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[Volver] Parent Directory - [TXT] 1.1 Course Resources and Links.html 110 [VID] 1. What You'll Make by the End of this Module.mp4 8.6M [TXT] 1. What You'll Make by the End of this Module.srt 3.6K [VID] 2. Navigation Controller Stacks and Segues.mp4 87M [TXT] 2. Navigation Controller Stacks and Segues.srt 20K [VID] 3. Typing Animations, Timers and For Loops.mp4 63M [TXT] 3. Typing Animations, Timers and For Loops.srt 13K [VID] 4. [Swift Deep Dive] Loops.mp4 80M [TXT] 4. [Swift Deep Dive] Loops.srt 22K [TXT] 5. Loops Coding Exercise.html 142 [TXT] 6. Fibonacci Solution Code File.html 2.0K [VID] 7. Introduction to 3rd Party Libaries.mp4 37M [TXT] 7. Introduction to 3rd Party Libaries.srt 8.6K [VID] 8. Cocoapods Installation Instructions.mp4 66M [TXT] 8. Cocoapods Installation Instructions.srt 12K [VID] 9. How to Install a Pod to your Project.mp4 43M [TXT] 9. How to Install a Pod to your Project.srt 9.4K [VID] 10. Potential Problems with Pod Installation.mp4 61M [TXT] 10. Potential Problems with Pod Installation.srt 12K [VID] 11. How to use the CLTypingLabel Pod.mp4 67M [TXT] 11. How to use the CLTypingLabel Pod.srt 11K [VID] 12. How to Choose your Package Manager.mp4 35M [TXT] 12. How to Choose your Package Manager.srt 6.7K [VID] 13. Adding Firebase to your Project.mp4 84M [TXT] 13. Adding Firebase to your Project.srt 13K [VID] 14. Registering New Users.mp4 104M [TXT] 14. Registering New Users.srt 20K [VID] 15. Logging in Existing Users.mp4 54M [TXT] 15. Logging in Existing Users.srt 11K [VID] 16. Logging Out Users.mp4 70M [TXT] 16. Logging Out Users.srt 13K [VID] 17. Using a Constants File and Understanding the static Keyword.mp4 74M [TXT] 17. Using a Constants File and Understanding the static Keyword.srt 13K [VID] 18. How to use a UITableView and Create a Message Model.mp4 141M [TXT] 18. How to use a UITableView and Create a Message Model.srt 23K [VID] 19. Customising Cells in a TableView using a .xib File.mp4 93M [TXT] 19. Customising Cells in a TableView using a .xib File.srt 17K [VID] 20. [Swift Deep Dive] Casting as as! as is and understanding Any.mp4 138M [TXT] 20. [Swift Deep Dive] Casting as as! as is and understanding Any.srt 31K [VID] 21. Database setup and Saving Data to Firestore.mp4 145M [TXT] 21. Database setup and Saving Data to Firestore.srt 22K [VID] 22. Retrieving Data from Firestore.mp4 129M [TXT] 22. Retrieving Data from Firestore.srt 18K [VID] 23. Listening for Updates on Firestore.mp4 35M [TXT] 23. Listening for Updates on Firestore.srt 6.1K [VID] 24. How to Sort Data retrieved from Firestore.mp4 52M [TXT] 24. How to Sort Data retrieved from Firestore.srt 9.0K [VID] 25. How to Manage the Keyboard and use the Swift Package Manager.mp4 105M [TXT] 25. How to Manage the Keyboard and use the Swift Package Manager.srt 19K [VID] 26. Finishing Touches UI and UX Improvements.mp4 231M [TXT] 26. Finishing Touches UI and UX Improvements.srt 34K [TXT] 27.1 Course Resources and Links.html 110 [VID] 27. The ViewController Lifecycle Explained.mp4 60M [TXT] 27. The ViewController Lifecycle Explained.srt 14K [TXT] 28.1 Course Resources and Links.html 110 [VID] 28. The App Lifecycle Methods Explained.mp4 85M [TXT] 28. The App Lifecycle Methods Explained.srt 15K [TXT] 29.1 Course Fixes Report an Issue.html 96 [TXT] 29. Download the Completed App Project.html 819 [VID] 30. Tip from Angela - Sleep is My Secret Weapon.mp4 83M [TXT] 30. Tip from Angela - Sleep is My Secret Weapon.srt 5.1K

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