elhacker.INFO Downloads
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1. Introduction to Hooking the IAT.srt 1.6K
2.1 13-api-hooking-using-IAT.zip 2.1K
4. Reverse Engineering IAT Hooking.srt 3.6K
3. Practical Walkthrough on IAT Hooking.srt 3.9K
2. Explanation of the IAT Hooking Code.srt 7.9K
1.2 hooking the iat.pptx 35K
1.1 hooking the iat.pdf 391K
1. Introduction to Hooking the IAT.mp4 6.4M
3. Practical Walkthrough on IAT Hooking.mp4 44M
4. Reverse Engineering IAT Hooking.mp4 51M
2. Explanation of the IAT Hooking Code.mp4 69M