. 14 00:01:24,970 --> 00:01:36,010 One is seven, dot or dot, dot, dot, one and board number would be eight zero eight zero and click 15 00:01:36,010 --> 00:01:36,310 on. 16 00:01:39,340 --> 00:01:40,270 And close this. 17 00:01:42,380 --> 00:01:44,120 OK, so now. 18 00:01:45,440 --> 00:01:48,830 Our browser is ready to use batsuit. 19 00:01:50,720 --> 00:01:53,660 OK, so let's switch to batsuit. 20 00:01:55,580 --> 00:02:02,900 So now bobsled is running, so let's switch to our browser and let's try to open our website. 21 00:02:04,440 --> 00:02:11,560 So website would be best BHB dot one, the web. 22 00:02:20,670 --> 00:02:24,020 OK, now let's switch to batsuit again. 23 00:02:26,400 --> 00:02:35,740 Go to proxy and send this request to spider, so click on Send to Spider. 24 00:02:36,780 --> 00:02:39,360 OK, click yes. 25 00:02:40,350 --> 00:02:43,080 And make intercept of. 26 00:02:44,860 --> 00:02:48,520 OK, now let's switch to Target. 27 00:02:51,990 --> 00:03:00,420 OK, so here is our website, and the spider is crawling all of the pages and will tell you that which 28 00:03:00,420 --> 00:03:03,870 of these pages will help input parameters. 29 00:03:03,900 --> 00:03:04,310 OK. 30 00:03:06,970 --> 00:03:12,920 So to fill out the reserves, double click on Barometer's so one and two. 31 00:03:13,790 --> 00:03:20,290 OK, so these are the number of you are quite a number of pages on a website. 32 00:03:20,470 --> 00:03:22,360 Vittel input parameters. 33 00:03:22,370 --> 00:03:22,690 Right. 34 00:03:22,810 --> 00:03:27,970 So you have to try your payload attacks on each of these Web pages. 35 00:03:28,150 --> 00:03:30,550 OK, so let's try this one. 36 00:03:31,570 --> 00:03:31,930 OK. 37 00:03:31,990 --> 00:03:33,670 It says guestbook dot bhb. 38 00:03:34,060 --> 00:03:34,600 So right. 39 00:03:34,600 --> 00:03:37,680 Click and click on to reporter. 40 00:03:38,410 --> 00:03:38,830 OK. 41 00:03:39,520 --> 00:03:41,110 And now let's switch to the Twitter. 42 00:03:42,550 --> 00:03:46,990 See the job of Spider is to crawl out of the pages from a web website. 43 00:03:46,990 --> 00:03:47,350 Right. 44 00:03:48,340 --> 00:03:52,210 And then it will tell us that which of these pages have input parameters. 45 00:03:52,640 --> 00:03:55,390 And once we found we have to send each of a page to. 46 00:03:55,990 --> 00:03:58,800 OK, now we are here on Rippetoe. 47 00:03:59,410 --> 00:04:03,540 So let's check which of the input parameter is available. 48 00:04:04,540 --> 00:04:06,500 So we have to input parameters. 49 00:04:06,940 --> 00:04:08,100 This would be the first one. 50 00:04:09,070 --> 00:04:14,210 So let's try helo one and this would be the second one. 51 00:04:14,630 --> 00:04:16,630 OK, so let's try. 52 00:04:19,730 --> 00:04:22,950 Hello to again click on Go. 53 00:04:24,800 --> 00:04:29,100 And here we have a reflection of this Web page. 54 00:04:29,240 --> 00:04:31,760 So let's check whether we have hello or not. 55 00:04:31,790 --> 00:04:36,900 OK, so we have got one, which means the first input barometer is vulnerable. 56 00:04:37,190 --> 00:04:38,840 OK, once we got this. 57 00:04:40,040 --> 00:04:43,340 Now we have to send this to intruder in the interactive. 58 00:04:43,340 --> 00:04:45,920 It will help us to perform payload attacks. 59 00:04:46,160 --> 00:04:55,300 OK, so here in the options in the payload, first we have to add some payloads. 60 00:04:55,350 --> 00:05:01,820 OK, so if you're able to see let me show you here on my desktop. 61 00:05:04,150 --> 00:05:07,660 That I have a file called Exercice Payloads. 62 00:05:07,690 --> 00:05:13,570 OK, so this particular file will contain hundreds of payloads. 