#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUFSIZE 100 #define PI 3.14159265 void DieWithError(char* errorMessage); // You would notice I've been studying with this book : // "The pocket guide to TCP/IP sockets" :P typedef struct MagicBytes_{ long magic1; // Must be 0x46464952 long size; // sizeof(SpecialStruct1) + sizeof(SpecialStruct2)+4. // 4 is because the size is later subtracted with 4 when allocated. long magic2; // Must be 0x45564157 }MagicBytes; typedef struct SpecialStruct1_{ long magic; // Must be 0x20746d66 long structsize; // Must be 16 short const1; // Must be 1 short CounterUpdater; // Must be 1 long FdivDividor; // Must be between 4000 ~ 8000 long unused; short Calc1DivConst; // Must be over 2 short const2; // Must be 0x10 }SpecialStruct1; typedef struct SpecialStruct2_{ long magic; // 0x61746164 long structsize; // size of the Array short SinWave[2500]; // this is where the sinwave goes }SpecialStruct2; void DieWithError(char* errorMessage) { perror(errorMessage); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int sock; struct sockaddr_in ServAddr; unsigned short ServPort; char* servIP; char StrRecv[BUFSIZE]; int bytesRcvd, totalBytesRcvd; int mulconst, i, j; MagicBytes MB; SpecialStruct1 SS1; SpecialStruct2 SS2; servIP = ""; ServPort = 2600; if((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) DieWithError("socket() failed"); memset(&ServAddr,0,sizeof(ServAddr)); ServAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; ServAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(servIP); ServAddr.sin_port = htons(ServPort); if(connect(sock,(struct sockaddr*)&ServAddr,sizeof(ServAddr)) < 0) DieWithError("connect() failed"); if((bytesRcvd = recv(sock,StrRecv,BUFSIZE-1,0)) <= 0) DieWithError("recv failed 1"); StrRecv[bytesRcvd] = '\0'; // Receiving the 5 random Dwords to create the sin waves MB.magic1 = 0x46464952; MB.size = sizeof(SpecialStruct1) + sizeof(SpecialStruct2)+4; MB.magic2 = 0x45564157; // filling MB structure with the appropriate values SS1.magic = 0x20746d66; SS1.structsize = 16; SS1.const1 = 1; SS1.CounterUpdater = 1; SS1.FdivDividor = 4000; // Could be any value between 4000 ~ 8000 SS1.Calc1DivConst =2; // Must be 2, cause the program reads/stores the Array values in WORD size. SS1.const2 = 0x10; SS2.magic = 0x61746164; SS2.structsize = 5000; // Must be over 4000, cause SS2.structsize/SS1.Calc1DivConst must be over 2000. // The lower the value, the faster the calculation. for(i=0; i<5; i++){ for(j=0; j<500; j++){ mulconst = *((long*)StrRecv+i); SS2.SinWave[i*500+j] = 32767 * sin(2 * PI * mulconst * j / SS1.FdivDividor); // Generating 5 kinds of discretional sinwaves, each corresponding // to each of the received 5 random Dwords. // 32767 exists so the result would be an integer that fits in a WORD. } } if(send(sock,(char*)&MB,sizeof(MagicBytes),0) != sizeof(MagicBytes)) DieWithError("send() failed 1\n"); if(send(sock,(char*)&SS1,sizeof(SpecialStruct1),0) != sizeof(SpecialStruct1)) DieWithError("send() failed 2\n"); if(send(sock,(char*)&SS2,sizeof(SpecialStruct2),0) != sizeof(SpecialStruct2)) DieWithError("send() failed 3\n"); // Sending the structures along with the sin waves if((bytesRcvd = recv(sock,StrRecv,BUFSIZE-1,0)) <= 0) DieWithError("recv failed 2"); printf(StrRecv); // If all goes well, then the keyfile will be printed out close(sock); return 0; }