0 1 00:00:00,430 --> 00:00:06,270 Well first question you should be asking yourself is what is the use of using my app for? 1 2 00:00:06,300 --> 00:00:09,390 What is the core functionality of my app? 2 3 00:00:09,420 --> 00:00:13,430 What is it that I have to get right in order for my app to be used? 3 4 00:00:13,440 --> 00:00:19,950 So show you what happens when a company doesn't think about this question or doesn't know the answer 4 5 00:00:19,950 --> 00:00:21,180 to this question. 5 6 00:00:21,420 --> 00:00:29,040 So there was a app called SitOrSquat that came out of the Bay Area a few years ago and it had a very 6 7 00:00:29,040 --> 00:00:30,270 simple concept. 7 8 00:00:30,300 --> 00:00:36,000 It was an app to help you find the nearest bathroom and it mapped out a whole bunch of bathrooms across 8 9 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:41,410 the city and allows you to geolocate which is the nearest one. 9 10 00:00:41,430 --> 00:00:48,200 Now that was all very well and good until it was bought by Charmin the toilet paper brand. 10 11 00:00:48,420 --> 00:00:53,220 And after some corporate adjustments this is the result. 11 12 00:00:53,250 --> 00:00:58,480 And I think you'll see that the user experience is less than optimal. 12 13 00:00:58,740 --> 00:01:05,100 So I want you to imagine that you're in the situation where you are desperate for the bathroom. 13 14 00:01:05,100 --> 00:01:06,890 You really need to pee. 14 15 00:01:07,020 --> 00:01:13,020 Now with this mindset you download the app called SitOrSquat promising you to find your closest toilet 15 16 00:01:13,380 --> 00:01:20,280 and the first screen that you see after the download is a terms and conditions or a EULA and use a license 16 17 00:01:20,280 --> 00:01:21,550 agreement screen. 17 18 00:01:21,630 --> 00:01:24,340 And remember this is not something that's enforced. 18 19 00:01:24,360 --> 00:01:30,990 You don't have to show this in the first instance to the user. Both AppStore say that by downloading the 19 20 00:01:30,990 --> 00:01:36,810 app the user is implicitly agreeing to the end user license agreement and as long as you have this available 20 21 00:01:36,870 --> 00:01:43,470 in some menu somewhere within your app then it is all good and legal. But Sitorsquat decided that 21 22 00:01:43,470 --> 00:01:47,510 this is the first green that you should have to read and accept. 22 23 00:01:47,520 --> 00:01:55,320 Next they ask you for your birthday and they ask it in a really condescending way by saying "We need 23 24 00:01:55,320 --> 00:01:58,280 to confirm that you have been potty trained" 24 25 00:01:58,380 --> 00:01:58,840 Right. 25 26 00:01:58,860 --> 00:02:08,250 So I'm desperate for the loo and I am going to use this really really awkward user interface and find 26 27 00:02:08,340 --> 00:02:09,850 my year of birth. 27 28 00:02:09,930 --> 00:02:15,870 You know, imagine if you're 40 years old and you have to click this button almost 30 times. A, the 28 29 00:02:15,870 --> 00:02:22,190 data is going to be pretty much invalid because nobody is going to bother to give an accurate entry. 29 30 00:02:22,200 --> 00:02:26,880 The next thing is that you're going to annoy the hell out of any users you have 30 31 00:02:26,880 --> 00:02:28,340 left at this stage. 31 32 00:02:28,630 --> 00:02:28,940 OK. 32 33 00:02:28,950 --> 00:02:36,800 So next you say "set" which is inherently confusing and it doesn't make any sense what's set what. 33 34 00:02:36,810 --> 00:02:43,020 And afterwards you could get a pop up that says "Unfortunately you did not meet our requirements to use 34 35 00:02:43,020 --> 00:02:44,100 SitOrSquat." 35 36 00:02:44,100 --> 00:02:47,000 What exactly are the requirements to finding a toilet? 36 37 00:02:47,040 --> 00:02:50,960 Because I'm seven years old and I'm not allowed to find the toilet? 37 38 00:02:50,970 --> 00:02:56,400 I mean it's not like I'm looking for the nearest pub. So this is stride what two or three by now. And 38 39 00:02:56,400 --> 00:03:02,100 then there's another five screens that you have to go through before they will find you the nearest 39 40 00:03:02,190 --> 00:03:03,240 bathroom. 40 41 00:03:03,240 --> 00:03:09,990 So if at this stage you haven't peed yourself yet, you will probably from hysterical laughter at the 41 42 00:03:09,990 --> 00:03:17,160 fact that this company thought that people would want to login with Facebook and share and review bathrooms 42 43 00:03:17,340 --> 00:03:20,490 all across the world. 43 44 00:03:20,760 --> 00:03:22,080 Yeah I don't think so. 44 45 00:03:22,080 --> 00:03:26,100 So this is a really really bad example. 45 46 00:03:26,100 --> 00:03:29,760 This is what we call an anti-pattern in user experience design. 46 47 00:03:29,910 --> 00:03:32,240 Do not make your apps like this. 47 48 00:03:32,250 --> 00:03:37,060 This is classically a company or a team who haven't thought about this question. 48 49 00:03:37,170 --> 00:03:45,330 What is the main thing that my users want to achieve with my app? If that main task is just finding a 49 50 00:03:45,330 --> 00:03:46,390 bathroom 50 51 00:03:46,440 --> 00:03:54,960 then you should make the process of completing that action as friction free as in as few steps as possible. 51 52 00:03:55,080 --> 00:03:59,920 And then afterwards you can think about you know asking them incrementally for more things. 52 53 00:03:59,940 --> 00:04:06,900 But the first thing to think about is knowing what is the core functionality of your app and trying 53 54 00:04:06,900 --> 00:04:11,720 to minimize the number of steps that it takes to achieve it within your app. 54 55 00:04:11,730 --> 00:04:20,340 Now this is a good example of how you should do it and this is the app for YPlan which is a event planning 55 56 00:04:20,340 --> 00:04:21,290 app essentially. 56 57 00:04:21,300 --> 00:04:25,780 So it's basically an app for people who are bad at planning but you want to do cool things. So you head 57 58 00:04:25,780 --> 00:04:31,710 into the app and the first screen that you see is "GO TODAY" "GO TOMORROW" "THIS WEEKEND". 58 59 00:04:31,710 --> 00:04:35,850 And that pretty much covers the end goal of 90 percent of your users. 59 60 00:04:35,850 --> 00:04:39,890 So you tap on go today and you can already start seeing events 60 61 00:04:39,930 --> 00:04:45,200 and within two taps you could be done and you could have booked your event using this app. 61 62 00:04:45,210 --> 00:04:50,580 So when you're mapping out a user's journey through your app which you're going to learn about in a 62 63 00:04:50,580 --> 00:04:57,120 later module in the hands on design process lessons, essentially we're thinking about what is the user's 63 64 00:04:57,120 --> 00:05:03,450 journey through the app and how can you minimize the steps that it takes for them to achieve the main 64 65 00:05:03,450 --> 00:05:04,450 goal. 65 66 00:05:04,590 --> 00:05:10,290 Now if you do one thing really well, then everything else is just an added bonus. 66 67 00:05:10,290 --> 00:05:15,360 So this is the right way to go and think about this question whenever you're making your app.