Script Func KillProcess($process) Local $hproc Local $pid = ProcessExists($process) If $pid = 0 Then Return EndIf $hproc = DllCall( "kernel32.dll", "hwnd", "OpenProcess", "dword", BitOR(0x0400,0x0004,0x0001), "int", 0, "dword", $pid) If UBound($hproc) > 0 Then If $hproc[0] = 0 Then Return Else Return EndIf $hproc = $hproc[0] Local $code = DllStructCreate("dword") $ret = DllCall( "kernel32.dll", "int", "TerminateProcess", "hwnd", $hproc, "uint", DllStructGetData($code,1)) Return EndFunc _JBSetSystem("xp") _JBStartAnalysis() _JBStartSniffer() ; copy the malware $NewFile = @SystemDir & "/" & "malware.dll" FileCopy("c:\malware.dll", $NewFile, 1) ; add the AppInit_DLLs entry RegWrite( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows", "AppInit_DLLs", "REG_SZ", "malware.dll") ; terminate the process so it restarts KillProcess("explorer.exe") Sleep(10000) _JBStopSniffer() _JBStopAnalysis() EndScript