63 00:05:13,600 --> 00:05:18,270 OK, so there is no need to check all of them one by one manually. 64 00:05:18,610 --> 00:05:18,930 Right. 65 00:05:20,020 --> 00:05:24,650 So to save our time, load that file here in boxset. 66 00:05:24,730 --> 00:05:27,070 OK, so the file would be on deck. 67 00:05:27,070 --> 00:05:30,970 Stop and let us open the file in bobsled. 68 00:05:31,180 --> 00:05:34,930 OK, so this much of the script is available in that file. 69 00:05:34,990 --> 00:05:35,370 OK. 70 00:05:37,220 --> 00:05:39,740 Right now. 71 00:05:43,960 --> 00:05:50,830 OK, now we're in position, Steib, first you had to clear all of the selected items and then select 72 00:05:50,830 --> 00:05:54,790 the particular input parameter on which you want to perform the attack. 73 00:05:55,030 --> 00:06:00,850 OK, so I want to perform the attack on input parameter one on one. 74 00:06:01,600 --> 00:06:04,330 So select this and click on ADD. 75 00:06:04,750 --> 00:06:14,730 OK, Brunsdon, my previous virtual machine is working very slow, so I decided to boot up another colonics 76 00:06:14,740 --> 00:06:15,420 virtual machine. 77 00:06:15,550 --> 00:06:19,020 Don't worry, all of the settings will be same as earlier. 78 00:06:19,480 --> 00:06:22,510 OK, so all set. 79 00:06:23,680 --> 00:06:25,960 Simply click on stop attack. 80 00:06:26,230 --> 00:06:29,200 OK, click. 81 00:06:29,200 --> 00:06:36,650 OK, and now we just have to wait until it finishes using all of the payloads. 82 00:06:36,910 --> 00:06:39,310 Now here, keep in mind one thing. 83 00:06:39,970 --> 00:06:46,760 When the requestor payload is set to zero, so this length which is five five eight one, is the original 84 00:06:46,760 --> 00:06:48,010 length of a webpage. 85 00:06:48,040 --> 00:06:50,260 OK, so the length more than this. 86 00:06:50,840 --> 00:06:52,710 OK, like this and this. 87 00:06:53,050 --> 00:06:58,220 So all these links or all these payloads are working on that web page. 88 00:06:58,250 --> 00:07:00,700 OK, and the size below this. 89 00:07:01,240 --> 00:07:04,030 So there are more chances that this will not work. 90 00:07:04,360 --> 00:07:11,680 OK, so whenever you want to try any payload to try the payload, which has lent more than this. 91 00:07:11,710 --> 00:07:15,160 OK, so let's try this one right. 92 00:07:15,160 --> 00:07:18,760 Click and click on short response in browser. 93 00:07:19,450 --> 00:07:30,690 OK, click on copy, switch to Firefox, ok, and paste the copied. 94 00:07:30,700 --> 00:07:32,800 You are in here and hit enter. 95 00:07:34,030 --> 00:07:37,950 OK, now we have to wait and it will show us the response. 96 00:07:37,950 --> 00:07:41,050 See Accessors attack is working here. 97 00:07:41,050 --> 00:07:43,960 OK, so our payload is working right. 98 00:07:44,620 --> 00:07:46,700 So this way you can automate the task. 99 00:07:47,330 --> 00:07:49,390 OK, so let's try one more. 100 00:07:50,680 --> 00:07:53,940 Let's say this script, let's try this one as well. 101 00:07:54,340 --> 00:07:56,020 Click on show response in browser. 102 00:07:56,740 --> 00:07:57,460 Copy this. 103 00:07:58,300 --> 00:08:05,070 OK, switch to Firefox and based in the United hit enter. 104 00:08:07,180 --> 00:08:09,060 See it worked right. 105 00:08:09,430 --> 00:08:16,630 So this way you will know which of your script or payloads are working on which of the web page of a 106 00:08:16,630 --> 00:08:17,280 website. 107 00:08:17,320 --> 00:08:17,600 Right. 108 00:08:17,860 --> 00:08:21,520 So it would be going to save you a lot of time and energy. 109 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:30,760 OK, so this is the easiest way of performing your script or your payload attacks on a webpage automatically.