1 00:00:00,710 --> 00:00:01,360 Hey. 2 00:00:01,410 --> 00:00:03,600 Well done for making it through another module. 3 00:00:03,600 --> 00:00:08,770 Another last one had a particularly hard challenge so he made it this far then. 4 00:00:09,030 --> 00:00:11,010 Great job well done. 5 00:00:11,100 --> 00:00:14,320 Now I want to talk to you about. 6 00:00:15,750 --> 00:00:21,150 I guess like an experience I had when I was younger and I thought it was really formative for me. 7 00:00:21,570 --> 00:00:32,270 So when I was in my 16th year I really wanted to be the science prefect of the school. 8 00:00:32,340 --> 00:00:43,430 Basically this position where you get to curate a notice board with science news. 9 00:00:43,440 --> 00:00:48,940 You get to plan a science club for the younger children. 10 00:00:49,320 --> 00:00:52,940 And I for some reason just had my heart set on it. 11 00:00:52,950 --> 00:01:03,390 I loved everything to do with science and I spent all my days preparing like trying to be the best possible 12 00:01:03,390 --> 00:01:12,630 science prefect I could be like you know helping out and planning future experiments that I could do. 13 00:01:13,230 --> 00:01:26,590 But for some reason other the headmistress of the school she didn't really want this dream of mine I 14 00:01:26,590 --> 00:01:28,270 guess to come true. 15 00:01:28,270 --> 00:01:40,090 And I remember her telling me this 16 year old girl that you know at some point in life you have to 16 00:01:40,540 --> 00:01:44,620 experience what it's like to not get what you want. 17 00:01:44,770 --> 00:01:47,400 And you know kind of thinking back on. 18 00:01:47,420 --> 00:01:59,060 That's kind of cruel but you know especially to somebody who's so young and so bright eyed and so sets 19 00:01:59,150 --> 00:02:01,180 on this goal. 20 00:02:02,190 --> 00:02:11,320 It crushed me like the moment when she said that to me and told me that you know it's gonna go. 21 00:02:11,460 --> 00:02:14,850 The job is gonna go to somebody who doesn't want it. 22 00:02:16,380 --> 00:02:24,190 I remember going home that day and just bawling my eyes out like I was crying like there was no tomorrow. 23 00:02:24,240 --> 00:02:26,570 It's just like the injustice of it all. 24 00:02:26,580 --> 00:02:31,960 You know the fact that she told me that you know the reason is because you wanted too much. 25 00:02:31,970 --> 00:02:33,600 Like that's just crazy. 26 00:02:34,470 --> 00:02:45,100 And at the time you know my grandfather I remember him telling me that like you know there are so many 27 00:02:45,100 --> 00:02:49,840 things that he could have said to me he even said like Don't worry kid it's not your fault it's like 28 00:02:49,840 --> 00:02:59,780 it's just because the headmistress is you know races is because she's sexist those because you know 29 00:02:59,780 --> 00:03:01,230 you're an immigrant. 30 00:03:01,280 --> 00:03:08,390 Like there's just so many things that he could have that which could have been true but instead he just 31 00:03:08,390 --> 00:03:15,800 told me that you know there are things that you can change in life. 32 00:03:15,870 --> 00:03:19,050 And there are things that you can't change your life. 33 00:03:19,100 --> 00:03:24,920 The thing that you can't change you usually have to do with other people and the things that you can 34 00:03:24,920 --> 00:03:32,660 change are how you view a situation and how you act. 35 00:03:33,950 --> 00:03:38,820 So you can prove other people wrong. 36 00:03:38,860 --> 00:03:40,630 You can. 37 00:03:40,630 --> 00:03:48,340 You can become something you can do really well at things and you doing really well will make those 38 00:03:48,340 --> 00:03:57,640 people who've hurt you feel bad more than if you had just been spiteful or something. 39 00:03:57,670 --> 00:04:07,590 And I remember him telling me that you know try to get the best possible grades you can to to become 40 00:04:07,590 --> 00:04:09,240 the best possible person you can. 41 00:04:09,240 --> 00:04:16,160 And that's the best way of reuniting your event is to live a great life and be a great person. 42 00:04:16,380 --> 00:04:25,620 And I think you know I think back at know that moments like I had made the wrong conclusions how my 43 00:04:25,620 --> 00:04:29,280 life would have turned out to be you know if I had just decided that you know what. 44 00:04:30,720 --> 00:04:31,200 Whatever. 45 00:04:31,200 --> 00:04:32,990 I'm not going to do school anymore. 46 00:04:33,000 --> 00:04:38,030 I'm just going to go and give up on this whole thing because life isn't fair. 47 00:04:38,100 --> 00:04:44,620 And you know I think it was really really wise. 48 00:04:44,660 --> 00:04:52,160 The thing that my grandfather said because it really changed my outlook on life like things aren't fair. 49 00:04:52,560 --> 00:04:57,160 But how you interpret it and what you do. 50 00:04:57,270 --> 00:04:59,140 Are the things that you get to determine. 51 00:04:59,160 --> 00:05:07,040 So focus on those and I mean I feel like I'm rambling ahead but I hope there's something that would 52 00:05:07,040 --> 00:05:10,420 help you too from this story of mine. 53 00:05:10,500 --> 00:05:15,080 You know I know that you're probably in a situation where there are things that have happened to you 54 00:05:15,080 --> 00:05:21,900 or that are unfair that have made things more difficult and you have a choice to. 55 00:05:22,120 --> 00:05:28,820 You get to determine how you act and how you view those things those adversities. 56 00:05:28,820 --> 00:05:33,440 And if you make the right choices and live the best possible life you can. 57 00:05:34,010 --> 00:05:38,480 That's the best way of showing up the people who've hurt you. 58 00:05:39,080 --> 00:05:45,140 So this one's a little bit deep but I hope it was helpful to some of you anyway. 59 00:05:46,100 --> 00:05:53,090 Let me on Twitter if it's something that you can relate to and yeah keep going. 60 00:05:53,090 --> 00:06:00,200 Keep pushing for your future because you know you're the one who's in charge you can get.