Hey guys!

Welcome to the advanced Swift section. Well done on making it this far in the course!

In the advanced modules, we will be covering some of the more difficult parts of the Swift programming language as well as tackle some of the more complex parts of iOS development.

Now, in the beginner and intermediate sections, the tutorials/challenges are geared towards teaching you how to build things, add features, makeĀ  apps. But the advanced section is created to make you a better programmer. So that the apps you build will be more robust, reliable and scalable.

So it goes without saying that you definitely need to have completed the beginner and intermediate parts of the course before proceeding. Make sure that everything you've learnt so far already makes perfect sense before tackling the advanced section to make best use of your time.

I hope you'll enjoy learning from the tutorials as much as I did creating them!

All the best,

Your instructor, Angela