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Intel 08048 1980 MCS-48 Users Manual.pdf 44M
Intel 08048 1980 UPI 41A Users Manual.pdf 24M
Intel 08051 8051 Microcomputer Preliminary Architectural Specification May80.pdf 5.8M
Intel 08051 9800937-02 MCS-51 Macro Assembler Users Guide Sep81.pdf 18M
Intel 08051 sdk-51 assembly manual 121589-001.pdf 26M
Intel 08051 sdk-51 users guide 121588-002.pdf 44M
Intel 08085 9800301C 8080 8085 Assembly Language Programming Manual Nov78.pdf 4.8M
Intel 08086 210912-001 iAPX 86 88 186 188 Users Manual 1985.pdf 28M
Intel 08086 210954-002 iAPX 86, 88, 186 Microprocessors Part II Jul 84 NJ7P-S.pdf 3.0M
Intel 08086 210976-002 iAPX 86, 88, 186 Microprocessors Part I Ver 2.0 Jun 84 NJ7P-S.pdf 4.2M
Intel 08086 9800697B_SDK-86_Assembly_Manual_Nov78.pdf 1.8M
Intel 08086 9800698A SDK-86 Users Man Apr79.pdf 11M
Intel 08086 9800749-1 MCS-86 Assembly Language Reference Guide Oct78.pdf 4.8M
Intel 8008usersManualRev2 Nov72.pdf 5.9M
Intel 8008usersManualRev4 Nov73.pdf 12M
Intel 80186 210911-001 iAPX86 88 186 188 Programmers Reference 1983.pdf 32M
Intel 80186 210973-001 AP-186 Introduction to the 80186 Microprocessor Mar83.pdf 5.6M
Intel 80286 121960-001 1983 iAPX 286 Operating Systems Writers Guide 1983.pdf 8.2M
Intel 80286 210498-001 iAPX 286 Programmers Reference 1983.pdf 14M
Intel 80286 210498-003 iAPX 286 Programmers Reference 1985.pdf 33M
Intel 80286 210498-005 80286 and 80287 Programmers Reference Manual 1987.pdf 26M
Intel 80286 210760-002 80286 Hardware Reference Manual 1987.pdf 13M
Intel 80386 230985-001 80386 Programmers Reference Manual 1986.pdf 26M
Intel 80386 230985-003 386DX Microprocessor Programmers Reference Manual 1990.pdf 28M
Intel 80386 231499-001 80386 System Software Writers Guide 1987.pdf 11M
Intel 80386 231732-001 80386 Hardware Reference Manual 1986.pdf 15M
Intel 80386 231732-005 Intel386 DX Miroprocessor Hardware Reference Manual 1991.pdf 16M
Intel 80386 231917-001 80387 Programmers Reference Manual 1987.pdf 14M
Intel 80386 272485-001 80386EX Users Manual Feb95.pdf 2.7M
Intel 80486 240440-002 i486 Microprocessor Nov89.pdf 14M
Intel 80486 i486 Processor Programmers Reference Manual 1990.pdf 28M
Intel 121628-003 ASM86 Macro Assembler Operating Instructions Sep82.pdf 3.4M
Intel 121703-003 ASM86 Language Reference Manual Mar85.pdf 12M
Intel 121703-003 ASM86 Language Reference Manual Nov83.pdf 12M
Intel 121747-001 MCS 80 85 Relocatable Object Formats Mar81.pdf 1.0M
Intel 121748-001 8086 Relocatable Object Module Formats Nov81.pdf 4.1M
Intel 121756-003 AEDIT-86 Text Editor Users Guide Mar85.pdf 5.3M
Intel 121758-003 Debug-88 Users Manual Jul83.pdf 2.2M
Intel 121797-001 Microsoft Utility Software Nov81.pdf 2.3M
Intel 241428-004 Pentium Processor Family Developers Manual Volume 1 Jul95.pdf 30M
Intel 241429-004 Pentium Processor Family Developers Manual Volume 2 Jul95.pdf 32M
Intel 241430-004 Pentium Processor Family Developers Manual Volume 3 Jul95.pdf 47M
Intel 242690-001 Pentium Pro Family Developers Manual Volume 1 Jan96.pdf 18M
Intel 242691-001 Pentium Pro Family Developers Manual Volume 2 Jan96.pdf 27M
Intel 242692-001 Pentium Pro Family Developers Manual Volume 3 Jan96.pdf 25M
Intel dataBooks 1983 Microprocessors and Peripherals Handbook.pdf 71M
Intel dataBooks 1986 80386 Hardware Reference Manual.pdf 13M
Intel dataBooks 1987 80386 Hardware Reference Manual.pdf 13M
Intel dataBooks 1988 Microprocessors and Peripheral Handbook Volume 1.pdf 76M
Intel dataBooks 1989 Intel Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook Volume 1.pdf 110M
Intel dataBooks 1989 Intel Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook Volume 2.pdf 67M
Intel dataBooks 1990 80186 80188 80C186 80C188 Hardware Reference Manual.pdf 11M
Intel dataBooks 1990 Microprocessors.pdf 96M
Intel dataBooks 1990 i486 Microprocessor Hardware Reference Manual.pdf 33M
Intel dataBooks 1992 486 Programmers Reference Manual.pdf 43M
Intel dataBooks 1992 Multimedia and Supercomputing Processors.pdf 75M
Intel dataBooks 1993 Embedded Microcontrollers and Processors Volume 1.pdf 89M
Intel dataBooks 1995 Flash Memory Volume 1.pdf 84M
Intel dataBooks 1995 Flash Memory Volume 2.pdf 40M
Intel dataBooks 1996 Embedded Microprocessors.pdf 85M
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