If you have a Mac then feel free to skip this lesson. But just in case you're wondering:

I don’t have a Mac. Can I use my Windows computer?

Short answer: Probably not.

Long answer: Your computer needs to be able to run macOS and Xcode. You have the following options:

1) You can run macOS using tools such as VirtualBox or VMware. This will create a virtual machine that runs macOS, but this will often be quite slow (and very frustrating).

2) Run a Hackintosh. Please refer to this lesson: https://www.udemy.com/course/ios-13-app-development-bootcamp/learn/lecture/16250896

3) Rent a Mac online using a service like macincloud.com or similar.

4) Buy a cheap, second hand Mac from eBay. Just make sure the machine has an SSD or it will be very, very slow (and frustrating).

Does my Computer meet the requirements to run Xcode?

To take full advantage of this course, your computer needs to run - at a minimum - macOS Catalina 10.15.4 and Xcode 12. Any of these machines will work:

A solid-state drive (SSD) is the single biggest performance improvement you will see on older Macs. You can find the macOS Catalina requirements here:


You can find the Xcode 12 requirements here.


Do I need an iPhone or iPad?

You don't need an iPhone or iPad. I use the simulator most of the time. The simulator is very versatile and can mimic things like location, orientation changes, and shakes.

Can I use my iPhone or iPad to make apps?

No. You need macOS and Xcode. Xcode doesn't run on iPhones or iPads.