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Icon  Name                                                                                               Size  
[Volver] Parent Directory - [Directorio] 017 Metasploit-TakeControlOfPC.rtfd/ - [Directorio] 014 pwnlab-explanation.rtfd/ - [Directorio] 013 SkyTower.rtfd/ - [VID] 014 PwnLab VM Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 719M [VID] 010 BrainPan VM Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 658M [VID] 017 Lab_Practice - Using Metasploit on Kali Linux To Take Control Of A User's PC.mp4 616M [VID] 021 IMF (Impossible Mission Force) VM Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 542M [VID] 015 GoldenEye VM Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 397M [VID] 020 SickOS VM Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 384M [VID] 012 DerpnStink VM Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 369M [VID] 016 ShellShock Enumeration and Exploitation (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures-CVE).mp4 359M [VID] 005 NetBios Enumeration.mp4 319M [VID] 019 Stapler VM Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 301M [VID] 008 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - LDAP Enumeration.mp4 297M [VID] 011 Turnkey VM Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 283M [VID] 007 Simple Network Management Protocol - SNMP Enumeration.mp4 254M [VID] 006 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - SMTP Enumeration.mp4 237M [VID] 022 Exploitation of Apache Struts (CVE 2017).mp4 228M [VID] 013 SkyTower VM Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 222M [VID] 023 Lampiao VM Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 216M [VID] 003 Kali Linux (Installation and Configuration).mp4 142M [VID] 024 Remote File Inclusion Attack (RFI).mp4 118M [VID] 002 Virtualbox (Installation and Configuration).mp4 98M [VID] 018 Wordpress Enumeration and Exploitation.mp4 96M [VID] 004 The concept of Enumeration.mp4 38M [VID] 009 Some Vulnerable Labs (VM) to Download for this Course.mp4 33M [VID] 025 Last_but_not_least.mp4 26M [VID] 001 Introduction.mp4 4.5M [Fichero PDF] 024 Remote-File-Inclusion-Attack.pdf 106K [TXT] 014 PwnLab VM Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 64K [TXT] 021 IMF (Impossible Mission Force) VM Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 55K [TXT] 010 BrainPan VM Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 50K [TXT] 017 Lab_Practice - Using Metasploit on Kali Linux To Take Control Of A User's PC.en.srt 46K [TXT] 015 GoldenEye VM Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 36K [TXT] 012 DerpnStink VM Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 31K [TXT] 019 Stapler VM Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 31K [TXT] 020 SickOS VM Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 29K [TXT] 005 NetBios Enumeration.en.srt 26K [TXT] 016 ShellShock Enumeration and Exploitation (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures-CVE).en.srt 25K [TXT] 011 Turnkey VM Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 24K [TXT] 006 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - SMTP Enumeration.en.srt 21K [TXT] 023 Lampiao VM Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 21K [TXT] 008 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - LDAP Enumeration.en.srt 20K [TXT] 013 SkyTower VM Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 20K [TXT] 007 Simple Network Management Protocol - SNMP Enumeration.en.srt 20K [   ] 021 IMF-ImpossibleMissionForce.rtf 19K [   ] 015 GoldenEye-OS.rtf 17K [TXT] 024 Remote File Inclusion Attack (RFI).en.srt 17K [TXT] 022 Exploitation of Apache Struts (CVE 2017).en.srt 14K [TXT] 002 Virtualbox (Installation and Configuration).en.srt 13K [   ] 019 Stapler-os.rtf 11K [   ] 012 VulnHubE8-DeRPnStiNK-ubuntu14.rtf 11K [TXT] 003 Kali Linux (Installation and Configuration).en.srt 11K [TXT] 018 Wordpress Enumeration and Exploitation.en.srt 6.8K [TXT] 004 The concept of Enumeration.en.srt 5.6K [   ] 023 Lampiao-os.rtf 4.1K [   ] 020 Sick-OS.rtf 3.8K [   ] 011 Turnkey-wordpress.rtf 3.6K [TXT] 010 brainPan-commands.txt 3.2K [   ] 016 Shellshock.rtf 2.8K [TXT] 009 Some Vulnerable Labs (VM) to Download for this Course.en.srt 2.6K [   ] 010 brainpan4.py 2.5K [   ] 010 brainpan3.py 1.6K [   ] 010 brainpan5.py 1.5K [TXT] 025 Last_but_not_least.en.srt 1.5K [   ] 009 Vulnerable-Labs-Links.rtf 1.4K [   ] 010 brainpan1.py 1.4K [   ] 010 brainfuzzer.py 1.0K [TXT] 022 Lecture-20ApacheStruts.txt 625 [   ] 010 brainpan2.py 589 [   ] 001 Introduction.en.srt 136